Switzerland x Fem!Reader-Snowed In

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Latvia-Raivis Galant
Liechtenstien-Lilli Zwingli
Switzerland-Vash Zwingli

(Y/n)-Your name
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(E/c)-Eye colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm sitting in the living room of my friends Vash and Lilli's house. Lilli and I have been friends for ages, since middle school. Her brother and I on the other hand don't really get along. It's not that I don't like him, it's that he doesn't like me.

I don't know what I did but every time he sees me he glares or asks why I'm here. I've learned to suck it up and let him do what he wants, he isn't going to ruin my friendship with Lilli so it doesn't matter.

"Hey (Y/n) are you thirsty?" Lilli asks me

"Yeah I am, want to go get milkshakes?" I ask

"Yeah let's go!" She giggles and we jump to our feet

As we stand up we hear footsteps making a mad dash to where we are. The door Burt's open and there is Vash with a shotgun.

"Is everything alright big bruder?" Lilli asks, looking a little scared at his outburst


"Are you going outside?" Vash asks

"Yeah we are, why do you want to come?" I offer

"You can't go outside!" He exclaims

"Why not? It's just milkshakes." Lilli asks confused

"Because, uhhh you could have an allergic reaction... to flowers?" Vash says trying desperately to make up an excuse

"But I'm not allergic to anything big bruder and it's winter." Lilli says, very confused at this point

Ohhh he's trying to make it so we can't go anywhere, he doesn't want Lilli to leave with me.

"Vash we'll be back before dinner I promise." I smile softly at him and his glare increases

"Fine I'm coming with you." He says and grabs his coat

Lilli and I go get on our coats and Vash grabs my arm. Before I can call out in shock he drags me into the kitchen.

"I don't want you around anymore." He whispers sharply

"What? Why?!" I exclaim shocked

"You're a bad influence." He says

"How?! I've never done anything wrong!" I say yanking my arm out of his grasp

"Well I just have a bad feeling about you." He says

"So you're willing to make your sister upset by not allowing her to be friends with me, all because you have a bad feeling are you kidding me?" I ask in shock "What did I ever do to you? Usually if someone dislikes me I have an idea of why but I've never been anything but nice to you. Even after you decided you hated me I was never rude."

His glare increases, if that's even possible and he pulls his gun out. My hear stops at the thought that he would shoot me. My eyes widen in fear and I take a step back. His grip loosens on the gun and he looks up at me guiltily. I walk away from him slowly and run to Lilli.

"Hey listen, I need to go home, but we can get milkshakes next time." I say quickly hugging her goodbye and rushing out of the door as fast as I can

Liechtenstein's P.O.V.
That was a little weird, (Y/n) looked like she was going to cry. What happened to her that she needs to go home so quickly? Usually she would give me an explanation as to why she needs to leave so quickly. Oh no, now I'm worried something has happened.

I walk to the kitchen where big bruder is standing looking a little upset.

"Big bruder, do you know what happened to (Y/n)?" I ask him

He looks up as if he wants to say something but can't form the words in his mouth.

"Hey Lilli, wha would you do if you just made the person you love hate you?" Vash asks me

"What? Do you like someone?" I ask

"I do, but she hates me now. If only I hadn't have been so mean to her." He says and walks away, still gripping his gun

I wonder what on earth happened. Did something happened wiht (Y/n)? I mean I know he has crush on her, it's so obvious but because big bruder is bad with emotions he was always kind of mean to her. She didn't seem to really care though...

Well then, I need to fix this somehow. Since they both can't do it then it's up to me. Lilli the matchmaker. But how can I fix this...

"Hmm! Oh I know!" I giggle to myself

I quickly run to my phone and send a message to my other friend Raivis. I'm going to ask (Y/n) to come help me with something at my house but I'll leave so she won't be able to talk to me. There is supposed to be a snow storm tomorrow night so they'll be stuck. That way they'll be forced to stay together. I'll go stay with Raivis so they won't have any other choice.

I'm pretty sure (Y/n) likes big bruder as well but they are just to scared to admit it to each other.

"Hehehe I'll make sure (Y/n) and big bruder live happily ever after and have thousands of children." I say to myself and run up to Vash's room

*Time skip to the next night*

Liechtenstein's P.O.V.
I bounce up the stars and knock on Vash's door. I hear footsteps and he yells out a yes.

"Big bruder, Raivis says he needs me to help him with uhh a recipe so I'm going, I'll be back before dinner." I giggle

"Be careful Lilli! Don't talk to strangers and don't pick up any wild animals." Vash says opening the door hugging me "But if you do then take two because they deserve to have friends."

He disappears back into his room and I giggle even more. My plan is working perfectly.

Switzerland's P.O.V.
I didn't really want to let Lilli go but after what I just did to her best friend I couldn't say no to her. It would make me feel even more guilty. Why did I do that to (Y/n)?

It doesn't make any sense. I have loved (Y/n) ever since I first saw her. I have never felt like this towards anyone so I didn't know how to show her. Her shiny (h/l) (h/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes are what captivated me. And now I might have lost them forever. If she knew I liked her it would make me look weak and I can never look less than anyone. I guess I got carried away and convinced her that I hated her.

I should apologise the next time I see her. I mean she thought I was gong to kill her so I definitely need to make it up to her. But what if I'm to awkward to apologise or she doesn't accept it?

A knock at the front door interrupts me from my thoughts. I walk downstairs to answer it. Who could that be? Lilli has a key and it's to early for her to be back. Normally people stay off of my property as I shoot when people come to my house.

I open the door and there stands (Y/n) looking little nervous. What's she doing here? I feel the cold weather and snow begins to fall. A snow storm is coming.

"O-Oh Sorry, Lilli asked me to come over to help her with a dress." She says looking down

"Lilli isn't here." I state

Why would Lilli ask her to come if she was leaving?... she planned this.

"If she's not here then I should go." She says stepping away

"Wait!" I say grabbing her arm softly "It's uhh cold outside, it's dangerous. Stay here for the night."

She looks at me with suspicion but allows me to pull her inside. I take her to the living room and sit her down on the couch.

"I uhh, need to apologise." I say

"N-No it's ok, you just don't like me." She sighs

"No I like you, a lot!" I yell

She stares at me shocked and confused.

"You do? But you always glare at me." She states

"I'm bad at emotions so I'm going to make this quick. I really like you, a lot but I'm horrible at talking with people so I pretended to hate you so I wouldn't seem weak to you" I say looking down

She places her hand on my cheek and softly pushed my head up to meet her eyes.

"Vash, I like you too. You aren't weak." She says and smiles

"I'm sorry I made you think I hated you." I say grasping her hand in mine

She smiles softly at me and all I want to do is kiss her soft lips. I lean in when the lights suddenly turn off. She jumps back and I try to find her body with my hands. I manage to find her and I wrap my arms around her trying to listen for any sounds.

"I think the power went out due to the snow." I finally conclude

"I see, uhh Vash." She says in an almost whisper, clinging to me "I'm really scared of the dark."

"I see... wait here." I say and I use my phone flashlight to find the fireplace

I throw in the wood and light a match, I don't usually use it as firewood costs money but if it's for (Y/n) then...

(Y/n) sits down on the ground by the fireplace and holds her hands up to the heat. I head upstairs to grab one of my guns incase someone decides now is the perfect time to rob my house. It has happened before.

After piling up with blankets I sit by the fireplace next to (Y/n). She rests her head on my shoulders and closes her eyes.

"Is the reason you were so mean to me really because you liked me?" She asks "Why did you say you had a bad feeling about me?"

"Because I didn't know what the feeling was, I assumed it was bad because it only happened when I talked to you. I guess it's because I was making you sad." I say "I guess that feeling was love."

I feel my face explode in a blush and I can't look into her eyes. I wish I could look at her after proclaiming my love but I just can't face her.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Really Vash? You love me?" I ask shocked "I love you too"

I press my lips to his cheek. At least that's what I friend to do but he turned around making me press my lips to his. We pull back in shock and he looks so cute while blushing. His blue eyes are wide in shock and his blond hair looks beautiful with the fire light reflecting off of it.

"S-Sorry." I say looking away

"Don't be." He replies and presses his lips to mine again

The time it's more passionate and much stronger, Vash tastes like chocolate and strawberries. His lips are soft and inviting. Suddenly Vash pulls back and his grip on me tight ends.

"Did you hear that?" He whispers

"Hear what?" I ask confused "Vash you're scaring me."

"We aren't alone. Stay here." He says as he lets go of me

He grabs his gun and turns off the safety. I really want to go with him but that would mean going into the darkness. I should just wait here. I take a deep breath when I hear a second pair of footsteps running and Vash seems to as well.

After that there is silence for a few seconds until I'm attacked from behind.

"Ahh!" I scream in shock

Whoever is on top of me tries to stab the back of my neck with a knife but I move out of the way.

"Vash Help!" I scream while trying to wriggle out of their grasp

The knife pierces my cheek which causes blood to trickle down my cheek. I freeze in shock and as they are about to cut my neck a shot rings out and it goes right through the strangers wrist, the knife drops next to my head and the person jumps off of me in pain.

I look up to see the shooter is Vash. After jumping to my feet I run behind Vash for protection. My attacker looks up to see a shotgun aimed right at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I swear I won't come here again." He says with tears beginning to form in his eyes

"Leave and never return." Vash growls "Or else I will kill you for touching my girlfriend."

Wait girlfriend?

The attacker runs out of the house, tripping over the coffee table and stubbing his toe but he gets out as quick as he can.

"Vash." I whisper trying to get his attention "You said girlfriend."

"I know, you're my girlfriend now." He states

He is so cute. I press my lips to his and giggle.

"Well then you're my boyfriend." I smile

"ich liebe dich." He whispers pressing his lips to mine

(German:Ich liebe dich-I love you)

"Ich liebe dich auch." I whisper back kissing him back

(German:Ich liebe dich auch-I love you too)

I just realised, Lilli set this up. She knew I was going to come here so she left so I would be stuck with her brother. Well I'll have to thank her later.

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