Cute Coffee Boy

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Astrid has a small crush on a cute boy who comes into her coffee shop and destiny had plans for them in the form of a freak rainstorm.

She didn't understand it, why did she keep writing on this empty coffee cup? He hadn't arrived yet and he was also wait, but Astrid couldn't admit that he wasn't coming. He was always the highlight of her day... She never acted like this about a boy, he was just a guy who ordered coffee, sat by the window and left about 20 minutes later after having finished his coffee, but not before waving a shy goodbye to her as he left.

Yet he had not arrived yet. And he was late...

Astrid wrote another 'Hiccup' upon the coffee cup before rolling her eyes at her won actions and throwing the cup into the bin. It was ridiculous that she was so hung up on a boy in this way. She was being silly, he was a student just like her and was probably at his dorm revising. Like she should be doing instead of serving coffee. Her shift ended about 15 minutes ago, but her replacement hadn't showed, as well as her favourite customer, who was always the last customer she had to serve.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Heather yelled out as she came barging through the door, late for her shift and snapping Astrid back to reality as her mind had begun to wander about her late customer. Where could he be?

"Finally!" Astrid exclaimed, "Almost wondered whether you had fallen off the edge of the earth." Heather just rolled her eyes and entered the back to get changed into her work clothes. Astrid sighed and looked at the door to the street and felt her heart sink. It was only one day though. She cannot be so hung up on this boy! What was her problem?

"Your magical, mystery prince not show up?" Heather asked, appearing from behind her. Astrid turned in shock and surprise.

"What?" Astrid asked stoically.

"The man whose name you have been writing on coffee cups for the past 15 minutes I'm guessing." Heather answered with a small smirk. Astrid shrugged and tried to keep a stoic and nonchalant look upon her face.

"Nope. I don't get hung up on guys... Besides he's not my type." Astrid said proudly to Heather who just smiled in response and looked back over to the door with her smile widening.

"Well, that just breaks my heart milady..." A familiar voice called out from the direction of the door and Astrid's hands clasped together fiercely and catapulting the cup from out of her hands, in panic and nervousness she scrambled around on the floor attempting to pick up the cup and anything else off of the floor whilst Heather snickered behind her at her anxiousness.

"Dammit." Astrid cursed to herself as she fumbled around on tjhe floor before springing back up from the floor and planted herself behind the cashier. "Sorry about that. what can I get you?" But Hiccup didn't reply, he smiled (almost laughing) as he stared at her head. He then gently reached out a hand and extended it toward her head, Astrid flinched but relaxed once Hiccup's hand grasped something within her hair and pulled it free before showing it to her.

"You got something in your hair." He said smiling widely. Astrid laughed, her cheeks burned bright red from embarrassment and just turned away to make his coffee.

"Thanks..." She whispered, Hiccup just smiled before raising an eyebrow.

"I don't remember telling you what I want?" Hiccup questioned, he looked at her curiously as she slowly moved herself around, Heather still stood aside and watching the whole encounter.

"Well, I.... errrr.... Sorry.... What do you want?" Astrid asked politely as she stumbled for words. What was wrong with her? She never acted like this around anyone, let alone a guy. She wasn't even sure whether she had crush on him, or whether it was something more. She just couldn't explain it. It was like an unknown attraction she had for this dorky college student and she was uncontrollable with it.

"Well, I mean.... What I want isn't on the menu..." He winked, "But I'll settle for a gingerbread latte." He asked smiling broadly. Heather snickered to the side but Astrid was unaware of the advance Hiccup had taken toward her. She was too blind and deaf by her own attraction.

"Coming up..." She said brightly and causing Hiccup's smile to falter slightly as he felt the loving smile fill up his heart.

He too felt an unknown attraction to this girl behind the counter, she was unlike any other girl he had ever met before. She was funny, smart and beautiful. Astrid was like the perfect girl for him, she was everything he could ask for in a girl, but as he kept saying to himself, he doesn't know her very well. Other than the fact that he knew that her favourite type of coffee was a pumpkin spiced latte. He wanted to know more about this mysterious girl, the name tag said her name was Astrid, and he couldn't deny that she was a true divine beauty. However, Hiccup could never pluck up the courage to ask her out, no matter how much he wanted to. All he could come up with was hidden advances that had a small sarcastic tone. He never knew whether or not she ever noticed or was interested in him. He still gave it a try.

"Here you go, Hiccup." Astrid said cheerfully as she placed the cup upon the counter for him to collect. Hiccup was brought out of his trance and smiled back at Astrid.

"I'm surprised you remember my name." Hiccup replied, smiling bright at the young woman behind the counter.

"Well, I mean... You're pretty hard to forget..." Astrid admitted, but Hiccup raised his eyebrows at her sudden admittance. "I mean... I just, remember an unusual name like that... It's not that-- Ugh, I'm sorry..." Astrid groaned in embarrassment. She felt her cheeks burning red from her embarrassment of her words that were uncontrollably flowing out of her mouth.

"Thanks... I really appreciate it. I'm not particularly memorable in my classes, apart from if people want the answer to the exam questions." Hiccup quipped, he winked before grabbing his coffee and sitting down in his normal spot beside the window.

"I guess I can go now then..." AStrid announced, her eyes following Hiccup to his table by the window.

"Now that your prince has arrived and ordered his coffee. You know I could've taken care of it..." Heather said mockingly, Astrid blushed slightly as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I know... But I wanted to do it." Astrid admitted, Heather smiled and lightly pushed her friends' shoulder.

"I knew you liked him." Heather exclaimed, a little too loudly. Hiccup raised his head slightly and looked over toward Astrid. He smiled to himself as he returned to his coffee and hatched a small plan in his head, absorbing the exuberant smell of the coffee.

"Not so loud!" Astriid whispered, looking over her shoulder at Hiccup whose head hadn't seemed to move, although it had without her knowing. Hiccup had overheard and was now smiling at himself ear to ear.

"Well, why don't you go ask him out?!" Heather asked, outraged that Astrid had not made a move on him yet. She wasn't the type to get nervous around guys.

"It's more complex than that Heather. I don't want to just go out with him on one date and then never go out again..." Astrid said blandly, Heather placed her hands on her hips.

"Hey. I hope that wasn't a dig at me!" Heather complained before rolling her eyes as Astrid walked past her and toward the back.

"See you tomorrow Heather." Astrid said and walked out the door to the back.

Astrid stuffed her work apron and clothes into the locker and grabbed her favourite denim jacket and looked back at herself in her locker's mirror. How could anyone ever love someone like her? She looked exhausted, her hair frayed out her braid and her face was slightly dirty from the coffee beans that had to be cleared away from the counters that day.

Astrid closed the locker and left the locker room and onto the street outside, but what was waiting for her outside gave her a sudden shock.

"Wondered when you'd finally be ready." A familiar voice called out, catching Astrid by surprise and causing her to jump. Astrid turned around and was met with a very cute, adorable face almost leaping towards him to kiss him silly, but Astrid had to restrain herself.

"What the Thor?!" Astrid exclaimed and punched him in the shoulder quite hard causing him to recoil in pain. Hiccup smiled and rubbed his shoulder after the impact.

"OW! You have a strong right hook." Hiccup pointed out, Astrid smiled and pushed back a piece of hair behind her ear after being caught off guard by his compliment.

"Thanks..." Astrid replied, she looked back up and moved closer to him. "What are you doing out here? Were you... Were you, waiting for me?" Astrid asked, slightly flattered by his concern and willingness to be around her. Hiccup blushed slightly and nodded shyly.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that..." Hiccup replied, he smiled and gestured to the streets. "So, can I... errr, walk you home?" He asked, slightly losing confidence in himself as he faltered through his question.

"I would love you to..." Astrid replied, slightly blushing with how eager she sounded when she replied.

Hiccup and Astrid walked quietly down the street and toward her home, it wasn't a long walk away from the coffee shop. She found out that he too went to the University nearby, just like her, and was taking an engineering course, Astrid was very intrigued at his interest in such a boyish course especially when you take a casual glance at him. He wasn't the most muscular of men in the world, Astrid had to admit. She found herself falling in love with this man walking beside her, he was so sweet and caring whilst they were walking home, especially when the cliched rain began to pour down and Hiccup offered her his coat to cover her as they began to run back to her home. Once they had arrived, Astrid immediately opened her door and invited Hiccup inside until the rain had stopped. But invited was more like insisted.

"Astrid honestly, I'll be fine." Hiccup replied to Astrid's earlier I distance. He was still stood out in the rain covering his head with his jacket, the rain getting heavier.

"Hiccup, I'm not backing down. Come inside or you'll drown out in this rain!" She began to yell over the sound of the pounding rain that had begun to increase in volume.

"Astrid..." Hiccup sighed.

"Hiccup, come on!" Astrid yelled a final time before Hiccup finally gave in and rolled his eyes.

"Dammit..." He huffed and entered her house, soaked from head to foot. His hair had somehow survived the torrential downpour.

"Are you okay?" Astrid asked as Hiccup entered and shrugged off his soaked jacket and held it out as it dripped onto her wood floor.

"Anywhere I can dry this." He said, Astrid smiled and pointed over to the radiator by the door that was also drying Astrid's jacket. Hiccup smiled and hung it on the other end, the warmth of the radiator was a comfort in this strange house. He felt out of place and unsure about whether or not he should've stayed but the way that Astrid beckoned him over to the kitchen made his tense thoughts melt away.

She wanted him here after all...

"Do you want a drink at all?" Astrid asked, grabbing a tub of cocoa from the cupboard that she was making for herself.

"So long as it's not coffee, I've already had my fill for the day..." Hiccup smiled jokingly. He watched Astrid blush slightly and grab two cups from the cupboard by her legs.

"I hope my hot chocolate will be up to your standards." She remarked with a sly smile. Hiccup chuckled softly in response. Oh, that laugh made her weak in the knees, but she had to stay strong. He was watching her every move, he was mesmerised by her.

"It can't be that bad..." Hiccup replied lovingly. Astrid blushes a little more and poured out the water into the cups.

"You clearly haven't tasted it yet."

"Well then, I'm waiting..." He said wittingly, Astrid glared lightly before returning his smile.

Astrid finally finished preparing the drinks and handed the hot mug over to the young gentleman who was present in her kitchen. It hadn't really sunk in yet that Hiccup was really there, in her house, drinking her hot chocolate. She then started to regret handing him the mug if poison, even she believed it was horrible.

Astrid watched nervously as Hiccup took a gentle sip of the chocolate liquid. He smiled and sighed, swallowing the surprisingly sweet drink. She'd passed the test, she could make decent drinks after all...

"Ah, this is great... Very refreshing." Hiccup said honestly, Astrid smiled brightly.

"Really?" Astrid took a sip herself and was surprised by the beautiful taste. "Huh? It usually tastes like dirt. Well, that's what Heather says anyway..." Astrid admitted and laughed lightly at Hiccups appreciation of her hot chocolate.

"Well, she should have some of this. It's not the best, but it certainly is up there." He complimented again, Astrid felt her cheeks grow warm and she couldn't tell whether it was the compliment or the hot chocolate.

"Thank you..."

They sat around her kitchen table in relative silence, Hiccups eyes farted around the room. Scanning it. It was very bare and well laid out and organised with a place for everything and everything in its place.

"Your house is lovely."

"It's not much." That was true, she was in a minimum wage job and only just getting by. How she was able to feed herself at night, she didn't know.

"Hey, it's better than my house." Hiccup quipped, causing Astrid to smile lovingly toward him, she tried not to pity him but he made it easy. "Don't look at me like that." Hiccup asked.

"Like what?"

"Like that. Like you're pitying me. I'm not that alone." Hiccup announced proudly and left the table to walk to her kitchen island to place down his mug which was now empty.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. It just happened, I don't pity you at all." Astrid replied placing her mug beside his and placing a hand on his, which he was using to support himself on the island. Her hand rested on his and Hiccup felt a shock shoot through him and his eyes soon found hers. "How can I make it up to you?" He may have overreacted a little, but everyone pitied him when they knew about his living conditions, yet he had barely told him a thing and she could already guess the situation.

"Well, I...." You could kiss me, he thought to himself. But he couldn't say that, it would be too embarrassing if she turned him down. But should he take the leap.

"What did you just say?" Astrid asked, Hiccup looked at Astrid's shocked expression and wondered what he'd said. "Hiccup, do you..? Do you like me?" She asked taking him by surprise as he realised what had happened. He'd somehow asked her to kiss him and he'd barely noticed it. He panicked and pulled away suddenly.

"I, errr... I should go!" Hiccup announced hurriedly grabbing his jacket off of the radiator. "Thank you, for everything... But, errr.... I would be better if I j-j-just go... Bye!" He yelled and went to grab the handle of the front door, but a force pulled back his partly put on jacket, yanking it off his arms and spinning him around to face Astrid. She was only a few inches shorter but her smile was cheeky and she leant up towards his face before he could register what was happening.

"I don't want you to go..." She whispered before planting her lips upon his, holding onto his shirt to pull him closer. At first he didn't move, Astrid just lived her lips against his and soon felt her desire fading, perhaps she'd heard him wrong after all?

Hiccup soon moved his hands toward her hips and pulled her closer and deepened the kiss between them. Hiccup moved his hands up her waist and down to her butt. She moaned quietly when his hand grazed over it and fuelled Hiccups desire future and deepened their kiss further.

He wasn't going anywhere now.

Hope you guys liked it and I know it's been a long time since I posted but I am hoping to do a couple more and perhaps update some previous ones to improve their story! I just recently watched the 3rd movie and am feeling hella inspired to write some more stories, so sit tight for any more!!!

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