A Choice

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No intro, just read....

There are two types of people in school. There are the Popular kids, these people generally will socialize with anyone who is of the same social status and will usually avoid the second group of people. This second group of people are the Nerds. These people are usually bullied or insulted in the corridors and not many people liked them, any popular kid who was seen speaking to them (or worse) were cast out by these popular kids and seen as the lowest of the low. The Social Outcasts, they were called. Nobody ever talked to them and only other social outcasts or often Nerds, would ever let them speak to them.

Astrid was one of these people. She was the nerd. But not just that, the nerdiest nerd there was. She wore glasses that were almost as big as her face and she always had her hair in a braid; it was never down. Whilst other girls wore tight tops and skinny jeans to show off their figures, Astrid just wore baggy clothes and kept herself to herself. She wasn't bullied in school as her father was the Headmaster, so nobody dared touch her, but outside of school was a different matter. Neither was it like her father cared, she would come home battle-scared and he would just wave it off as if it were nothing. She hated her life.

Hiccup, on the other hand, was one of the most popular kids in school. He was the teenage heart throb of the school. Every girl wanted to go out with him, even Astrid (yet she would never admit it) and even though Hiccup had a girlfriend, girls still threw themselves at him. Hoping they still had a chance. His girlfriend, Heather, was the worst of the worst. She was the most popular girl in school and every guy wanted her (I guess they are a perfect match huh?), but Heather hated Astrid. Astrid was seen as the prettiest girl in school, yet no one would ever admit that because, well, she was a nerd and nerds don't mix with the popular kids. It didn't help that her father was the Head either.

One day Astrid was walking down the corridor, books held tight to her chest like a shield. her mind was elsewhere and that's when she bumped into him.

"Hey! Watch it!" A gruff, boyish voice yelled out as Astrid's books fell on the floor and knocked both her and the boy over onto the ground. Astrid felt around for her glasses which where lost in the fall.

"I could tell you the same." She answered back once she'd retrieved her glasses and began to wipe them with her cloth. But when Astrid realized that the boy hadn't retorted an insult back, she put on her glasses. There sat on the floor in front of her was. 

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked. Hiccup sat there with his eyes wide, was there something on her face?

"Astrid, I'm so sorry. Here," Hiccup began apologizing and gathered up her books. Astrid was shocked at what she was seeing. Was Hiccup, helping her? She stood up as Hiccup picked up the final book and took them from his hands.

"Thank you... It was my fault though. I should've been looking where I was going." Astrid said and looked at Hiccup with apologetic eyes. Hiccup seemed to melt into them. 

But it was just at that moment when Heather arrived.

"Hey! Next time look where you're going, Nerd!" Heather yelled accusingly. She then turned around to Hiccup and began to brush the invisible dust off of his shoulders. "Are you okay babe?" Astrid felt herself cringe when she said that. Astrid forced herself to walk away from this scene as it was just too... Cringey.

"Yeah..." Hiccup looked over Heather's shoulder at Astrid who was walking away from them. "I'm fine..." Hiccup reassured, but he didn't take his eye off Astrid until she was out of sight. Her name really did suit her. Divine Beauty...


Astrid couldn't help but thinking about what Hiccup had done for her. He helped her? Astrid kept on telling herself that he wasn't like all the other popular kids and actually was nice to the nerds like her, but she couldn't shake this feeling that there was another reason for his actions. Could he--No he couldn't. But could he? It would make sense... Did Hiccup like her? No! Astrid shook these thoughts out of her head. She was just imagining things. Who could like her?

Hiccup was also thinking about what had happened that morning. Astrid looked beautiful without her glasses on, he was able to see her sea, blue eyes that sparkled in the dimly lit corridor. She really was a divine beauty.

But whilst Astrid was in a daze, she was suddenly pulled out from the corridor. She fell into a dark room and was instantly pushed against the wall by something strong. Astrid felt this person's breath on her face, his breath sent a tingle down her spine.

"Hello Astrid..." The voice whispered from out the darkness. The way the voice called out to her made her feel special and unique. But something about that voice was so familiar...

"Hiccup? Is that you?" Astrid asked the darkness, when she did the breath on her face disappeared and she soon felt lonely. That is until the figure turned on the lights and revealed,

"Correct." Hiccup smiled playfully at her. Astrid blushed when he did this.

"Why have you brought me here, Hiccup?" Astrid was slightly concerned. Was he here to beat her up? Was he here to tell her to stay away? Was he--

Astrid thoughts were cut off by a pair of gentle, soft lips pressing against her own. Once she realised it was Hiccup, she melted into the kiss. She was kissing Hiccup! She couldn't believe it! 

"We shouldn't be doing this." Astrid said through their kiss.

"I know." Hiccup answered.

"You have girlfriend."

"I know."

"But we're not gonna stop."

"Not a chance," Hiccup replied. Their lips moved in perfect harmony and when Hiccup wrapped his arms around Astrid's waist, she took the initiative to deepen the kiss by wrapping her arms around his neck and forcing him down onto her lips harder. 

This was bliss, this was perfection and neither of them had felt anything like it. Astrid didn't want it to end. Hiccup then ran his tongue gently across Astrid's lip, begging for entrance and Astrid gladly accepted and almost lost herself by letting out a small moan. hiccup felt a rush when he heard her angle like voice fill the empty room and Hiccup deepened the kiss further.

Suddenly the door knob started rattling as someone tried to open the locked Janitor room door. Hiccup and Astrid pulled away and looked towards the door. It continued to rattle uncontrollably.

"Hide." Hiccup whisper-yelled at Astrid and they rushed behind a row of packed shelves. Astrid peeked through a small hole in the shelves and watched the door struggle to open. Hiccup wrapped his arm around Astrid and held her closer as they watched the door slowly unlock and open.

"Stupid kids. Locking my door and fooling around--- AGH! Look at all this mess on the floor! Ragged hooligans!!!" The janitor, Mildew, yelled out as he came into the room. His face was beyond impressed and showed no signs of improvement. If they were found, they were screwed.

Mildew eventually left after he managed to clean up the floor and collect what he originally came in there for. Once the door closed, Hiccup and Astrid let out a sigh they didn't know they were holding.

"How are we gonna get out of here without being seen?" Astrid asked Hiccup. He just smiled. "What?" Astrid looked at him puzzled.

"You." Hiccup stated blankly.

"Excuse me?" Astrid looked at him closely and lost herself in his forest green eyes. He was cute, she couldn't deny it (neither can the fandom, am I right!!). Hiccup stepped closer to her.

"You're always so worried, why can't you ever chill-ax?" Hiccup said quietly whilst also reaching for her hand. "Besides, who says we have to leave now?" Astrid smiled as Hiccup brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. But she restrained herself and pulled her hand away.

"NO. You-you have a g-girlfriend. We-we shouldn't be-- No." Astrid stuttered and ran out the room without looking back. She couldn't believe it. She was a part of Hiccup cheating on his girlfriend, but the worst part was that she liked it! She liked the rebellion and the thought of seeing Heather's face as Hiccup was kissing Astrid. But she had a conscious and it told her to stop.

Meanwhile Hiccup was still in the Janitor's room. Astrid was right. What they were doing, it wasn't right. It wasn't him. He was usually good at telling people how he felt but when it came to Astrid, he froze and could never get the words out. But feeling her lips against his was proof of everything he believed. They belonged together and he would try his hardest to make sure she felt the same way about him. He didn't care about his social status.

He wanted Astrid...


Astrid was walking to her locker and saw a crowd of people gathering round two people arguing. Astrid just assumed it was just two boys having a brawl and ignored it. She walked over to her locker and began placing her books in her locker and was about to close it when,

"How dare you Hiccup?!" Astrid slammed her locker closed. Hiccup was fighting with someone, no he was arguing. but who with. now Astrid was curious.

"I'm sorry Heather but I'm still breaking up with you." Astrid froze when that sentence left his mouth. He was breaking up with Heather. Why? Was it because of her, or was it something else? Part of her wanted to think he'd finally realized what a bitch she was and wanted to be no part of her life anymore. What a joyous day that will be.

"You cheated on me! I can't believe you would do this to me!!" Heather yelled at the top of her voice. Astrid's eyes widened in shock. He told her? Astrid turned around to see that the crowd had started to disperse and her eyes met with Hiccup's. He smiled at her and she, unconsciously, smiled back. Astrid tucked a small wisp of hair behind her ear and walked out of the corridor.

"I know I did, and it was the best decision of my life! That girl I cheated on you with, has been my crush for years! Not that she'd ever know that." Astrid stopped in her tracks. hiccup had now turned to face her, he'd been watching her walk down the corridor the entire time and tried to get her attention, and it looked like it worked. Hiccup began to walk towards Astrid. Astrid felt her heart beat quicken and her breath catch in her throat, Hiccup had a crush on her? For years?

No. It's a joke. He's saying this so that heather will calm down and take his word that he doesn't like her. But it wouldn't hurt if she turned around to watch the rest of the argument. Astrid slowly turned around and was instantly met with a familiar face. Her heart melted at the sight of him.

"Hiccup, did-do you mean that?" Astrid asked nervously. Hiccup stepped even closer and was so close that their breath began to mingle in the tight empty space between them.

"Every word." Was all Hiccup said before he smashed his lips onto Astrid's for the second time. This was what it felt like to kiss the right person. This is what bliss was like. Pure bliss.

"Hiccup!" Heather tried to shout but the young couple weren't listening. They were locked in a deadly duel with their tongues and when they finally pulled away, they stared into each other's eyes and smiled brightly.

"Astrid, would you be my girlfriend?" Astrid smiled at Hiccup.

"Of course I will you mutton head!" Before hiccup could respond Astrid crashed her lips onto his.

Man! This one was a long one! It took me a bout 2 days to write this one so I hope you guys like it!!!

Also I had an idea for fun for me, whoever could come up with the best, funniest comment on this one shot would get a shout out (and a follow if I'm not already) in my next one shot, so get typing!! But I always love reading your comments whenever i write my stories because all of you have a really good sense of humor, better than mine!!

Anyway, I hope you liked this one and be patient for the next one!!! Love y'all!!!!!

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