Spain x Romano-Sick

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Italy-Felicaino Vargas
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carried

Romano's P.O.V.
That Spanish bastardo has been annoying me all day, from the second I woke up he was sticking around me and tried to do all these nice things for me. I don't know why though, surely he likes Feliciano more than everyone, he's probably just after my inheritance


I started off the say with Antonio waking me up and giving me breakfast in bed. Then he took me out to the part and we got ice cream. After we came home we picked tomatoes and made tomato soup. See it was a horrible day?

Actually I guess it wasn't that bad but it just pisses me off that he wants to be around me so much. Why does it annoy me? Why do I hate it when people try to show me love? No, Antonio couldn't possibly love me...

It's time for me to go to bed now and I suddenly remember I left a crate of tomatoes outside and I need to go get them because they might get struck by lightning and they will all die. Well they aren't alive...

I head outside and the rain hits me hard. I am soaked but the water in seconds. I grab the crate ad the back food opens a second time to reveal Antonio.

"Hey Lovi~ What Are you doing around here?" He asks

"Don't-a call me that-a bastardo!" I yell "I'm just collecting the tomatoes I forgot to bring in."

"You're going to catch a cold, come inside quickly." He says and opens the door even more

Where I get inside he places a warm towel over me and I from a little. After placing down the crate I dry off my hair and yawn.

"Are you tired Lovi~?" Antonio asks pinching my cheek

"Don't-a touch me. Yes I am, Goodnight!" I yell and run up to my room

After closing the door I slide down it and place my head in my hands. My cheeks are burning up and I feel a little dizzy. Part of it is because Antonio looked so perfect but I don't know what the rest of it is. I should just try to sleep it off. I'll figure out the issue tomorrow.

After flicking off the light switch I crawl into my bed and snuggle under the covers. The first place my mind goes is to Antonio. Why the hell do I keep thinking of that bastardo! Who cares about his emerald green eyes, and chocolate brown hair, and his perfect body and amazing personality and enchanting accent...

I fall asleep with these thoughts and dream about Antonio and I. Maybe one day when he isn't a bastardo anymore I'll confess my feelings and we can live happily together forever...

*Time skip to morning*

Romano's P.O.V.
I wake up feeling shitty. I can barely move, my stomach is doing flips and I feel like I'm going throw up. When I try to stand up I felt dizzy and had to lay back down. I guess going out in the rain last night got me sick, oh well I'll do anything for tomato's.

I hear a knock at the door and I groan thinking about dealing with Antonio.

"Hey Lovi~" He says and comes in holding a breakfast tray "Is everything alright? You look pale."

"I feel-a fine bastardo!" I yell and then I interrupt myself with a coughing fit

"Are you sure? Because I think you're sick." Antonio says placing the breakfast try down and pressing his hand to my forehead "You have an extremely high fever!" He yells

"Shh, don't-a yell." I say and close my eyes

"Lo siento." He whispers "I'm going to get you medicine and you will be staying in bed all day."

(Spanish:Lo siento-I'm sorry)

He walks out of the door before I can protest and comes back a few minutes later with a medicine bottle. He pours a little bit onto the spoon and brings it over to my mouth. I try to move away but my head is held firmly in place by his fingers.

I try to move out of his grasp but he is to strong, soon enough the foul tasting medicine is in my mouth and I have swallowed it.

"You can sleep now." He says and softly kiss my forehead.

He walks out of the room and turns off the light. I close my eyes but I can't get to sleep. I wonder if I should ask Antonio to tell me a story or not...

Spain's P.O.V.
Awww my little tomato has a cold and needs me to take care of him, how adorable. I will gladly take care of him anyway, he doesn't usually let other people help him...

I can hear tossing and turning from his room. I should go in and check if he is ok. When I walk I'm I see my little tomato; red faced, sweating and panting heavily in his sleep. I need to look past how sexy he is and help him. Even though he is extremely distracting,

I wet a cool cloth and place it on his forehead. He opens his eyes but he doesn't glare at me. Huh this is a first.

"Is something wrong Lovi?" I ask

"Ngh I'm-a too hot and too cold and I-a just feel everything all at once." He says burying his face into his pillow

I smile softly and wrap him up in one of the quilts. I take off my shoes and lay next to him

"I'm doing to make you soup later so don't worry about what you will eat." I say

"Shut up-a you stupid bastardo." Lovino replies snuggling close to me

I don't say anything, I just wrap my arms around him and allow him to fall asleep on top of me. He is so cute when he's sick.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

Spain's P.O.V.
I have finished making tomato soup for my little Lovi and I'm waiting for him to wake up. Soon enough I hear a sneeze from upstairs. You can't sneeze when you're asleep so that must mean he has woken up.

I put the soup on the tray and bring it up to him. He looks at me with curiosity as I show him the soup. He sits up and tries to take it from me.

"No Lovi~ I'm going to feed you." I say and take a seat next to him

I put some soup on the spoon and hold it to his mouth.

"No way-a you bastardo! I can-a feed myself" I cut him off and place the spoon in his mouth

He blushes and swallows it.

"It's...good" He states

"I'm glad." I say and continue to feed him

After the soup is gone we decide to watch T.V. downstairs as Lovi won't be able to sleep anymore or else he can't sleep tonight.

I set up all of the blankets and make Lovi as comfortable as possible on the couch. He looks so cute all wrapped up in a little nest with only his head out. Hopefully he gets better soon so I can kiss him.

*Time skip to a week later*

Romano's P.O.V.
I've gotten over my cold but that Spanish bastard is still trying to help me with everything. I don't understand why he wants to be around me. He could have gotten sick as well... I'm not worth getting sick over...

I hear his footsteps coming up to my room and Antonio opens the door smiling. He has another bowl of tomato soup but o don't want It. I feel sick but for a different reason than a cloud.

"Antonio why?" I ask

"Why what?" He asks "If this is about still taking care of you when you're sick them it's because I want to make sure you're completely better."

He places the try down on my nightstand and smiles.

"No why are you helping-a me at all?!" I yell looking down "Why would you waste-a your time like this? I'm not-a worth it, wouldn't you-a rather go take care of Feliciano or something?!"

I feel a tear drop fall down my cheek as my heart sinks when he doesn't say anything. So I was right and now he's going to leave me. That's what you get when you fall in love with an idiot.

"Lovino look at me." He says as he sits down next to me

I slowly move my face up to him and before I can say anything his lips are pressed against mine, I'm to shocked to do anything but the kiss is over quickly.

"Lovi you are perfect." Antonio whispers "I want to spend my time with you because I love you. You aren't worthless or useless or any of those horrible things. You are amazing and don't ever forget that. There are people who care about you so much we would lay down our lives in the street for you."

I feel tears of happiness well up on my eyes and I hug the bastardo. So he really wants to be around me huh? This is the first time anyone has ever said anything like that.

I reach out my arms and hug him wiht all I have. I press my lips to his again and this tie the kiss is much longer. It's better than what I could have ever imagined. He is warm and tastes like cinnamon. When I pull back he kisses my forehead.

"So I'm guessing you like me to?" He asks

"Shut up-a you bastardo!" I say blushing "You're my boyfriend now and-a you can't do anything about it!"

"Aww Lovi you are to cute." He says pressing his lips to my cheek "Of course I'm your boyfriend."

I smile softly and look into his eyes. This is the happiest I've ever been and it's all thanks to that Spanish bastardo. I lay down in bed and he lays next to me.

"Y'know Lovi, if you're feeling better there are a few things we can do." He says placing his hand on my thigh

"Like-a what bastardo?" I say moving closer to him

His hand trails up higher and I blush at what he is doing.

"Oh I think you know Lovi~" He says and kisses my cheek

I roll over so I'm on top. I'll be fucked if I'm not the dominate one. I lean down to his ear and lick it.

"Ti amo." I whisper

(Italian-Ti amo-I love you)

"Te amo." He whispers back

(Spanish:Te amo-I love you)

This was the start of a very long and passion filled night. I'm glad I got sick now or else we never would have come to this. I guess everything happened for a reason.

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