Ch.2 Training Time!

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(Y/n) Pov
"I was walking throughout the streets walking to a certain place that's opens within nighttime while texting Big sis how my first day was.As I'm walking I came to the face to face in front of the place that has neon lights."

(Y/n):"Nice to see this place hasn't changed much."

"I enter through the door and start descending down the stairs after a minute of walking down I soon reach a room that gave a bar like theme as I see two people standing behind the bar stand, I start walking up and take a seat on the Stool."

(A/n):"The guy on left is Sora and the girl on the right is May."

(Y/n):"Hello you two."

Sora:"Ah (Y/n) how was your day?"

(Y/n):"Ehh..can't complain it was interesting."

"I immediately hear glass sliding and I see a small cup of orange juice in front of me. I look to the side only to see May giving me a smile."

(Y/n):"Hey thanks May how are you?"

May:"Couldn't be better the boys just brought in the new bottles and cups. So I'm pretty excited to see the customers faces when they try this."

(Y/n):"Heh well that's good.*Chugs the orange juice.* Ahh~ glad to see business is running smoothly for you two."

May:"Heh heh darn right!"

"We spent a few minutes talking about anything that comes to mind life, their jobs, my first day at Hanzo Academy, etc. until I remembered I needed to ask them something since they're like the eyes, and ears that follow what's going on with things."

(Y/n):"So..I have to ask.."

Sora:"You're wanting know if anything new has popped up about "that?"

(Y/n):"Mmm..No I was wanting to ask something else."


(Y/n):"Have you two, Hana, or anyone in your work noticed anyone suspicious?"

Sora:"You may have to be more specific with details."

(Y/n):"*Sighs* Well have you noticed any girls with different uniforms than Hanzo's uniform attire?"

May:" that you mention it one of the workers did mention something about seeing a few girls with a black sailor uniform. Why do you ask?"

(Y/n):"Nothing just curious is all..."

May:"(Y/n)..I hope you aren't getting into any trouble.* She said sternly*"

(Y/n):"*Puts hands up* Hey come on this me we're talking about when have I ever got in any unnecessary trouble?"

May:"Well there was that one time that-"

(Y/n):"Hey,Hey! That was their fault not mine sheesh..(Actually didn't think she would even bring that moment up.)"

Sora:"Hmm well I advise that you should probably head to bed soon, it is a school night after all."

(Y/n):"Mmm..yeah I should otherwise I might get an earful tomorrow. Well I'll see you later Sora, May.*Puts a five dollar bill on the table.*"

Sora:"*Smiles* You too (Y/n)."

May:"Oi (Y/n) if you need me for anything you have our numbers in your cell just in case right?"

(Y/n):"*Gives a thumbs up* Yeah don't worry I'll call if it's important."

(Y/n):"Also tell Hana I said hi if you see her."

May:"We will."

"After that I left and headed straight home leaving me to my thoughts."

(Y/n):"(So it's clear that whoever is attacking us might be hired assassins or Shinobi's from another school. Though it's to early to say for sure.)"



(Y/n):"*Sighs*(All I can do is just guess. I could tell Kiriya sensei, but I fear that would probably make me look suspicious on how I even got the info.)"


(Y/n):"(In the meantime all of us will have to be more careful, now that we might have an enemy group after us.)"

"A few minutes later I managed to return home and locked everything and quickly headed straight to bed."

- - - - -Timeskip to the next day- - - - -

Ikaruga Pov

"Me and everyone else we're walking to school, although what Sensei talked about yesterday still lingers in my head."

- -Flashback- -


Kiriya:"*Nods* Yes considering everything you just told me. I would say the shinobi that attacked you is more likely a Kugutsu master."


"We all were repeating the word Kugutsu master trying to make sure what we heard was correct."

Kiriya:"Okay okay. How about picking one person to respond for the entire class."

Ikaruga:"*Raises hand* But why attack us? I mean they must have some kind of objective, what do you think it could be?"

Kiriya:"I can't say for sure. Be cautious."

Everyone:"Yes sir."

- -Flashback End- -

Ikaruga:"(Sensei is right the most we can do is remain vigilant.)"

Asuka:"Hey (Y/n)!"

"I look up to see (Y/n) ahead of us."

(Y/n):"Hmm?*Turns around* Oh good morning girls."

Asuka:"*Smiles* How are you?"

(Y/n):"*Smiles back* I'm doing fine."

Asuka:"That's good."

Katsuragi:"Heh heh.*Starts groping Asuka* Good to hear now I can stuff myself with a greater breakfast!"

Asuka:"Ahhh~ Kat! Not in front of (Y/n)!"

Ikaruga:"*Sighs* I apologize for Katsuragi's behavior."

(Y/n):"*Blushes* Eheh it's fine. I can tell that's how she is.(Or rather acts..)"

Katsuragi:"*Stills gropes Asuka* Heh heh see?  He doesn't seem to mind."

(Y/n):"Well..*Grabs Asuka and pulls her away from Katsuragi* Even if that's how you are I really don't want to go through this every morning."

Katsuragi:"Mann I was starting enjoy myself to.."

(Y/n):"You alright Asuka?"

Asuka:"*Still blushing a bit* Yeah..thank you."

(Y/n):"Your welcome. Now with that being said shall we get going?"

Ikaruga:"Yes let's."

"We continued to walk to the Academy with Asuka and Katsuragi messing around with each other, Hibari watching and laughing and Yagyu smiling at Hibari. I on the hand was still thinking on who our target could be? Well I was until (Y/n) came up to me and spoke up."

(Y/n):"Hey you alright Ikaruga?"

Ikaruga:"I..I suppose."

(Y/n):"Hmm...You still thinking about what sensei said yesterday?"

Ikaruga:"Yes. I have this feeling that we're about to face a something disastrous soon."



(Y/n):"What ever comes our way we'll handle it. After all that's what good Shinobi's do right?"

Ikaruga:"*Chuckles a little* Well yes I suppose your right."

"Yes for now we have time to collect our thoughts and train to prepare ourselves for when they attack next time."

- - - - -Timeskip with Chibi (Y/n) and Chibi Asuka eating Futamaki Rolls- - - - -

3rd Pov

In the field the Hanzo students are training Katsuragi, Ikaruga, and Yagyu all using their secret ninja arts, all while Asuka, Hibari, Kiriya, and (Y/n) stand and watch as the girls are going all out against each other causing a dust storm to appear before them, only to end a few minutes later with the three girls walking out of the dust storm with Kiriya Sensei complementing each of them even Yagyu while making a pun. This makes Asuka become a bit baffled at the word Kiriya Sensei used."

Asuka:"Is that even a word?"

Ikaruga:"A great mind isn't limited by adjectives found in the dictionary."

Kiriya:"Hahahaha! Oh you flatter me Ikaruga, but don't think that's going to earn you extra credit."


Kiriya:"Now then you two are up."

Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyu:"(What about (Y/n)?)"

Asuka/Hibari:"Yes sir!"

Kiriya:"Now good luck girls think you'll get to show off to your classmates?"

Asuka:"Yeah I sure hope so."

Hibari:"Um sensei? Can I ask a quick question?"

Kiriya:"Yes Hibari what is it?"

Hibari:"Well there's lots of creatures so how will I know which one is mine?"

Kiriya:"Well the choice is your's it can be a real creature or it can be fictional. Remember that the summoning is based off your characteristics."

Hibari:"Hmm...Okay! I think I know what I want to choose!"

"Hibari quickly goes to the edge of the cliff and starts to concentrate and after a few more seconds a large rabbit appears behind the cute girl. Once she turns around she starts jumping out of excitement and immediately gets on top of  the giant rabbit and travels throughout the hill, soon after that she comes back happy that she manage to summon her spirit animal."

Hibari:"I totally summoned a bunny!"

Kiriya:"You did I'm very proud of you rabbitatstly well done."

Asuka:"Now I know that can't be a real word."

(Y/n):"No kidding Sensei is "hopping" on one new joke to another."

Asuka:"*Playfully pushes your shoulder* Don't you start."

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Can't promise you that."

Asuka:"*Rolls her eyes* Sheesh."

"Soon everyone was complementing Hibari for successfully summoning her spirit animal with Sensei telling Asuka that it's her turn causing her to become quite nervous. She tries to concentrate summoning her spirit animal, but to no avail nothing happens. She even goes as far to use her thumbs to help, but still nothing."

(Y/n):"Hmmm she's really struggling to summon her spirit animal out.."

Katsuragi:"I wonder if something is holding her back?"

Ikaruga:"Not everyone is able to bring out their spirit animal out so soon. It will take some time."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah.(Come on Asuka you can do it.)"

"After a few more minutes have passed with Asuka looking a bit tired from trying to bring out her spirit animal Kiriya Sensei decided that everyone should take a break and was about to leave until Ikaruga wanted to ask Sensei something."

Kiriya:"What is it Ikaruga?"

Ikaruga:"What about (Y/n)? Isn't he going to bring out his spirit animal?"

Kiriya:"*Looks at (Y/n)* Would you like me to tell them?"

(Y/n):"Ehh sure I was going to tell them sooner or later.."

Kiriya:"Right. Well (Y/n) can't summon a spirit animal."

Katsuragi:"What do ya mean he can't?"

(Y/n):"I mean I literally can't summon an animal."

Ikaruga:"Have you at least tried?"

(Y/n):"Yeah I have, and the reason I can't is because I'm also a hunter."

Everyone:"A hunter?"

"And so (Y/n) explained the best he could to the girls as even he doesn't know his whole abilities as a hunter. Essentially a hunter are much like mercenaries, but much more superhuman, somewhat like tanks high endurance, strength, and stamina. Though unlike the Shinobi's they didn't care about blending in or scared of the public finding out about them."

Ikaruga:"How come we haven't heard about them until now?"

(Y/n):"Well that's because by the time they started to get a good footing on what they do they were overshadowed by the Shinobi's overtime."

Hibari:"So where are they now?"

(Y/n):"*Shrugs* I honestly don't know, they tend to move to different area's from time to time."

Asuka:"So that means..."

(Y/n):"You either get lucky and find them or in my own words "Happy Hunting".

Ikaruga:"I see."

(Y/n):"Well that's enough back history for now. Let's take a break."

"Soon afterwards everyone decided to follow (Y/n) to go and take a break Katsuragi, Yagyu, and Hibari we're relaxing in the kiddie pool, while (Y/n) just relaxing with his hands behind his head."

Hibari:"Why don't you join us Ikaruga?"

Ikaruga:"No thanks. Why waste a perfectly good shower?*Shes says as she walks into the shower room*"

Hibari:"*Splashes her feet around a bit* How about you (Y/n)? Do you want to join us?"

(Y/n):"Thanks, but I'm good for now."

Katsuragi:"So (Y/n)? Do you know anything else about being a Hunter?"

(Y/n):"I'm pretty sure I told you all I know so far."

Katsuragi:"Well is there anything we should know?"

(Y/n):"Anything else..Well I do know one thing is that the Hunter's do not like other Hunter's pairing up with Shinobi's."

Katsuragi:"How come?"

(Y/n):"Again I think it all boils down to them being put on the sidelines. So they abhor any Shinobi no matter who it is."

Katsuragi:"Even a well known Shinobi?"


Katsuragi:"Sheesh talk about holding a grudge.."

(Y/n):"Yep..Well that's all I know."

"Minutes have passed and Asuka comes in the same room where the others are and while walking Katsuragi grabs her ankles and pulls her into the kiddie pool causing her clothes to get wet. Causing her to groan a bit with her clothes being wet now."

Asuka:"Awww great now I have to hang my clothes up to dry.."

Hibari:"Well since your in the pool why don't you stay and play with us!"

Katsuragi:"Great idea Hibari! Why don't I help get you out of those clothes!"

Asuka:"Ahhh! Stop it Kat!"

"Asuka was struggling while Katsuragi was trying to get her clothes off and Yagyu commenting that she's very helpful until a smoke bomb exploded causing the girls to cough a bit."

Kiriya:"Hmmm? Katsuragi I don't recall teaching you that hold?"

Katsuragi:"Well..Ya see..."

Ikaruga:"*Comes in* Is there something wrong? I thought training was over?"

Kiriya:"No nothing is wrong. I just need to...where is (Y/n)?"

"Everyone looked in the spot (Y/n) was in only to see he was no longer there."

Katsuragi:"I guess he left the room? Weird he was just right here."

Kiriya:"Well in any case you girls can relay this info to him. Until I tell you ladies other wise I want you to not engage with the public."


Yagyu:"Is because of those puppets?"


Katsuragi:"Then let them attack us! We'll crush them so hard they'll be nothing but tooth picks!"

Kiriya:"Katsuragi! That is an order understood?"

Katsuragi:"A-aye yes sir."

- - - - - -Timeskip with Chibi (Y/n) and Hibari eating sweets- - - - - -

"The girls were all walking back home discussing the situation about Kiriya order's, Katsuragi being strongly against this."

Katsuragi:"Honestly we shouldn't even worry about something like wooden stools right Asuka?"

Asuka:"Ah..well I really wasn't there so I can't really say for sure.."

Katsuragi:"Oh yeah."

Ikaruga:"I might be wrong but I have a strange feeling Sensei may know more then he let's on."

Asuka:"I wonder what it could be?"

Katsuragi:"Your probably just being a bit to cautious."

Ikaruga:"....I hope your right..."

Yagyu:"It doesn't matter we've been given our orders and as Shinobi's we must follow those orders."

Hibari:"But what will we do if we get attacked again?*She ask a bit nervously*"

Yagyu:"*Smiles* Don't worry I'll protect you Hibari."

Hibari:"*Smiles* Okay!"

"Katsuragi sneaks up behind Asuka and starts groping her."

Katsuragi:"And I'll be sure to protect these wonderful melons!"

Asuka:"*Blushes and pushes Katsuragi* Knock it off Katsu!"

"Once Asuka pushes herself away from Katsuragi she trips and falls hitting her back behind a tree which causes a frog to hop in between Asuka's chest which causes the poor girl to freak out. Soon afterwards the girls manage to get the frog off of Asuka, making Ikaruga comment about how the great granddaughter of Hanzo is terrified of frogs of all things."

- - - - - -Later on that night- - - - - - -

"(Y/n) was on the same rooftop enjoying the view until he felt a familiar presence causing him to chuckle before commenting."

(Y/n):"You know I don't mind sharing this spot, but I have to this going to be our little met up Hanzo?"

Hanzo:"*Chuckles* Well every now and then. Also I received your letter what is it you want to talk about?"

(Y/n):"Asuka is having trouble trying to summon her spirit animal. If it's not to much trouble...maybe you can help her? I would try...but.."

Hanzo:"It's fine (Y/n) I know what your trying to say.. Anyway as her grandfather I want to help my granddaughter in any way."


Hanzo:"I'll visit her tomorrow. I was already going to visit anyway."

(Y/n):"*Bows* Thank you Hanzo."

Hanzo:"Now now there's no reason to thank me."

(Y/n):"Well with that being said I'll see you tomorrow then Hanzo."

Hanzo:"You too (Y/n).Ah! (Y/n)?"


Hanzo:"Actually can you assist me with something?"

(Y/n):"Yeah what is it?"

Hanzo:"Follow me and I'll show you."

(Y/n):"Oh boy..."

- - - - - -Timeskip with Chibi Katsuragi teasing (Y/n)- - - - - -

"Everyone was in the room with confused looks on their faces (except (Y/n)) on why a sushi stand was even here."


"Everyone except Asuka and (Y/n) backed away from the stand getting ready to fight until."

Hanzo:"*Pops up* Ta da!"


Everyone except (Y/n):"Grandpa?!"

Asuka:"*Hugs Hanzo* I missed you so much!"

Hanzo:"You couldn't have missed me to much it hasn't been that long since you left for school."

Ikaruga:"Asuka is he..."

Hanzo:"*Bows* Thank you so much for looking after my granddaughter."

Ikaruga:"The great Hanzo!*Bows*"

Katsuragi:"Oh crap! It's the legendary Shinobi!"

(Y/n) Pov
"After calming everyone down, me and Hanzo were making lunch, well Hanzo insisted that he can handle it but, I insisted as well that I help out considering he took time to hear me out with my letter."

Asuka:"So you set up a counter just to make us a meal?"

Hanzo:"I thought it would make the surprise even more special."

Ikaruga:"I would expect nothing less from the great Hanzo."

Hanzo:"Well it would have been a much more excruciating pain, but I had some help.*Looks over to you*"

Asuka:"You helped Grandpa with this?(That's very kind of him just like he was before.)"

(Y/n):"*Scratches the back of your head*It was nothing really."

Hanzo:"Hahaha! You really should give yourself a bit more credit."


Hanzo:"Well it was worth it. If I get to see your lovely smiles."

Ikaruga:"Wait..if your here then who's taking care of the shop?"

Asuka:"Grandpa decided to retire a few years ago. So it's just Mom and Dad who takes care of business."

Ikaruga:"Oh i see.."

Asuka:"Umm..are you okay?"

Ikaruga:"Yes. Your very fortunate have a wonderful family."

(Y/n):"....(I've seen that look before..Hell I know it all to well..)"

"A few minutes later me and Hanzo hand the girls some Futamaki Rolls. I decided to take one and enjoy myself a bit."

(Y/n):"So what do you girls think of the food?(Honestly hope I did well.)"

Katsuragi:"This is pretty good!"

Hibari:"It's amazing!"

Yagyu:"It's good."

Ikaruga:"I didn't think you were a cook as well (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah I have my big sister to thank for that."

Ikaruga:"You have a older sibling?"

(Y/n):"*Munches* Mmm..Yeah, but we're not blood related whatsoever...*Munches* Mmmm.."

Katsuragi:"Wait so why call her that then if she isn't even blood related?"

(Y/n):"*Swallows* Ahh..Well she's been watching over me..ever since I was young. So overtime I consider her family."


"She's doing it again. Did something happen with her and her family?"

(Y/n):"Hey you alright?"

Ikaruga:"U-um yes sorry about that."

(Y/n):"It's fine. Although...."

Ikaruga:"It's noth-"

(Y/n)*Places hand on her forehead and a hand on yours* Are you growing ill? I'm not a doctor, but I would advise getting plenty of rest if your feeling ill."

Ikaruga:"*Blushes* I-I'm f-fine..Thank you for showing concern though..."

(Y/n):"*Takes your hand off her head* No worries after all I do care about you girls."

"Katsuragi was about to say something until Asuka started to shout which caused us to turn and look at her."

Asuka:"You can't be serious grandpa there's no way a frog could be my spirit animal?!"

Hanzo:"I suppose I have no one but, myself to blame for not making sure if you were comfortable or not. It's a sad fate but! You must overcome it Asuka."

Asuka:"*Sighs* I'll do my best Grandpa.."

"After that we decided to help Asuka conquer her fear over Frogs and become more tolerant with them."

Asuka:"Thank you everyone but I feel it would be better if did this on my own."

(Y/n):"Hey Asuka."

Asuka:"Yeah (Y/n)..Kyaaaaa!! How did you find one so fast?!"

(Y/n):"Oh this? Yeah it's fake. It's one of those toys that can stick and stretch out."

Asuka:"*Slaps your shoulder* Sheesh you nearly gave me a heart attack."

Yagyu:"Why do you even have one of those?"

(Y/n):"Well I thought this would be good practice for her until we find a real frog."

Katsuragi:"Not sure how long that will last considering it's a toy."

(Y/n):"Well like I said practice with it. So here."


(Y/n):"No problem. I guess your "leaping" with joy. Practicing with a test dummy."

Asuka:"*Pouts* That was bad (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Meh I thought it was good."

"While Asuka was getting use to the looks of a toy frog while we still continued the search until I decided to use my Hunter's Perception and didn't see any until I turn around to see a lot of frogs coming near Asuka, heck if it wasn't obvious enough the croaking was also obvious too."

(Y/n):"Well I guess Asuka found them."

"Asuka Immediately jumped away from the frogs, though she slipped and accidentally bumped into me causing the both of us to fall into the pond."

Asuka:"*Blushes* Sorry.."

(Y/n):"It's fine. Let's just-"


"Asuka turns around only to see a frog on her leg causing her hug me very tight while shrieking in fear again. Once that frog situation was taken care of we went back to the Academy with us in the room with a pool of frogs and Asuka trying to get in the pool with the frogs....well at least she's trying. Well only for her to slip and fall into the pool causing a frog fly off into Ikaruga's skirt causing her to scream as well."

Ikaruga:"Kyaaa! (Y/n) don't look!"

(Y/n):"*Blushes* I'm not....(much)."

Hibari:"Asuka you should try that then your fear of frogs will be gone in no time."

Asuka:"I don't think that method is the best for me."

Ikaruga:"I can't take it anymore get these frogs off me!"

- - - - - -Timeskip with Chibi (Y/n) using his Hunter's Perception to see where Hibari is for hide n seek- - - - - - -

After that whole frog incident me, Asuka, and Ikaruga were gathering food to throw a party for Hanzo."

(Y/n):"You look like your thoughts are weighing on you. Is something wrong?"

Asuka:"It's just that..Grandpa is an amazing man and here I am not able to get over a tadpole I'm pathetic.."

Ikaruga:"What did I tell you? Don't rush these things."

Asuka:"Yeah..but I kinda feel I'm just holding you all back."

(Y/n):"*Pats Asuka's head* Don't worry you aren't. Besides we're a team so we help each other out.

Ikaruga:"(Y/n) is right we all know your a hard worker. So keep your chin up and continue doing your best."

Asuka:"*Blushes* Thanks (Y/n), Ikaruga.."

???:"Goodness these bean sprouts cost a fortune.."

"We then notice a blonde girl with a..unique attire which gives me an uncomfortable vibe."

(Y/n):"(Great pricey beans and a possible enemy in front of us..what's next a giant sword?)"

To be Continued....

- - - - - - - - -

(A/n):"Well another chapter finished, what did you guys think? Let me know in the comments below. Until then see you next chapter!"

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