Spain x Romano-Some Help From Brother

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Portugal-João Henrique Lisboa-Carriedo
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Spain's P.O.V.
I hum happily as I cut up the tomatoes for the salad I'm making, my brother João is coming to stay for a week. I'm so excited for him to meet my friend Lovino as well. Of course I don't want to be just friends with Lovino so I'm hoping João can help me.

I place the tomato's in the salad bowl and hear footsteps behind me.

"Are those tomatoes?" Lovino asks

"Sí." I reply picking up a piece of diced tomato and pushing it into his mouth


He blushes and chews it, swallowing but still scowling a little.

"It's fine bastard." He mumbles

I glomp him, smiling happily and hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you like it Lovi, I grew it myself." I beam

"Don't let it go to your head bastard." He says and walks away

I finish the food and there is a knock on the door. My hands are to dirty so hopefully Lovino won't mind answering it.

Romano's P.O.V.
"Lovino can you answer the door please?" I hear Antonio call out and I grumble

I get up from my seat and walk to the front door. I make sure I look neat and then open the door, seeing a man with tanned skin, brown hair and green eyes. This must be Antonio's brother who he was telling me about.

"Hello, you must be Lovino." He says smiling "Antonio's told be a lot about you."

"S-Shut up!" I exclaim trying to hide a blush

"Aww I'm sorry, it's just a joke." He says placing a hand on my head

"João is that you?!" Antonio calls from the kitchen

"Yes, hello Toni!" João calls back

"Stop yelling, you can come in." I sigh and open the door to allow him to walk I

I follow him out of curiosity. He looks really similar to Antonio, he's really handsome... but that would mean I think Antonio is handsome. Do I think Antonio is handsome? Well he definitely isn't ugly, his eyes are always so shiny, he is always smiling, his body is amazing and his butt is the best I've ever seen.

I blush at this thought and we arrive in the kitchen.

"I thought you said Lovino was scary sometimes." João chuckles and place his hands on my shoulders "But he is so adorable."

I blush at his compliment and Antonio looks shocked. Yeah I know I come across as scared but I didn't think Antonio would actually tell someone that.

"When's dinner ready? I'm starving." I say and walk into the dining room to wait for my food

Spain's P.O.V.
I turn to face João who is smiling at me.

"You know I can tell you love Lovino." He says

"W-What?" I ask shocked, how did he know?

"It's pretty obvious, and he likes you to." He says and then leans across the counter, propped on his elbows "But then again, I think Lovino is cute, maybe I'll steal him away from you.

"You wouldn't dare!" I whisper-yell

"Maybe I would." He replies and then grabs some of the finished places of foods

Together we bring them out to the table and Lovino brightens up when he sees it. João quickly takes a seat next to Lovino which makes me feel jealous and angry. How dare he think he can be that close to my Lovi, even if he is my brother,

Romano's P.O.V.
As I'm eating I feel a hand placed on my leg and I look to see João smiling at me. He only just met me, and I was so cold to him, and he is acting like we're a couple. Even if he looks like Spain I don't want to be with anyone else though...

We finish eating and then move to the living room where I sit in a big comfy armchair and those two sit on the couch.

"So Lovino, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" João asks me

"Of course not!" I exclaim embarrassed

I notice Antonio lightly kick his shin but he just smiles thought the pan.

"Say, if you had to choose between Antonio and I, who would you choose?" João question

I blush even more and feel a little angry. I can't tell Antonio I love him because that will ruin all hopes of our friendship unless by some strange change he actually loves me back.

"Maybe even both?" João smirks

"S-Shut up bastardo!" I yell and run to my room, blushing a his worlds


I throw myself onto my bed and close my eyes, I'm not trying to cry or anything but the tears keep coming out. João has made me realise I love Antonio, and I don't want to see him leave me.

Portugal's P.O.V.
I smile at Lovino running away and turn toward my brother who looks concerned and upset about a Lovino.

"Why would you say that? He looked uncomfortable." Antonio asks me

"Well now you have an excuse to comfort him, why don't you go to him and kiss him or something?" I reply with a smile

I watch as he runs to Lovino's too, and sigh in contempt. Here I thought I was going to get a date with a hot, sexy Italian but instead I had to help my brother. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't help him.?

Spain's P.O.V.
I burst through Lovino's door and see him crying which makes me rush over to him and hold him tightly.

"What's wrong?" I ask while petting and brushing

"I don't really know, I'm just upset and frustrated at this point." He replies

I press a kiss to his forehead and brush his hair back.

"I have a confession, I love you." I whisper "I have for a long time and João made me realise I need to be faster or else someone will take you away."

"I love you to Antonio." He whispers back and we kiss each other deeply "Was your brother serious about me or did he just want, you know..."

"I don't know." I shrug pressing a kiss to his forehead

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