Still Standing

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Hiccup was bullied as a teenager in school, but Astrid was nice to him (popular). At a school reunion Hiccup was being hit on by every girl(no one recognised him) apart from Astrid who recognised him (secretly friends), Hiccup is a powerful attractive business man and Astrid is a lawyer. At end of reunion Hiccup asks Astrid to accompany him to a hill and finally admits his feelings for her.

It was just another day for Hiccup. He hated it, but it was something he just had to do if he wanted to do what his father wanted of him. Hiccup had wanted to become an artist but knowing that didn't pay so well showed him that he should just follow in his father's footsteps.

Astrid was walking along the corridor, she was checking back over her folder before finally arriving at her locker and placing the folder inside. She soon heard the locker beside hers open with reluctance and upset. Astrid smiled and leaned around her locker door to peer at the guy on the other side.

"Hey Hiccup." She smiled at him, Hiccup looked up and smiled at the beautiful blonde beside him. She was literally the only reason for him to wake up every morning and go to school. She is the only one who has truly care for him, who actually smiled when she saw him.

"Hey Astrid, how are you?" He asked smiling. Astrid peered back into her own locker and smiled, tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear. Shrugging she replied,

"Eh, as good as I can ever be really." She laughed quietly, Hiccup laughed with her.

"Same here really..." Hiccup replied back. Astrid closed her locker door and leaned against it as she continued to talk to Hiccup. He continued to sort out the papers within his own locker.

"Oh no... What happened now?" Astrid asked stoically.

"Oh, you're gonna love this! I wake up this morning and the sun is shining. So I saunter down to breakfast thinking all is right with the world and I get ----" Hiccup is suddenly cut off by Heather arriving and calling out to Astrid.

"Astrid! Hey!" Astrid turned around and smiled at her friend, but her face still seemed sad when she turned around because she knew that when she'd turn around her friend would be gone.

She was right.

Hiccup had vanished into the crowd behind them and disappeared from Astrid's view. She just wished he'd understand that she actually wanted to hang out with him and didn't care about her social status. Hiccup was ashamed about himself and knew that everybody hated him deep inside and so didn't try and please people. Astrid actually liked him because of that, he didn't care about what people thought about him because he knew there was no changing their minds.

"Bye Hiccup..." She whispered into the crowd that he'd disappeared into. She then turned back to Heather, and smiled brightly.

"Who were you talking to? Was it that stupid dork... errr... I forget his name..." Heather stuttered and fumbled. Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Hiccup..." Astrid finished for her. Heather rolled her eyes and laughed lightly.

"Of course you'd know his name, you know every guy's name in this school." Heather replied jokingly. That fact wasn't particularly true, she just knew some of the people that Heather didn't. She just really liked Hiccup, much more than she would ever let on, or admit. "So come on then, we got to meet up with Eret and Snotlout before their big game later on!"

Astrid tagged along, like she always did, and cheered on for her friends' friend's and decided that she'd much rather be in the library right then. She did have some exams coming, as did everyone. The finals were due soon and she was hoping to get into a good college and not have to strip (like Heather would) in order to get by.

At some time during the game, Astrid managed to slip away and made her way down to the library. She found her favourite spot in the hidden corner of the library and got out her revision work, laying it out on the desk in front of her. She only wished she could just absorb the information as quick and effectively as Hiccup did.

"I think you must be lost." A familiar voice called out, Astrid looked up to met with the emerald eyes of Hiccup Haddock. "The football game is outside." Astrid just rolled her eyes in reply.

"Please, I've been to enough of them to not care anymore." Astrid sighed as she looked back at her work on the desk. Hiccup placed his stuff beside hers and sat next to her. He started with a gasp,

"How could you say that?!" He said mockingly. Astrid just pushed his shoulder playfully, smiling broadly.

"Oh, shut up..." Astrid smiled warmly at Hiccup who returned the same smile before looking back to his work.

"Hey Astrid?" She hummed in response, "Do you think we'll ever stay friends? Even when we go to college?" Hiccup asked reluctantly. Astrid's head shot up in surprise, her eyes widened when they landed upon Hiccups hopeful and sad face.

"What?! How could you say that?!" Astrid slammed her hand down on the table and gave him a hard stare. "I will rue the day that I stop being friends with you! You mean more to me than anything." Astrid admitted, a small smile appearing on her lips as she watched Hiccups cheeks lightly blush.

"Really?" He asked, he couldn't live if she was joking around with him, or worse.

"Really really." She replied heartily.

"Thanks Astrid. But I will brag to everyone if you turn into a model that you were friends with a twig like me!" Hiccup exclaimed jokingly, Astrid laughed along with him.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind." She replied. "And I promise that I will come visit you when you become a famous business man!" She joked, she knew that he'd hate to become like his father, just how Hiccup knew that Astrid hated the thought of being a model.

"I'll hold you to that!" He laughed.

Both of them wanted to pause that moment in time, to never have to grow up and move on from each other. But they'd never forget one another. Hiccup would never forget that face, the hair, nor the eyes. Astrid would never forget his eyes, his hands or his voice. They couldn't forget the memories they had created with one another.

They would always be together, even if it was just as a memory...

*** 10 years later ***

Hiccup adjusted his tie for the umpteenth time and checked himself over in the mirror again. He didn't know why he was caring so much, but he found himself adjusting time and time again. Nothing looked right.

He didn't know why he was so nervous about tonight? It was just a school reunion. Right? He had hated school while he was there, so why was he wanting to go to this reunion? He wasn't entirely sure himself, but he had to let go of the fantasies he was having: people congratulating him and wanting his picture, girls pining over him and not remembering who he was... But he knew that many people would probably remember him despite his unpopularity.

Hiccup looked at himself in the mirror once more before turning to his dog, and smiled, gesturing to himself as a hint for his dog's opinion.

"So... What do you think Toothless?" Hiccup asked curiously and nervously. His dog barked loudly and disapprovingly, before jumping up and grabbing his tie. Hiccup smiled and pulled his tie away from Toothless as he let go.

"Really no tie?" A strong Scottish voice called out from the doorway to Hiccup's room. He turned around and smiled at his girlfriend, Merida smiled back and removed the tie from his shirt and unbuttoned his top button so that he seemed more comfortable and rugged. "I think that's better. What about you Toothless?" Merida smiled at her boyfriend and back to the dog by her feet.

"Thanks babe..." Hiccup smiled and turned back to the mirror to look at himself. He sighed and looked at himself sadly. "I don't know about this..." Hiccup whispered, Merida leaned her arms upon his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"You'll be fine. I really wish I could come with you, but I have to go away on a corporate training course someone is making me go on, Hiccup." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry, it's corporate policy Merida. You knew what you were getting into with me.." Hiccup smiled and grabbed the keys on the drawers beside him.

"It's fine.... Just so long as you don't have too much fun whilst I'm away for the week." Hiccup kissed her cheek and smiled at her complaints.

"I'm sure I won't... I promise..." Hiccup told her before walking out the bedroom and out of the house and off to his high school reunion.

His drive was long, but uneventful, he couldn't help but think back to his memories of high school and of his best friend... Astrid. They had promised to never forget each other and always stay friends, but Hiccup could never forget about Astrid. He was completely in love with her back in high school, but he could never tell her that without the risk of losing her, he had had a crush on her since he first met her and although he could barely admit it... He was still in love with her to this day. Hiccup let out a depressed sigh as he pulled into the school car park he hadn't set foot in for 10 years.

It was weird being back, all the memories of being bullied in the corridors and classrooms came flooding back to him, but they were soon drowned out by the memories of Astrid and him laughing away in the library together... As well as that infamous science project that brought them together in the first place.

Hiccup walked through the doors and into the main hall, many people turned to look at him as he walked through the doors. Some turned back to who they were talking to, having not remembered who he was and not caring either. But many girls kept on watching him, his appearance had definitely changed since they had last met. What else did he expect?

"Hiccup?" A familiar voice called out beside him. Hiccup turned to his side, and saw a stout, round man beside him.

"Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked, Fishlegs shrugged and laughed heartily at him.

"That's right. I've still not given up the nickname either!" He laughed, Hiccup chuckled along with him. Perhaps this night might not be as bad as he thought. Hiccup gave him a hearty handshake which was greatly returned. "It's great to see you again. Even though we didn't speak much back then." Fishlegs replied, smiling widely.

"It's okay. It really is good to see you again. At least you weren't mean to me like most of the school back then." Hiccup smiled at his friend. Back at school they didn't speak much, but they used to hang out quite a bit despite their difference in social statuses. Hiccup liked Fishlegs, he wasn't quite as bad as the rest of the school was to him.

"Have you seen anyone else this evening that you were glad to see?" Fishlegs joked with him, Hiccup smiled and laughed along with him. It was true, Fishlegs was the only person that he was glad to see that evening. He just hoped to never run into Heather or Eret. Either one would be his worst nightmare.

"Hello!" A screaming voice (it wasn't really screaming) called out through the crowd and caused Hiccup's reflexes to want him to run. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of reuniting." Heather appeared from the crowd and smiled at Hiccup's worried face. He really wished he could just disappear.

"No, we have not... I'm Hiccup." He said proudly, expecting a shock or disgust. But Heather's face didn't change, she smiled wider and held out a hand for him to shake.

"I'm Heather, I don't know whether you can remember me." Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I remember..." Heather blushed, Hiccup felt himself almost fall back in shock. She was getting flushed by someone like him?! She really didn't remember him. Hiccup felt himself smile to himself, he could have a little fun with this, if she was really the kind of girl he guessed she had turned into.

"Oh, aren't you a thing..."

"Well, that is what I am told. So, what do you do for a living?" Hiccup asked, Heather smiled pushing a strand of hair behind her ear in nervousness.

"Well, I am a waitress at a local cafe. The Edge? You heard if it?" Heather asked politely. Hiccup nodded in response and smiled. "What about you?" Hiccup smiled wider as he seized his opportunity.

"Oh, I'm the owner of the major trading business Hooligan Industries. You heard of that?" Heather's face was priceless to Hiccup in that moment. She probably didn't expect that of the stick figure standing in front of her. That in itself was a reward for Hiccup.

"You're from the famously rich, Haddock family? Hiccup?" Heather asked nervously. She was almost wetting herself in embarrassment. He was the stick figure from high school who she and her friends bullied until the end of school. There was no way that she was hooking up with him now, now that she knew who he was.

"Bingo, Hiccup Haddock. Miss me?" he replied sarcastically, he smiled at her causing Heather to blush lightly. Hiccup only hoped it was in embarrassment.

"Well, maybe I could make it up to you?" Heather asked flirtatiously. She leaned closer to him and winked, Hiccup almost wished he could throw up there and then, but just shook his head and finally managed to choke out a reply.

"Nope... I-I think I'm good...." Hiccup said and quickly walked away back over to the refreshment stand where Fishlegs had retreated to.

Fishlegs saw Hiccup approaching and smiled at him sadly. Hiccup sighed harshly as he finally reached the table and felt like he wanted to collapse. If he had to talk to anyone else who used to bully him, he would punch them in the face. Although he had only spoken to 2 people that evening, he was still exhausted from the interactions.

"Spoken to Heather?" Fishlegs asked curiously. Hiccup sighed and nodded. "Oof. Rough..." Fishlegs smiled and patted Hiccup lightly on his back.

"I want to die..." Hiccup admitted and leaned onto the table in exasperation. Fishlegs just shook his head in amusement, turning his head toward the door and noticed a familiar face looking just as exhausted as Hiccup.

"You might not want to go yet though." Fishlegs said, getting his attention and pointing towards the main entrance. Through the door enters a beautiful young woman, her hair was tied and braided elaborately across her shoulder. Most of the eyes in the room turned to look at her, her shoulders slumped up uncomfortably and her whole body tensed as she felt the eyes on her back.

"Oh my god!" Hiccup whispered in shock. His eyes fell on the beautiful young woman and a smile made its way upon his face, and he couldn't help but let it take control of his face. "Astrid..?" He whispered to himself, "It can't be..." Hiccup pushed through the crowd and made his way over to Astrid who was stood uncomfortably at the front entrance.

"Astrid?" Hiccup asked as he got closer to her. Astrid's eyes swivelled around the room in search of the mystery voice. Suddenly her eyes landed upon him and a smile appeared on her face as her shoulders relaxed.

"Hello..." Something about her face told Hiccup that she was unsure about him. But why, he didn't know... Hiccup got closer and smiled, Astrid smiled back.

"You don't recognise me do you? But I hope that if I told you my name you'd remember who I am." Hiccup joked with a smirk. Astrid smiled and laughed quietly.

"Hiccup, of course I know who you are... How could I forget those eyes?" And that voice... Astrid hadn't immediately recognised him, but as soon as he spoke she knew him. She knew him like she never knew him before.

"Well, you haven't changed much at all!" He laughed, Astrid smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen out of her braid.

"You know I am not much for change..." She smiled, Hiccup laughed and put his arm around her shoulders to lead her to the refreshments stand.

"It's so good to see you again..."


The reunion continued on in the main hall, the guests seemed to be getting louder and louder within the hall. It was then a relief to Hiccup and Astrid when they found themselves in the corridors of their old school.

"Wow, so much has changed... I hardly recognised it all." Astrid awed at the dark corridors, they both weren't sure whether or not they were allowed along these corridors, but they continued along anyway.

"Yeah, lots of memories in this place..."

"...Not all of them good though." Astrid chuckled, Hiccup nudged Astrid lightly with his arm.

"You are right about.... that....." Hiccup trailed off as he stopped by a locker. It seemed dented and beaten. Hiccup reached a hand out and caressed the locker smoothly, Hiccup heard faint past voices as his hand touched the locker. No good memories appeared to resonate from this old locker.

"Oh, I'm sorry Hiccup... I forgot about your locker. No good memories of this place, I guess..." Astrid whispered softly to him. Hiccup only nodded sadly in reply, Astrid felt sorry for him and felt her hand reach for his shoulder and comfort him.

Hiccup smiled and turned to look at Astrid, their eyes met and in a single spontaneous moment their faces drew closer. Hiccup took the leap and pressed his lips against Astrid's and kissed her passionately in the dark corridor. Hiccup turned to face her, his lips never leaving hers, and wrapped his arms around her waist to kiss her deeper. He had been holding back for so long the emotion and passion in the kiss was unbearable for Astrid. 

Eventually Astrid pulled away, gasping for air. She smiled widely at Hiccup, her arms still around his neck whilst his arms were still around her waist.

"I didn't realise how much you were holding back..." She joked, Hiccup smiled back and sighed.

"You don't realise for how long I have been waiting to do that." Hiccup smiled.

"Well, at least you're still standing..." She joked.

"What would you say if I asked you out on a date?" Hiccup asked, Astrid pulled him closer and stopped just before his lips.

"Took you long enough... Of course I will.." Astrid replied before pressing her lips upon his and kissing him passionately. Hiccup was going to have an awkward conversation with Merida later on...

This one shot was inspired by the song Still Standing from the song Sing, and also a song by Elton John. I enjoyed writing this and has sorta helped me to forget about all of the stressful things that I am having to deal with.

Hope you guys liked it.

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