Ch.3 Confrontation & Comfort

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(Y/n) Pov

"I use my Hunter's Perception and see that her aura is quite strong we will have to do something..."

???:"It's highway robbery wouldn't you say?"

(Y/n)*Leans to Ikaruga and whispers* We need to go."

Ikaruga:"*Leans in as well* I know."

Asuka:"Uhh sure..."

Ikaruga:"*Grabs Asuka's* Asuka we need to go.."

Asuka:"Hey what's wrong?"

(Y/n):"Sorry to make this talk short but, we have to go."

Ikaruga:"Kiriya Sensei said not to interact with the public-"

"The blonde girl fires at the sign but, just to be safe I caught it which made the girls look back to see me catching the arrow. Causing the girls to give attention their towards the blonde girl again."

???:"It's quite rude to ignore someone don't you think?"




???:"I'm quite surprised you caught that. You have a very good eye."

(Y/n):"You purposely aim for the sign you weren't going to hit her. Even if you were I still would have stopped it."

???:"Maybe I was...maybe I wasn't ."

(Y/n):"*Drops the dart* Well look I would rather not fight a lovely lady such as yourself if that's alright with you."

???:"Oh my~ quite the gentleman if I do say so. But don't worry my quarrel isn't with you. It's with her.*Points at Ikaruga*"

(Y/n):"Why? Are you two old friends or something?"

???:"Me and Her friends? You must be a joker if you think we're friends."

(Y/n):"Well then why are you-"

Ikaruga:"Let's go."

Asuka:"W-wait?! What's going on? Do you two know each other?!"

Ikaruga:"Sensei said we couldn't interact with the public."

???:"Such a shame and here I was wanting to chat more with you..."

"Shinobi Kekkai!"

(Y/n):"Tch..(Great I guess sensei's warnings are now out the window.)"

Ikaruga:"What do you with us?"

???:"You're the one I'm after. Aren't you the daughter of Japan's wealthiest businesses?"

Ikaruga:"What does it matter to you?"

???:"How does it feel to know you were raised by loving parents who showered you with nothing love and affection. You are quite the lucky girl indeed."

Asuka:"She must want to fight."

Ikaruga:"You two stand back let me handle this."

(Y/n):"Are you crazy?(She must have hit a soft spot.)"


Ikaruga:"Because...This girl has made it clear that I'm the one she wants."


Asuka:"This is crazy you should-*Feels a hand on her shoulder* (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"Let's just see how this goes.."

"Asuka wanted say something, but she decided to keep quiet and watch. Suddenly the blonde girl summons a...Giant sword..."

(Y/n):"(Did I just jinx myself?)"

Ikaruga:"Shinobi Transformation! I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you left me with no other option.*Shes says as she pulls out her sword*"

Ikaruga:"Now prepare yourself!"

"The blonde girl unleashed some purple shockwave which Ikaruga manages to block, but sadly the force causes her to fall on her knees. The blonde girl tries to strike Ikaruga down only for her to block the incoming attack at the last second."

(Y/n):(She's strong.)"

???:"Underestimating me? Quite a shame all that money can't give you any power!"

(Y/n):"(She must have real big grudge against the wealthy..)"

???:"Rose Melody!"

"As she charged straight for Ikaruga, Ikaruga managed to avoid her attack as she was about to strike the blonde girl from above which was a mistake as the blonde girl now had an opportunity to strike her in mid-air."

???:"Secret Ninja Art. Niflheim!"

(Y/n):"(Shit! Hunter's Shift don't fail me now!!)"

(Y/n):"Shinobi Transformation!"

(A/n):"Hunter's Shift is the ability which allows (Y/n) to boost his speed sadly it only last for a minute and he can use it again after five minutes so it's a very situational ability."

(Y/n):"(At the speed I'm going at I might not make it. I only have one option left. I manage to make it in time and shield Ikaruga, only for me to take the hit instead.)"

"I made it just in time for me to cover Ikaruga all while taking the attack from the back."


Ikaruga:"(Y/n) no!!"


"Asuka rushes over to us, with Ikaruga also breaking free from me shielding her to check any injuries. Well at the very least Ikaruga is alright, although this injury is going to sting like hell."

Asuka:"Are you alright?!

(Y/n):"*Coughs*...Yeah I'll live just a bit of a sting.."

Ikaruga:"You fool! I told you this was my battle why did you interfere?!"

(Y/n):"Eheh..not sure just acted on my instincts I guess."

???:"My, My is this the best that you good Shinobi's can do? Then again taking a hit like that on the back would injure anyone."

Ikaruga:"Why the hell are you even attacking us?"

???:"I would suggest you consider your choice of words. Seeing your friend just took an attack to the back."

???:"Well I suppose that's enough for now. If I continue to be around a rich girl like you would irritate me further. But don't worry I'll be back."

"And with that the Shinobi Kekkai disappears with both of our Shinobi Outfits reverting back to our school uniforms. Asuka and Ikaruga both helped me get on my feet."

(Y/n):"Thanks girls."

Ikaruga:"It's no trouble."

Asuka:"Are you sure you can walk after that?"

(Y/n):"(Great now I worried them.) Yeah like I said don't worry just a bit of sting is all."

Asuka:"Well...Alright just let us know if it gets any worse."

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Don't worry I will."

"After that we started making our way back to the Academy with us informing the others about our sudden confrontation. Causing some of them to become a little worried and wondering if I was okay, with me telling them that I'm fine. I was looking at Ikaruga and I guess that the conversation with that blonde girl must have really hit a soft spot with her."

(Y/n):"Hey you alright Ikaruga?"

Ikaruga:"*Smiles* Yes don't worry I'm fine."

(Y/n):"(Liar I've seen others force a smile like that before your not fooling me.)"

Yagyu:"*Has food in her mouth* What about you (Y/n)? How are your injuries?"

Hibari:"Does it still hurt?*She asked concerned*"

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Heh nah don't worry I can handle things like this."

Yagyu:"Well make sure not to push yourself to much."

(Y/n):"Heh heh don't worry I won't."

Kiriya:"Ikaruga. May I have a moment?"

Hibari:"Is something wrong?"

Kiriya:"Don't worry just finish your dinner."

Hanzo:"How cute."


Hanzo:"I can tell you girls are really great friends."

Hibari:"Yeah we're the bestest of friends!"

Yagyu:"I'm just doing what I can to make sure Hibari stays out of trouble."

(Y/n):"Really? I've seen you smile when your tagging along with Hibari."

"Out of embarrassment Yagyu tries to chop me on the head, only for me to catch her hand, causing her to be surprised."

(Y/n):"*Smirks* You do realize that your face is a bit flushed right?"

Yagyu:"*Blushes even more*......."

Hanzo:"Hahaha! Well I can see that you two are very close. So close that you take bathes together?"

(Y/n):"(Easy there Hanzo don't want to be in a immediate retirement..)"

Hibari:"Yes sir! We even wash our backs and everything."

Hanzo:"Well if you girls ever need any assistance I'm an excellent back washers."

Asuka:"Grandpa what I tell you about perving out at my friends."

Hanzo:"I'm not perving out I'm simply offering my services!"

(Y/n):"Quite the extreme services Hanzo."

Hanzo:"C-come now (Y/n) surely you understand me?"

(Y/n):"(Why the hell are you involving me into this?)"

(Y/n):"*Sighs* I guess."

Asuka:"(Y/n) don't side with Grandpa on this!"

(Y/n):"Uhh Asuka..."

"Just then Katsuragi started groping Asuka claiming that Hanzo is going through some groping disease, all while Hanzo was walking away chuckling to himself. A few minutes passed and we see Ikaruga coming back but didn't come in as she was still behind the door, only for Katsuragi to come to her instead an open the door."

Katsuragi:"You just gonna stand here all day?"

Ikaruga:"No I felt someone was watching me.."


"We immediately rushed past Ikaruga to see if anyone was there, but no one was there. At least not to the human eyes, so I decided to use my Hunter's Perception and Ikaruga was right there was someone here but their aura is slowly leaving from my view."

Asuka:"Anything (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"*Shakes Head* Whatever it was it left my view sadly."

Yagyu:"I wonder who it could be?"

Ikaruga:"Well now that they're gone let's get back to the party, we got half an hour left then hitting the hay."

Everyone:"Yes ma'am."

Katsuragi:"What kinda of party ends before sunset?"

"We went back to enjoying the celebration party and for the most part we were having fun but, while we were enjoying ourselves I couldn't help but take glances at Ikaruga who looked like she had a lot on her mind but tried to act like it was nothing. Though if anything I can tell that it was still bothering her. Soon afterwards we all went home well except for me as I decided to head out to go and see May and Sora all while texting Big Sis how my day has gone.

(Y/n) Text Message:"Hey Sis how's it going with the mission? As for me my day went well. Kiriya Sensei took us out to summon our Spirit Animals, and I told my friends about me being half hunter. Other than that we also encounter a evil shinobi, thankfully we came out with a few scratches nothing Life threatening. I'll update you as soon as possible with anything interesting at school."

(Y/n):"Annnndd send. Yeesh all that typing deserves some delicious orange juice and I know just the place that has some. Besides the grocery store."

"Once I got done sending the message I made my way to the bar, once I did I opened the door, and went down the stairs and saw May and Sora as they saw me as well."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/n):"Love this game. Let me know has anyone else ever played this before."

Sora:"Good evening (Y/n). The usual?"

(Y/n):"Yeah sounds good."

"Sora quickly prepared me a nice short cup of orange juice and slid it down to me, just how I like it."

(Y/n):"Thank you my good sir."

Sora:"*Chuckles* Really? Good sir? I never heard you talk like that before."

(Y/n):"True..I'm probably never saying that again.."

May:"Never say never."

(Y/n):"*Smirks* But you just did."

May:"Oi don't push it otherwise no more orange juice."

(Y/n):"Okay okay sheesh..(May really knows what cards to play.)

May:"Anyway someone is here to see you."

(Y/n):"And who would tha-"

"Before I could even finish I was tackled to the ground by someone who ever it was. Once I slowly open my eyes I see Hana."

Hana:"*Rubs her cheeks with yours* Hi (Y/n) it's so good to see you again! How have you been? What have you-"

(Y/n):"Uh Hana as much as I enjoy seeing you again and your hugs as well could you at least let me stand up?"

Hana:"Oh! *Lets go* Uh sorry about that!"

(Y/n):"Heh it's fine Hana."

"The both of us got up and sat back down on the stools."

(Y/n):"Anyway as for your questions. I've been doing well. As for my sister she's out with her parents on a mission. And I've been honing my skills pretty well."

Hana:"But I didn't even ask you those questions yet."

(Y/n):"Didn't have to, I guess I already knew what you were going to say."

Hana:"What are you a mind reader?"

(Y/n):"*Smirks* Yeah I'm also a psychic as well."

Hana:"Now I know your just messing with me."

(Y/n):"*Pats head*Heh my bad, my bad.(Trust me I don't want a repeat of last time I teased you too much.)"


(Y/n):"*Chuckles* Anyway how have you been?"

Hana:"Oh! It's been great! My classmates have been very kind to me and I've been working my butt off when it comes to training!"

(Y/n):"Sounds like you've been busy."

Hana:"*Nods and smiles* Yes! I have and I would love to have a rematch with you one day!"

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Don't worry we will."

Hana:"*Smiles even more* I'll be holding you to that."

May:"Just make sure not to fight in here you love birds."

Hana:"*Blushes madly* Wha-wha.."

(Y/n):"*Blushes as well* May please..."

May:"Heh heh I'm only joking! It seems like you two took it to heart."

(Y/n):"*Still blushing*......."

Hana:"*Still blushing* A-Anyway what else have you been doing?"

(Y/n):"O-oh umm well..."

"I discussed to Hana about most of the days that went by at Hanzo Academy as Hana discuss her days at being at a all girls school academy and everyday seemed fun for her. We continued talking about different things until we heard a someone else coming in and as soon as I turned around I saw that it was someone very familiar to me which made me a little surprised."

May:"Hello what can I get for you today?"

???:"None for me. Just came to enjoy the atmosphere."

May:"Ah okay..well if you need anything just call for us."

???:"Thank you very much."

"This woman sat right next to me on my right side as Hana was on the other side a bit nervous due to how quiet I got."

Hana:"*Whispers* (Y/n) who is she?"

(Y/n):"*Whispers back* My auntie."

Auntie:"Hello (Y/n). How have you been?"

(Y/n):"I've been okay.What about you?"

Auntie:"I've been well. How has school life been? Make any friends? Join any clubs?"

(Y/n):"It's been well. I've made some friends. And no I didn't join any clubs.."

Auntie:"I see well it's nice to see your life has been going well."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah....How has the tribe been?"

Auntie:"We been managing some of us have been given the assignment to spread out and search for any jobs."

(Y/n):"Hmmm..Hows that going?"

Auntie:"My progress has been a bit slow, but I'll pull through."

(Y/n):"That's good. Also this my friend Hana."

Hana:"H-hi there.."

Auntie:"So your (Y/n)'s friend?"

Hana:"Y-yes ma'am!(Her aura feels so fierce.)"

Auntie:"I see....."

Auntie:"That's great! I'm so happy to meet one of my nephew's friends!"

Hana:"E-eh?!(Her personality changed so quick!)"

Auntie:"So are you friends? Or something more? You look like a girl (Y/n) may like."

Hana:"U-uh well...(Why is everyone quick to assume that?)"

(Y/n):"*Sighs* Auntie'll make her explode red if you keep asking.."

Auntie:"Does that mean she is? Or possibly soon?"


Auntie:"Sorry. Sorry. It's just I hardly have the time to come by and see you is all."

(Y/n):"I know.*Looks at the clock*"

Sora:"So you noticed as well?"

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah I got school after all."

Hana:"I wish our chats didn't have to

Auntie:"Agreed I wish I could spend more time with you but.."

(Y/n):"Don't worry it's because of the Tribe right? Don't worry you know where I live so you can come by and visit me when you have free time. Same goes for you Hana."

Hana:"*Smiles* Thanks (Y/n)."

(Y/n)'s Aunt:"*Smiles* I see. I guess I have no reason to worry."

(Y/n):"Yeah. Don't worry I won't be like that again."

Hana:"Like what again?"

(Y/n):"'s something I'll tell you another time."


(Y/n):"*Gets up and places a five dollar bill on the table* Heh I'll see you later Hana. And Sora tell May I said thanks for the orange juice."

Sora:"Will do."

Auntie:"I should take my leave as well."

Hana:"See you later (Y/n)! Also it was nice meeting you (Y/n)'s Aunt!"

"I smile and nodded and my Aunt gave a soft smile and wave bye to Hana. After that we left the bar and started walking with just silence until decided to speak up."

(Y/n):"Nice clothes I thought the tribe didn't care about blending in?"

Auntie:"Well no we don't but hey the clothes aren't bad so I thought why not?"

(Y/n):"Mmm..your actually another person that's more laid back along with a few others."

Auntie:"Hmm well your father was also another one who didn't care much about the rules. He was always getting yelled at when we were young."

(Y/n):"Heh sounds like a true role model."

Auntie:"Funny enough I do consider him a role model. He taught me a few things one of them being less strict."


Auntie:"That's why I want to try to improve as much as I can and not just me I want to try to help others as well. So (Y/n) if you ever need help you have my number."

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Yeah I will if things ever get bad or if I want to just talk."

Auntie:"Well I should stop here. I'll talk to you later (Y/n) make sure to be safe."

(Y/n):"Yeah don't worry I will."

"We hugged for a bit before we let go and started walking away from each other with me walking and making it back home. After I locked the door and went upstairs to my room and immediately switched to my sleepwear and laid in the bed ready for tomorrow. Until I remembered something I feel completely dumb for."

(Y/n):".....Shit I just remember Sensei said not to engage with the public..."

(Y/n):"*Shrugs shoulders* Ehh I'm sure it will be fine."

- - - - -Timeskip with Chibi Sara training Chibi (Y/n)- - - - -

"The next day came by and I immediately noticed Ikaruga's mood has gotten a bit worse as she looked like she was ready to snap at any second. Even during our training time she seemed to have something critical to say about what we did to the point where a fight nearly broke out between her and Katsuragi until Asuka brought some Futamaki Rolls to defuse the situation. Everyone grabbed one including me and I went and sat right next to Ikaruga."


(Y/n):"How are you feeling?"

Ikaruga:"A little better I suppose...."

(Y/n):"That's good."

Ikaruga:"I..I apologize for being strict on you.."

(Y/n):"Its water under the bridge. I can tell that something was eating at you."

Ikaruga:"You did? Was I that obvious?"

(Y/n):"Well I could tell that what that blonde girl said hit some soft spot with you. That and something with your family."


(Y/n):"You don't have to answer just give me a yes or no. Is that okay?"


(Y/n):"Is there something going on with your family or family member? Like a fight or argument?"


(Y/n):"Hmmm I see. Well I can understand your situation somewhat."

Ikaruga:"You can?"

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah remember how I said Hunter's were overshadowed by Shinobi's?"

Ikaruga:"*Nods* Yes."

(Y/n):" Well after a while they began hating every Shinobi and I mean every Shinobi..."

Ikaruga:"You mean.."

(Y/n):"Yeah even me. All because I'm half Shinobi.."

Ikaruga:"That's terrible....but why tell me this?"

(Y/n):"I guess...I saw how troubled you looked after that fight. I wanted to let you know that you don't have go through this alone."

Ikaruga:"What do you mean?"

(Y/n):"Ikaruga your a smart, calm, and intelligent, and lovely girl."


(Y/n):"Plus not to mention your like the big sister of the group."

Ikaruga:"I am?....*Giggles* Yes now that I put some thought into it I guess so."

(Y/n):"So Ikaruga don't worry, one loss doesn't equal a immediate failure. If anything take it as a learning experience. Plus we're a team we care for one another."

Ikaruga:"*Smiles* Yes thank you (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Ehh no need to thank me. All I did really was talk to you."

Ikaruga:"*Shakes her head* No you help me get out of a slump I put myself through."

(Y/n):"Well I'm glad I could help."

Ikaruga:"*Hugs you* You did. Even if you think you didn't."

"After that Ikaruga stopped hugging me and got up and went to the girls with a much better mood. Which is sign that she's going to be okay for now."

Hanzo:"I see the talk went well."

(Y/n):"Yeah. I'm just doing what I can to help out the girls."

Hanzo:"I must say your doing fine job, but.."


Hanzo:"Just as your helping them, you shouldn't be afraid to let them help you."


- - - -Timeskip with Chibi Hana and (Y/n) chugging a lot of orange juice- - - -

3rd Pov

"Soon Ikaruga wanted to continue helping Asuka getting use to Frogs during training let's just say getting even close to a frog caused the poor girl to scream a lot due to how they looked which made the others question whether she was going to be alright or not which after sometime has passed she manage to conquer her fear over frogs with her even successfully her Secret Ninja Art."

Asuka:"I did it!"

Katsuragi:"That's awesome!"

Hibari:"Yeah no kidding!"

(Y/n):"*Smiles* Great job Asuka."

Yagyu:"I'm impressed."

Ikaruga:"That was amazing you did great!"

Asuka:"Hey Grandpa pretty great for my first try right!?"

Hanzo:"You were spectacular Asuka."

Kiriya:"I am curious. How did help her conquer her fears?"

(Y/n):"Yeah I'm curious as well."

Ikaruga:"She was convincing herself that she was scared of frogs so I made it seem a frog was in danger and once she saved it her fears vanished."

(Y/n):"That's amazing Ikaruga."

Kiriya:"*Chuckles* I agree it even puts me to shame."

Ikaruga:"It's my duty to help the others."

Ikaruga:"*Turns and looks at you smiling* I have you to thank for reminding me."

(Y/n):"*Scratches cheek* Ehh it was nothing really.."

Hanzo:"I hope the girls will realize how lucky they are to have you Ikaruga. You really are like a big sister to them."

Ikaruga:"*Smiles* Yes I couldn't agree more."

To be Continued.

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(A/n):"Hey everyone I'm back with another chapter for y'all to enjoy. So with that being said let me know what you think of this chapter and until then see you next time!"

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