The Surprise

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"Guys!!" The twins burst through the doors to their dorm kitchen. Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Astrid and Hiccup all shared a dorm together at Edge University. They'd all known each other for years and found a way to convince the Dean to give them all the same dorm, he agreed especially since he was Hiccup's father.

All 6 friends had been together since the beginning of high school and have been friends ever since, Hiccup and Astrid had been friends for the first few years of their life but about 2 years ago they got together, much to the gangs relief. They couldn't deal with the sexual tension between them!

"What is it Tuff?" Fishlegs sighed, he was in the kitchen making breakfast whilst the others were sat on the sofa that was beside the kitchen, it was usually where they ate their breakfasts'. Hiccup had his arm wrapped around Astrid's shoulders and Astrid had her head rested on Hiccup's shoulder, the two were watching the small TV across from them. Snotlout was sat on a stool in front of the counter that separated the kitchen from the sofa area. (It looks kinda like one of those bar counters)

"Guess what today is?!" Ruffnut replied, she shared the same excited expression as Tuffnut. Both twins could barely hold their excitement.

"The day where you guys get a life?" Snotlout answered snickering, Hiccup tried to hide his smile at Snotlout's sarcastic comment but Astrid noticed and gave him a small punch.

"No, today is..." Ruff and Tuff turned to each other and did a little jig, "Halloweeeen!" They said in a weird zombie like voice. The gang all rose from their places in shock, they smiled at each other. How could they forget?

"Wait, really?!" Astrid asked, running over to Ruffnut. She grabbed her friend and jumped up and down. "Scavenger Hunt!!!"


"Okay!" Tuffnut stood atop the sofa in their dorm kitchen, all the friends gathered around the scavenger leader of this Halloween and prepared to hear what the item they were looking for was going to be. "This year, we will be looking for the mysterious item of... This 1st place medal I won in 5th grade!" The gang smiled in preparation for the rules and its location. Tuffnut held up the medal proudly and showed it to all the gang.

"Hey! That's my medal, I won that in 5th grade!!" Ruffnut yelled, her brother just rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Anyway, this medal is going to hang from this hook I placed in the kitchen this morning." Tuffnut then climbed higher on the sofa so that he could reach the hook. After placing it on the hook he jumped back down onto the ground and stood proudly in front of the gang. "Now considering I placed it there, I will be the impartial judge for the scavenger hunt so that there is no cheating." Everyone nodded and then suddenly... Everything went black.

"What's going on?"

"Who did this?"

"I can't see a thing!"

"Someone turn the lights on!"

"I can't find the switch."

Suddenly the lights illuminated the room and the gang all adjusted to the light in the room. Astrid looked around the room to see everyone where they originally were before the lights went out, then she looked at the hook where the medal was.

"The medal's gone!" She announced. Everyone then turned their gaze to the vacant hook on the ceiling and all gasped at the abscenceof the medal.

"Well, who took it?" Snotlout asked, everyone just rolled their eyes.

"You really think whoever took it would tell us?" Hiccup said crossing his arms and giving Snotlout a dumb look. Snotlout then turned his back to him and folded his arms in annoyance.

"Shut up Hiccup." The gang all looked at each other, none of them wanted the other out of their sight. Fishlegs and Hiccup shared a look and then faced the gang.

"Perhaps we should look around for it, it might help us find it considering whoever took it will hide it somewhere." Fishlegs announced, everyone nodded and agreed. Hiccup left the kitchen with Fishlegs and headed to his room and closed the door carefully making sure no one was around.

"We're all clear."

"Did you get it?" Fishlegs asked, Hiccup then reached into his pocket to reveal the medal that was their main item for the hunt. It seemed to shine like a trophy in the dimly lit dorm room.

"Great." Fishlegs said as he grabbed Hiccup's wrist and then quickly handcuffed it, then pinned him to a nearby shelf. Fishlegs then took the medal from Hiccup's hand and slipped it into his pocket.

"Fishlegs? What the hell?!" Hiccup asked in shock. What just happened to him? Was he being betrayed? Fishlegs gave him a guilty look and then looked at the medal with pity.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, but this hurts me more than it hurts you..." Suddenly the door opened to reveal Ruffnut who walked over to Fishlegs and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Did you get it?" Ruff asked him, Fishlegs then took out the medal and handed it to Ruffnut. She smiled wide and then looked at Hiccup with pitiful eyes.

"Sorry man, but your reign of pure victory with Fishlegs had to end at some point. He works with me from now on." Ruff said leaning close to Hiccup to enunciate her point further. Hiccup could feel anger burn up in him, deep within him.

"Fishlegs how could you? After all we've been through, you're gonna ditch me for a girl?! That is low!" Hiccup said in disgust, Fishlegs just shrugged and wrapped his arm around Ruffnut who seemed a little reluctant to have his arm around her.

"I don't think you're in the right place to say that I'm low. You we're gullible enough to fall into my trap of working with you. You always win, why can't I win for once?" Fishlegs said, he hung his head as if disappointed in Hiccup's selfishness. Hiccup just sighed and loked meaningfully at his friend.

"Come on man, I need to win this one. Please, I'll do anything! I just need to win this one!!!" Hiccup begged, more than he has ever done in his life. Hiccup sighed heavily as Fishlegs and Ruffnut left the room with Hiccup still handcuffed to the shelf. He watched in agony as they left through the open door.

It had been over 10 minutes before anyone passed by, and Hiccup was more than happy to see the person who passed by his door.

"Astrid! In here!" Hiccup yelled out, hoping to catch Astrid's attention, which he did. She strolled in confidently and found herself smiling at Hiccup's rather depressing situation.

"What happened here? Sexual fantasy gone wrong?" She joked. She loved how defenceless Hiccup was right now, and handcuffed to the shelf was just the cherry on top.

"Fishlegs chained me to the shelf, but if you let me go I will tell you what happened to the--"

"Fishlegs short circuited the lights so that you could climb onto the sofa and retrieve the medal and then came back to your room to hide it in your secret safe hidden in your room?" Astrid finished. Hiccup stood there in silence, how could she possibly know that?

"How did you..?"

"I'm just 2 steps ahead of you this year, there is nothing you can do which will surprise me. I'm winning this year, I know where and when everyone is going to be and where the medal is. There is nothing you can do to stop me." Astrid intimidated as she got closer to Hiccup so that there was barely any space between them.

"So mean. But Astrid, you've got to let me out!" Hiccup pleaded. He tried to force himself free as he spoke but Astrid just rolled her eyes.

"And let you win. You're out of your mind." Astrid replied as she walked away.

"Astrid, no wait!" But she was gone. "Dammit." Hiccup sighed and then forcefully threw his handcuffed hand down, breaking the shelf and causing a huge crash. "Well, that worked." He announced as he looked at his free handcuffed hand, although the handcuffs were still there he was no handcuffed to anything and could therefore move around. With that thought in mind, he made his way out into the corridor and towards the basement of their dorm.

Hiccup slipped inside the basement and found his special surveillance setup. He'd set this layout up about a year or so ago after things in their dorm had kept disappearing and no one would own up to it. With this he has been able to find all his missing devices and notebooks that keep disappearing, he should really lock Snotlout in his room sometimes.

"Where have you been?" He heard Fishlegs ask, he was in the kitchen facing the door. Astrid had just walked in and walked past him, eyeing him carefully.

"Why do you care?" She asked curiously.

"No reason...." Fishlegs replied, he looked at her suspiciously until a strong force slammed the door open.

"Okay, who took it?" Snotlout announced as he walked into the kitchen in a fury. He walked over to Fishlegs and slammed his fists down onto the counter in front of him. "I know you took it, you lech!"

"Whoa whoa, Snotlout calm down. What happened?" Hiccup watched their interaction closely through his security cameras. Who had took it, everyone was there apart from?

"Ruffnut." Hiccup whispered and looked all over his surveillance for her, but found nothing. Where was she? He then watched the interaction in the kitchen again.

"I had the medal after Ruffnut took it from you and hid it in my room. Then when I went back to check on it, it was gone." Snotlout explained, but he kept a tight focus on Fishlegs who returned the hard stare.

"I took nothing!" Fishlegs retorted.

Unfortunately, the two were so intent on each other that they didn't notice Astrid's cat Stormfly enter the kitchen from a hidden vent and drop the medal by Astrid's feet, then sneak back into the vent. Astrid then carefully placed the medal in her pocket, she then walked over to the TV in front of her and opened the cupboard below it, knowing that neither of the boys would see her, she placed it inside and went back to her place on the sofa.

"Bingpot." Hiccup said quietly to himself as he smirked at the kitchen camera. Now he knew exactly where the medal was, and he had a plan.


Astrid was still sat on the sofa in the kitchen and continued to flick through the magazine in her hands. She was enjoying being ahead of Hiccup for once, she knew where the medal was and this victory was about to be hers. After all, whoever had the medal by midnight, wins the scavenger hunt, and it was already 11pm.

Suddenly the lights dimmed, stuttered and flickered causing the three people inside the room to stand and walk around wondering where the culprit was hiding. Ruffnut burst through the doors and ran to the group.

"What's going on?!" Ruff asked as she looked at them in worry.

"I don't know, who's doing something?! Hiccup?" Astrid shouted, but no reply came. It had to be him doing this, that was the only explai--

"Still handcuffed to this shelf remember!" A voice yelled from his room. Astrid nodded and looked at the rest of the gang who agreed. That's right, that's where he was.

"Well, what the hell is going on?!" Suddenly the fire alarm went off in their dorm which forced them to leave the room considering no fire alarm was in the kitchen, so whoever it was, was in the corridor. The gang all left the room and looked up and down the corridor.

As the last person exited the room, the door forcefully closed and locking itself behind them. Astrid ran to the door and tried opening it with force, but to no avail. Nothing, but who was doing this? Everyone was here, weren't they?

"Hiccup..." Astrid whispered to herself and left for his room, as she peeped her head around the corner the alarm stopped and the lights stopped flickering. Everything was back to normal, but Hiccup was no longer handcuffed to his shelf. He was gone.

"I got the door open." Ruff yelled from the kitchen. The gang all ran inside and searched for the culprit again, Astrid walked in calmly.

"Alright Hiccup, where ate you? Very good, well done..." Astrid said, sarcastically clapping as she went. She looked around the room, but nothing.

"Why thank you m'lady. I thought it was very clever." Hiccup announced from behind her. The gang turned to look at him, Fishlegs looked the most shocked as he was the one who handcuffed him to that shelf. He knew it should've been somewhere more sturdy rather than Hiccup's room.

"Mind telling us what that was all about?" Snotlout asked, his hands went to his hips as he leaned forward to emphasise his point.

"You know, I would... But I believe Astrid would like to steal the limelight on this one." Hiccup said omniscient as he stared at Astrid intently, hoping she would crack. And she did.

"You know!" She accused as she turned to the cabinet beneath the TV. She walked over to it and opened it up, but there was no medal there. Hiccup smiled as he searched his pocket and revealed a plain ribbon, but he believed it was the medal. "Hiccup, where's the medal?" Astrid asked.

"It's right---" He cut himself off as he looked at the ribbon in his hands, then looked at the cat beside him. "Hang on a minute, you're not Toothless. You're just another cat. So where's the medal?!" Hiccup asked shakily. If he didn't have the medal, then who did? Hiccup started to become freaked out, this is not where it was supposed to go.

"Hwy, I put a GPS tracker on the medal. It's headed out of the campus, come on!" Fishlegs yelled as he and the others left the room with Hiccup also in tow as well. However when they reached the lobby of their dorm and in front of the doors, Hiccup was pushed aside by Snotlout.

"Sorry bro, but I'm winning this one. See you in hell!" He yelled as he ran after the others through the doors out of the dorm. Hiccup just smiled as he stood there watching him run away.

"Oh, I'll see you in hell alright." Hiccup whispered to himself as he turned back on himself and made his way down to the basement.

Hiccup quickly entered the dark room and flicked the light switch. He breathed a sigh of relief but jumped as he turned around towards his surveillance setup.

"Hello there." Astrid said as she swivelled round in Hiccup's chair in front of the screens.

"A-Astrid! What-what a-are you, doing h-here?" Hiccup stuttered as he nervously folded his arms. Astrid stood up and placed her hads on her hips.

"Oh come on, both of us know that the medal never left the building. And I'm likely to guess that it's in this room?"

"Okay, but where?" Hiccup replied. Astrid smiled.

"So it is in this room. Thank you..." She then turned around and walked around Hiccup's desk looking at each drawer carefully.

"Huh, well... Good luck finding it, because I hid it---"

"Found it!" Astrid announced as she opened a drawer and revealed the medal from within it. Hiccup cursed under his breath in an unenthusiastic way, almost as if he wanted her to find it. Almost as if he planned it. "And it's also midnight, which makes me the winner of this years scavenger hunt!" She announced proudly.

"Yeah," Hiccup replied sorrowfully, his hands made their way to his pockets as he shrugged his shoulders. "although... You might wanna read the inscription on that there medal." Hiccup said stoically. Astrid's eyes widened as she turned away from Hiccup to look at the medal in the light.

"Oh no! What does it say?!" She searched the medal carefully for the inscription written on the front. "Astrid Hofferson, will you... Marry me?" She slowed down as she read it as she began to realise what the inscription said. In that instant she knew what it said and turned to ask Hiccup, but as she did she saw him on one knee in front of her holding an engagement ring in his hands.

"Surprise..." Hiccup announced from the silence.

"Oh my gods. What's happening right now? Is this part of the hunt? If this is part of the hunt I will dump you so hard---"

"No, Astrid! It's real, this is really happening.." Astrid smiled at him, her hands travelling to her mouth to stop her from crying out loud at how ridiculous this all was. "Okay, here goes.

"Astrid, I love you. I can't imagine a world without you in it and you have me no matter what, whatever it means, I'll be with you. I - I should've written this down." Hiccup sighed as he tried to think of something memorable to say to her, but his throat began to close up. He wanted her to think the best of him.

"No, no. It's okay. Go on..." Astrid replied, tears forming in her eyes and the lump in her throat evident in her voice.

"Astrid, you're a part of my family. You always have been and I hope you always will be because there's always a Hiccup and Astrid, always and you got me the greatest gift in the world. You, you just being here with me. It's the only gift I need. You've always been there for me, and I want to always be there for you. I love you, Astrid Hofferson, with everything I have. And I always will. So," Hiccup began to shift nervously, "Will you marry me?" Hiccup looked at Astrid hopefully, he smiled as Astrid withdrew her hands from her mouth to show her beaming smile.

"Yes, Hiccup Haddock, I will marry you..." She said through happy tears as she smiled widely. At that answer, Hiccup got up from his position and took a deep sigh before approaching Astrid and placing the ring on her finger.

Astrid took one look at it before grabbing Hiccup's face to pull him in for a powerful kiss. She pressed her lips against his and he wrapped his arms around her waist to deepen the kiss, but eventually the two pulled away from each other.

"I love you so much..." Astrid said quietly to him, she was never one to announce it as loudly as him so when she did say it, it was a rare occasion.

"Yippee ki-yay, I figured you'd be---" Fishlegs stopped himself as the couple in front of him turned around, the box still evident in Hiccup's hand. Astrid kept her head rested on Hiccup's shoulder as he let her go and turned to face Fishlegs. "Did you just..?"

Hiccup nodded.

"And did you..?"

Astrid nodded and showed him the ring.

"Oh my... I can't..." With that Fishlegs fainted on the spot and ruined the perfect moment.

"And he's gone. Yep, let's get him outta here." Hiccup suggested as the two approached Fishlegs and began to take him back to their dorm.


"I can't believe you. You are full of surprises, and just when I think I have you figured out." Astrid said as she snuggled closer to Hiccup. They were in his room due to the rest of the gang being still out looking for the medal, and Fishlegs being still passed out in the kitchen where they'd left him. Hiccup and Astrid were laid on his bed and Astrid had her head rested upon his shoulder.

"Well, I guess you're just gonna have to keep on guessing." Hiccup joked. Astrid smiled and then looked at the ring again.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Hiccup nodded. "Who gave you the idea to propose to me?" Hiccup tried to answer but Astrid interrupted him. "It was probably Fishlegs. Or maybe Ruffnut, she's always joking about that sort of thing. Or was it Toothless, perhaps he was the one who gave you the idea, after all you are his brother and you always listen---"

"Astrid!" Hiccup spoke up causing Astrid to immediately shut up. "No one gave me the idea. I thought it up all on my own, on June 22nd."

June 22nd

Astrid and Hiccup were sat in her room grooming their cats who were playing together, Stormfly was sat upon Astrid's lap and purring quietly. Astrid, meanwhile, was scratching her head which caused Stormfly to purr, that's when she noticed something upon her cat's head.

"Oh no Stormfly, there's a speck of dirt upon your head. Looks like someone's been hanging around with Hiccup too much." Astrid joked nudging him lightly without looking up.

Hiccup watched her interact with her cat and smiled at the two, but then a different smile appeared on his face as he realised that he needed her in his life, he wanted her with him forever.

He was going to marry this girl, no matter what anyone says.

"Really? That's all it was?" Astrid asked, not believing that her cleanliness and perfectionist behaviour caused him to take the next step in their relationship.

"I don't know what to tell you. That's just when I knew..." Hiccup answered looking her deep in the eyes. He smiled warmly at her as Astrid blushed.

"Romantic epiphanies sure are dope."

"Thank you Astrid, they are dope." He joked with her. They laughed lightly at the small joke they'd shared and went back to a comfortable silence.

How was it? Was it bad? I think that it was okay but I did try and make that proposal speech something he'd say by putting down everything he has said to her, which I thought was really funny! I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I hope Dreamworks are reading this and get the idea in their head that we want a Hiccstrid proposal or wedding, either will do!!!

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. Please leave any modern requests you want me to do and please let me know what you thought!!

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