Dog walk

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Saw this photo on Instagram and decided to make a story from it. I've decided to try and make my stories a little longer, which means more background and... More Hiccstrid. That's what we all want right?

Hiccup arrived home late from school that day, he'd had a long day. Why? Well then, let's start from the beginning...

He arrives at school 5 minutes before the bell which gave him less than a minute to get to his locker and grab all of his stuff for class. But as he was running through the halls to find his locker, he ran into her.

Astrid Hofferson.

She was the most beautiful girl in school, but yet also the most popular in school. Which meant that she would never go out with someone like him. She rarely ever talks to him, not that she'd ever have any reason to, apart from getting the answers to the quiz in lesson. That doesn't count in Hiccup's opinion.

If he wasn't in a rush already he would've stuttered making a fool of himself in the process, but instead he made a fool of himself in a different way. One which may have squandered his chance of ever speaking to her again.

"Watch out!" He yelled out as he ran into a blonde female who had appeared out of nowhere around the corner. Hiccup had managed to stay up but unfortunately for the blonde on the floor, she fell due to his strong body impact.

"Hey!" She retorted back at him. He didn't look at he fully but added a comment as he ran away.

"Watch yourself next time, girl." Hiccup turned the corner towards his locker, but as he reached it he realised something. That was Astrid. The girl he'd ran into, the girl who he'd yelled at for being clumsy. Was Astrid. Before opening his locker. He slammed his head against the locker door.


Hiccup said to himself as he finally worked up the courage to carry on with his current task, but what was the point now. He was surely gonna get beat up for calling Astrid a 'girl' and also for knocking her onto the floor. that would most definitely end up with his face being bloodied by Snotlout.

Suddenly a bang was heard next to him as someone's body slammed into the locker's beside him.

"What was that about, Haddock?" Snotlout. Of course, it had to be Snotlout. It was perfect timing.

"What is it now Snotlout?" Hiccup acted innocently as he continued to gather his things from the locker. He didn't want to deal with him now. Not now. Snotlout glared furiously at Hiccup as he continued to ignore him. Who does this boy think he is? Slamming into Astrid like that! Snotlout should've bloodied his nose right then and there, but he wanted a confession, he wanted to torture the careless and heartless man who did this to 'his' Astrid.

"You know fair well what, Haddock." Hiccup groaned as Snotlout continued to pester him. He did not have time. He wasn't the kind to throw punches, but right now he felt like giving him one. He closed his locker violently causing Snotlout to be pushed from the lockers and back onto his feet.

"Not now Snotlout. I have to get to class." Hiccup sighed.

"You'll go to class, when I say you can go. How 'bout that, hmm?" Snotlout challenged him and stood closer to him. Hiccup was only a couple of inches taller than him but it still didn't mean that Snotlout didn't intimidate Hiccup slightly. He was the biggest bully in school.

"HEY!" Snotlout's shoulder was suddenly turned towards the corridor and before he could register who it was a punch was landed onto his face and sent Snotlout flying into the lockers beside him. Hiccup decided it was his chance and pushed him onto the floor with so much force his body slid about 3 feet down the corridor.

And in front of the headmaster's feet...

Astrid's POV:

I looked down at my folder, I was checking whether I had all of my coursework inside of it. My P.E teacher told me that if I didn't catch up on my coursework then I would get kicked off the volleyball team. I love volleyball, so that wasn't an option.

But I was so busy looking and checking my folder that I wasn't looking where I was going and crashed into someone who had came round the corner at the same time as me.

"Watch out!" The force of his figure pushed me back and onto the floor, I looked up at him.

"Hey!" I retorted at him. How rude? Wait, I know those eyes and that face. Hiccup. Of course it was him. It could've been anyone else but him. The nobody, the nerd. The weirdo.

"Watch yourself next time, girl." I heard him say as he walked away. Girl?! Did he just call me 'girl'? Oh, that guy is playing with fire. I looked at the crumpled folder on the floor next to me. I looked over it quickly, checking every bit of paper for creases or tears. No, none. Phew. All in one piece.

I quickly pushed myself off the floor and headed back down the corridor, following the boy who had the nerve to insult me. I was gonna teach him a lesson, never mess with Astrid Hofferson.

As I reached his locker I noticed a small group of boys gathered around Hiccup's locker, I assumed it was anyway. As I neared them, I finally realised who they were. What was Snotlout doing? She was gonna take care of it!

"Not now Snotlout. I have to get to class." I heard Hiccup say. his voice seemed to crack under the pressure of the group, and Snotlout.

"You'll go to class, when I say you can go. How 'bout that, hmm?" Snotlout threatened, his face appeared calm and a disturbing smirk was beginning to form on his lips. Oh hell no. I was here to hurt Hiccup, but now all I wanted to do was protect him. What is happening to me? I stormed through the crowd until I reached the two bickering teenagers.

"HEY!" I yelled turning Snotlout's shoulder so that his body faced me. Before he could look at who it was, I punched him had in the face. I felt something snap beneath my knuckles as I landed the punch. Probably his nose.

As he landed on the lockers next to him, Hiccup pushed him onto the floor, hard. i smiled as we watched Snotlout glide across the floor, until we saw him stop in front of a pair of brown polished shoes.

Shoot. We're dead.

Normal POV:

Because of their little stunt in the corridor, they both got put into isolation for the rest of the day. Astrid hated isolation, in that room they had to sit in separate booths that faced the wall, they had desks and really uncomfortable chairs that sat under the desks.

Astrid looked over at Hiccup who was sat with his head in his hands and collapsed on the desk. He looked annoyed and also angry. At himself or her, she couldn't tell. She hoped it wasn't at her.

Hiccup arrived late home that day because of this and that's why he's exhausted from his long day. But it was soon to be disturbed.

"OOF!" Hiccup yelped as a heavy, black shadow bounded to him and toppled him as it leaped onto his chest. Hiccup fell back onto the door behind him and looked down at the black figure that had caused his fall. "Hey Toothless!" He began to scratch and pat the black Labrador on top of him. The dog smiled a toothless smile at his owner and relished them moments that Hiccup spent scratching him. But today he was in a hurry.

After a couple of seconds of petting Toothless hopped off of Hiccup and allowed him to regain his position, the dog then ran into the kitchen of the house but then reappeared in a matter of seconds dragging something with him.

"Toothless..." Hiccup said sympathetically as he grabbed the lead from with in the dogs mouth. Hiccup sighed as he looked at the rope he was holding. "Okay, 1 hour. Got it?" Hiccup commanded. Toothless barked in reply, looking as though he replied: 'Yes sir!' at Hiccup.

"Come on then." Hiccup clipped the rope onto the dog's collar and opened the door, taking some keys in the process.


Hiccup looked at the entrance to the park that was located in the middle of the city of Berk. Hiccup sighed as he felt Toothless tug on the lead towards the park. He didn't want to go there, especially since he knew that Astrid would definitely be there.

But he had no choice, it was as though his dog had supernatural strength as he pulled Hiccup into the park.

Hiccup and Toothless walked down their normal path which just so happened to be Astrid's normal path as well, except she comes from the opposite direction. Hiccup tried to hurry Toothless down the path as he looked at his watch, she would be walking down here any second and he did not want that. But as he began to speed up, Toothless halted. He jolted Hiccup back and almost caused him to fall, but hiccup reamained upright.

"Toothless?" Hiccup looked confused at the dog. He bent down and looked at his best friend with concern, "What's wrong bud?" Hiccup looked over his dog once more. Nothing appeared to be odd with him.

"Hey. Hiccup right?" Too late. Stupid dog! Hiccup looked down then at Toothless with an unimpressed look. But his dog just returned a look that seemed to say: 'you're welcome!' Hiccup sighed as he turned to face the girl with a smile as he stood.

"Hey, yeah. It is Hiccup. You're Astrid." Astrid smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Hiccup looked at her and smiled, was she nervous? She's never done that before. If ever.

"Well, yeah you would know that." She laughed. "It seems everybody does." Was she meaning she hated being popular? Hiccup looked at her confused. Astrid chuckled, "Don't get me wrong, I like everyone knowing who I am, it's just. Don't you feel like you just want to run away and be yourself and not the person people have made you." Astrid smiled as she stared at his glossy, green eyes. Hiccup smiled back.

"You have no idea." He replied, this caused Astrid to furrow her brows in confusion.

"But you're always who you are, why would you be someone people have created?" She asked but then threw her hand towards her mouth expecting him to be angry. That was rude. Hiccup had avoided her gaze but when she'd said that, his eyes jolted back to look at hers. Ocean blue staring into forest green.

"I'm not the geek and nerd everyone thinks I am. I just..." he sighed looking away. This intrigued Astrid further that she stepped forward consciously. She didn't mean it, but it was something she felt herself doing.

"You just." Astrid asked as Hiccup looked at Toothless who was next to him.

"I just want to be normal. Have my actions have no consequences. Feel like there is no tomorrow so that I can do all the stuff I've always wanted to do." Hiccup replied as he looked up at the sky and then Astrid.

"Like what?" Astrid asked as she again took a step closer not realising how close they were, but it still wasn't close enough.

Toothless grew impatient as he felt time tick by. 'This is stupid.' Toothless thought and immediatly widened his eyes as an idea popped into his head. He looked up at the two and knew he was in the clear. He then ran a couple of laps around their legs, but this caught Hiccup's attention.

"Toothless? What are you--" But it was too late. As Hiccup looked down towards Toothless he saw the dog give him a small smirk. Then he swiftly pulled back sharply causing the lead to tighten and pull the couple closer together so that there was literally no gap between them. Literally.

"Woah." Astrid yelped as she was thrust into Hiccup's chest by something wrapped tightly around her legs. At first she was annoyed with the dog that sat not too far from the two, but that was until she looked up towards Hiccup and noticed how close they were right now.

"Umm..." Hiccup broke the silence between them as he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, his other clutching the lead. He could've let go, he should've let go. But he couldn't. she wasn't pulling away completely disgusted.

"I think someone's trying to tell us something." Astrid smiled as she looked deep into Hiccup's eyes as she gestured towards Toothless with her head. Hiccup laughed with her.

Astrid felt a whirl of emotion in her chest as she looked deeper int his eyes, but she soon felt her gaze fall to his lips. She wasn't actually. No! That was crazy, but then again... Astrid closed her eyes slowly and bit her lips. Should she?

Suddenly Astrid felt something soft touch her jaw and caress her cheek. Her eyes opened and her grip on her lip disappeared as she saw Hiccup's hand upon her face. Her heart began to thump harder than she's ever felt it beat. What was happening to her?

Hiccup began to lean in as he lifted her face up to meet his height. Astrid felt his face nearing, his eyes still open asking for permission. Astrid felt weight upon her eyelids as they closed and blocked out the light. Hiccup smiled as her eyes closed, she was actually okay with this? Hiccup then closed his eyes in return and placed a kiss upon Astrid's lips.

As soon as their lips touched Astrid and Hiccup felt sparks fly through their bodies and fill their skin with a quenching thirst for passion. Astrid arms managed to snake their way up to Hiccup's neck and deepen the kiss, she felt herself grabbing bits of his auburn locks as she begged for more from Hiccup's rosy, soft lips. Hiccup dropped his hand from Astrid's face and placed it around her waist.

The two didn't know how long they were there for, but after running out of air, they finally pulled away panting heavily. Hiccup opened his eyes gently noticing Astrid's snapped open as well. They gazed at each other as they panted struggling for breath. Out of the silence, apart from the pairs gasping breaths, Toothless let out a happy bark grabbing the young couple's attention.

Hiccup and Astrid laughed at the cheeky Labrador as he began to spin on the spot in excitement.

Thank you Toothless.


It's been 2 months since graduation and after that encounter Hiccup and Astrid became a couple. Hiccup had asked Astrid out the next day and she gladly accepted, they've been inseparable ever since then. But after graduation Hiccup was given the chance to go to college or take a year out and do whatever he wanted. Without a moments hesitation he chose to take a year out and travel the world, Astrid agreed to do it with him.

Hiccup finally reached the final ledge that led to the roof of the derelict building he was climbing. He hauled himself onto the roof and looked down behind him and saw Astrid struggling to reach the ledge, being the gentleman he is, Hiccup leaned down and held out a hand to help her. Astrid gladly accepted it and was pulled up to meet him on the roof.

Once the two were on the same roof, they walked to the edge and saw the large, broad view spread out before them. Hiccup and Astrid smiled, laughing at their effort to get there. Once they tore their gaze away from each other they looked back at the view in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, they screamed into the distance. Letting go of all their anger and saying goodbye to the people that high school made them.

Was it good? I don't know I thought I'd just write this on a whim becasue I was really bored and had a lot of time on my hands. I've also been reading a lot of XxPinkSkyxX2's stories and they are really good. I always read them on the bus from school. I also hope you guys noticed my reference to Monte Carlo at the end there. I was originally going to made this about 800 or so words but I thought I'd might make it a bit longer. See what else I could do until I could do no more.

Anyway I hope you guys liked it and don't forget to read my other one-shot book!!!

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