Rich!Netherlands x Fem!Country!Servant!Reader-Don't Try To Change Me

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The Netherlands-Tim Van deg Berg

(Y/n)-Your name
(Mo/n)-Mothers name
Fa/n)-Fathers name
(L/n)-Last name
(C/n)-Country name
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(E/c)-Eye colour
(H/c)-Hair colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
A servant... that's all I'll ever be... how on earth did my life come to this? Oh wait I know... my parents sold me because they didn't have enough money.

There's more to my story though. I was born to (Mo/n) and (Fa/n) (L/n) and it was unknown to them that I was a country. They never bothered much with me and tried to hide me away from the rest of the world. I was very sickly and still am due to my country struggling through a famine.

When my parents ran out of money they decided to sell me to some strange man. He is my age and has spiky blond hair and green eyes. He has a scar on the right side of his head and he always wears a blue and white scarf.

His name is Tim but he doesn't know that I know he is The Netherlands. I have never told him about my country and the last thing I need is some stoneground country coming into mine and trying to control it.

The only possible way to make a country belong to you is taking the personification and making them live with you after you have gone into their country. But Tim doesn't know I'm a country so technically I'm not under his control.

I'm the county (C/n). I was forced to become a maid for him and I have to do everything around here. The only thing I don't have to do is cook because Tim always orders out because he doesn't want to mess up his kitchen. So Tim's basically an asshole.

I'm currently wiping down the staircase and I hear footsteps behind me. When I turn I'm met with a green eyed glare.

"Can I help you?" I ask bitterly

He stares at me for a little longer and I start to get annoyed, he's really starting to piss me off.

"What the hell do you want?!" I exclaim

He smirks and continues up the stairs with his stupid attractive face. I take a deep breath and turn back to the rail. I continue scrubbing as I get madder and madder at my situation.

"Fuck this." I say and throw my cloth down

I walk up to my room which is of course tiny and lock the door. I open up the window and look over the city, the sun is setting making it look beautiful. One day my country will look like this and i will be strong enough to live all my myself.

I hear a knock at the door and I sigh.

"What?" I ask

"Open this door." Tim's voice states

Ugh great.

I open the door and see him staring at me with his intimidating stare. He doesn't scare me.

"Can I help you?" I ask

"Why are you not doing your work?" He asks

"Why should I?" I question leaning against the door

"Because it's what you were brought here for." He states

"I'm not fucking doing your cleaning." I say trying to close the door

His foot jams it open and he stares right into my eyes.

"Watch your language." He states

"Oh I'm so fucking sorry." I reply

His eyes have a pained expression but I ignore it.

"I'm going to teach you how to be a proper lady." He says

"What?! Why?!" I yell

He grabs my arm and pulls me through the hallways. I try to break his grip on my but he's to strong for me. He pulls me into one of his rooms and grabs a (f/c) dress. He passes it to me and stares at me.

"What? Do you want me to wipe the counter with it?" I ask sarcastically

"I'll give you ten minutes to put it on." He says and walks out of the room

I grip my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror. I look pale and my (e/c) eyes look tired and full of anger. I guess I should get changed, it's better than this maid dress anyway. I slip off my clothes and pull the dress on. It actually looks really pretty but on me not so much...

My country must be getting worse and worse. I let out a cough and I see blood on my hand. After wiping it away I tell Tim he can come back in. When he does he looks me up and down.

"What are you playing at?" I ask

"You're very rude and ill-mannered, I'm going to teach you how to behave like a lady." He says

I sigh and follow after him when he leads me to the dinner table. I sit down and he places a bowl of soup in front of me. I reach over to a spoon and he slaps my hand softly.

"Wrong spoon, use this one." He says

I reach over for a different one and he nods. I spoon some up and bring it to my mouth. I make sure to slurp just to piss him off.

"Don't slurp." He states as coldly

I glare at him when I'm interrupted by another coughing fit. I cough into a napkin and I try to hide the blood.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"I'm fine, fuck off." I say averting my eyes

He stands up and walks over to me. He stares into my eyes and I start getting angry again. I need to calm down before I kill him.

"I've told you before, don't swear." He says sighing "Come with me."

I walk after him and we end up in the living room. He turns around and pins me to the wall. I don't feel any sort of embarrassment though, just anger.

"What is wrong with you?" He asks "Why are you always like this?"

"Like what? Care to expand on that?" I reply staring directly into his green eyes

"No matter what I do you hate me, no matter how nice I am you always stare at me with those cold (e/c) eyes." He states

"There are quite a few reasons I can think of for not liking you." I say

"It's because your parents sold you isn't it?" He questions, loosing some of the hardness in his voice "Your parents didn't want you and now you're a maid."

"You know what? You can go to hell!" I yell pushing him off of me, I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I take sharp breath in "It's not like I'm upset or anything because my parents didn't want me, it's not like I'd ever be upset that the two people who I'm supposed to be able to rely on anything for sold me to some strange person and now I'm suck living a life I have no control over and I can't even go back to my country."

He sighs and wraps his arms around me. I want to punch him off but something is telling me not to. It's been years since I last got hugged by someone.

"You miss your country?" He asks

"Of course What personifica-I mean person wouldn't?" I ask with a tear rolling down my cheek

"I don't think I've ever asked, what country are you from?" He says walking me over the couch and sitting next to me

"(C/n)" I reveal

"That country is getting worse by the day, there is a sickness going around." He sighs

I looks me up and down and frowns a little bit. I start to feel scared under his strong gaze.

"(C/n)?" He asks

"Yeah that's where I'm from." I state confused

"No, you're (C/n) aren't you?" He states "I can't believe I didn't notice earlier, you're always sick and always hungry but even so you stay stuck thin. You cough up blood and look tired all the time."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I say looking away

"I think you do, my country can help yours. Technically you're living at my house so your country is under me." He says with a deep breath

"NO!" I yell

He stares at me as though I've gone crazy.

"I don't want your help, the last think I need is to become dependant on another country and starting a war when I want to be independent!" I say balling my hands into fists

"Listen, I can help you. I know what it's like to be under someone's control.

I'm about to reject him when I feel extremely dizzy. I fall to the ground and start coughing up more blood.

"Listen, you shouldn't have tried to make me more of a lady or more mannered or whatever because it was never going to work." I say raspyly as my throat has become dry "You and I are different and I don't want you trying to change me. Just take me as I come because I'm never going to back down and become some perfect person."

"Why are you telling me this?" He asks

"Because I don't how much longer I'm going to be around, my country had taken a turn for the worse and I can feel it." I say closing my eyes an trying to focus on something

"I'm going to help your country, it doesn't matter what you say." He says and picks me up bridal style

I close my eyes and soon enough I pass out. If it's time for my country to end then so be it.

Netherlands' P.O.V.
I hold (Y/n) closer to me and try to make sure she is comfortable. I've known for a long time that things in (C/n) we're getting worse but it wasn't a country I had any connection with. Not to mention you can't help if you don't know the personification.

I open up the door to my room and lay her down on my bed. After covering her with the blanket I brush a strand of her (h/c) hair out of her face. I've loved her for so long and now I've found a way for her to get closer to me.

Sometimes I try to annoy her because she is cute when she's angry. I know she must be going through a lot of emotions as she was basically kicked out of home so I tried to make her stay here as easy as possible. But I guess I didn't really do a good job.

I go to my office and make a few calls to my boss. Her country is going to receive help very soo; but I don't know how I will handle her leaving me once her country is better.

*Time skip to a week later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I open my eyes and look around the strange room I'm in. It's beautiful with a big bed, a fireplace, a big fur rug and a couch with a table. There is a Netherlands flag on the wall. Ohh this is Tim's bedroom. Why the hell am I here?

Wait I don't feel any pain or sickness. What's going on why don't I feel any pain? The door cracks open and I see Tim walk in holding a tray of food.

"Good you're awake." He says sitting next to me

"What happened?! Why don't I feel sick?!" I ask

"Calm down everything is going to be okay." He says placing the breakfast tray down on the nightstand "Your county is doing better, I sent help into yours so you country isn't going to disappear."

He places his hand on my head and ruffles my hair.

"Why would you do that?" I ask

"Because I love you." He answers and passes me the breakfast tray

"Wait what?" I ask

"I love you, that's why I got you out of your family. They treated you horribly and I wanted you to be able to live happily." He answers

"Really? But I was your maid." I question

"I know, I forgot that other people don't like cleaning as much as I do." He says with a tiny smirk

I think I've been hiding my feelings from him to long. I mean he is really handsome and kind of sweet. But I just always thought badly of him because he made me work for him. I guess I should have given him a chance.

"How do you feel about me?" He asks

I look down awkwardly.

"I like you." I whisper "A lot."

He smiles and lifts my head. I realise how close he is and if we move out lips would touch, he leans closer and I can feel his hot breath on my lips. He finally presses his lips to mine and I kiss back straight away.

I feel happiness which is something I haven't felt for years. When he pulls back I realise that I still have another question to ask.

"Why did you try to make me act more like a lady?"I ask

"Because even if you weren't cleaning I still wanted a way to keep you around." He replies

I press my lips to his again and it is just as amazing as it was before. I guess I just need to calm down when meeting people. I'm glad I found Tim. Even though he's kind of intimidating and scary but he has a sweet side. He saved my country and promised that he would let me go. But strangely I don't want to. I want to stay with him forever.

"Ik hou van je." He says slowly trailing his lips down my neck

(Dutch:Ik hou van je- I love you)

"Ik hou ook van je." I reply with my hands trailing up to his heads

(Dutch:Ik hou ook van je-I love you too)

He starts sucking on my neck and I let out a moan. This is going to be a long day.

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