The Rebound

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Astrid is going out with Eret but he cheats on her and she finds out. Hiccup is her friend and she goes to him to talk to him about it. Hiccup tries to make her feel better by telling her his break up story but lets slip that he was in love with someone else, but things get out of hand...

Hiccup was sat in his room, typing his project on his computer, he had only a week to finish it otherwise his teacher, Mr Gobber, was going to kill him. He needed to get a good grade in this project due to him being far behind on it.

In Edge University, Hiccup was in his dorm room alone at that moment although his roommate was out with her girlfriend. His roommate was called Astrid, she was the same age as Hiccup and had only met last year when they both first joined as freshmen. Hiccup had taken engineering whereas Astrid took psychology for her classes. Both became great friends as the months wore on, but Hiccup had developed feelings for Astrid who was dating another guy named Eret.

Hiccup had a girlfriend to try and forget about his feelings for Astrid but something happened to him to make him realise he could never forget about Astrid, and now the thoughts of her were starting to make him lose concentration.

"Damn it!" Hiccup yelled out as he threw himself back in his chair due to his mind wandering. Again. He hated thinking about Astrid as he knew it would bring him pain. He only wished he could be Eret.

Hiccup sighed loudly as he began to spin in his chair and concentrate on what he was suppose to be doing. But how could he concentrate, he looked at the clock and realised it was past 9 and Astrid should've been back by now. She never stayed out this late. Hiccup pulled himself back up and sulked over his computer and tried to type again, but nothing.

Suddenly a loud bang came from the door, as if someone had crashed into it. Hiccup jolted up and faced the door as he waited to see if it happened again. Instead the door knob turned and a rugged looking blonde female who wore a furious look upon her face. She turned sharply and looked at Hiccup with an angry look.

"You're a man right Hiccup!" She said loudly with anger in her voice. She slammed the door and sat on the bed across from Hiccup's desk where he was sat. Hiccup turned to look at her with a puzzled expression.

"Last time I checked." Hiccup answered. Astrid smiled lightly, then changed back to a serious expression.

"Do relationships with women mean SQUAT, to you people!" Astrid asked harshly.

"No, I mean... I know, I-I don't..." Hiccup answered shyly.

"Really, so as soon as we say that we are turning in for the evening, you take that as an invitation to go kissing other women?!" Astrid shouted, slamming her fists down onto the bed she was sat on. Hiccup looked at her sorrowfully.

"We're sorry..." Hiccup replied. Astrid sighed and buried her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry. It's just... How could I be so stupid?! I mean, am I stupid?" Astrid said through her hands, barely looking at Hiccup, who was watching her sadly. What happened?

"Are you okay?" Astrid gave him a dumb look. "Right, of course you're not okay... Stupid question." Hiccup said to himself. He got up and sat next to Astrid, but before he wrapped his arm around Astrid, he stopped himself and placed it by his side and just adjusted his place on the bed uncomfortably.

"I caught him cheating on me... With Heather." Hiccup sighed as Astrid began to explain what happened. "I said goodbye to him and began to leave. I must've left him alone for at least 5 minutes before heading back to find him because I still had his jacket on, and when I found him again... I saw him sucking Heather's face off right in front of me! I mean, am I not hot enough for him?!" Astrid told Hiccup, she could feel tears in her eyes and tried to fight them from coming out. She didn't want to be sad over Him. Hiccup meanwhile sighed and placed a hand upon Astrid's lap. She saw this and smiled widely, she then leaned her head onto his shoulder which caused Hiccup to freeze in place.

His heart began to beat out of his chest as their bodies closed the distance between each other. Astrid didn't notice Hiccup's tension due to her current state and just quietly cried onto Hiccup's shoulder, hoping he didn't mind the wet patches forming on his shoulder. Astrid tried to be happy about Hiccup being there but she couldn't stop this feeling of anger in her tearing her apart from the inside.

"Astrid... I'm really sorry about what happened. Truly." Hiccup answered, finally enabling himself to speak from his paralysed state.

"It's easy for you to say, you never went through the same thing as me!" Astrid countered. Hiccup sighed and withdrew his hand fro Astrid's lap, which caused her to withdraw her head from his shoulder. Why did he pull away? Astrid looked at him carefully an saw a sad, guilty look written on his face.

"Actually, I have." Astrid gasped at Hiccup's statement, she never knew about this. She knew he had a girlfriend, but she never knew why they broke up. "You remember me going out with that girl?" Hiccup asked, Astrid nodded in reply. "Well...

"She was Heather, and she and I went out over a 6 months ago now. I was happy with her, we had so much in common. She was like a good friend who loved me as more than one, it was great. I thought that I was falling for her, that was until I walked in on her... She was in bed with E-" Hiccup stopped himself. He knew the guy Heather was cheating on him with was Eret, but he couldn't tell whether he should tell Astrid. He didn't want her to feel worse. "A-Another guy. I was devastated, but slightly relieved as well. I mean I wasn't actually in love with her. I'm in love with someone else." Hiccup's hands flew to his mouth as he realised what he said. He shouldn't have said that, Astrid will never let it go. He can't tell her that he's in love with her.

"Wait... You're in love with someone?" Astrid asked Hiccup. Her smile grew, but knew that he didn't want to listen to her tease him. As well as the fact that she just realised what Hiccup almost said. "Hold up! ERET slept with HEATHER?!" Astrid yelled angrily, Hiccup flinched at the volume of her voice.

"E-Eret? Who-Who said anything about Eret?" Hiccup tried acting innocently. Astrid just groaned and stood up pacing around the room quickly.

"Ugh! I cannot believe that jerk! How could I have been so stupid?!" Astrid complained. She kicked the bathroom door in their dorm room, Hiccup sighed into his hands. He knew this would happen, why did he have to open his stupid mouth.

"Hey Astrid," He stood up and approached Astrid, stopping her in her tracks. He grabbed her arms and made her face him. "You are not stupid, he is okay. He is stupid for cheating on you. I mean, if I was him I would never let you out of my sight. I'd be too scared that you would cheat on me! I mean you are smart, beautiful and strong Astrid, any guy would be lucky to have you. If I was you're boyfriend I would make sure you'd know that everyday. I'd tell you that I love you everyday, and I'd mean it because I do, and I would like everything that you like just so that you could be happy because that's all that matters to me, if you're not happy I can't concentrate. If you're not with me, and I know you're safe, I can't concentrate." As he spoke Astrid realised what he was saying, he wasn't pretending as though he was in a hypothetical situation. He was acting as though he was actually her boyfriend, but that's when she realised. Hiccup was actually in love with her, but instead of being freaked out by that, she was actually happy. But why? Was she in love with Hiccup?

"And I would also----" Hiccup never got a chance to finish his sentence as Astrid pressed her lips onto his. She wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss so that he would get the hint.

But nothing happened. He didn't kiss back.

Astrid slowly pulled away and saw Hiccup's shocked face, but his eyes were closed. He opened them when Astrid pulled away, but his expression changed when he saw Astrid's disappointed face. How could she have been so stupid into thinking he'd want to kiss her? Maybe she was wrong, maybe he didn't love her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that... It's just, I-I thought, mmpfh!" Astrid didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Hiccup placed his lips on her and deepened the kiss by wrapping one hand around her waist and one hand cupping the back of her head. But this time Astrid kissed back.

Astrid and Hiccup began making out, neither of them wanted to let go. Hiccup's hands made their way to her waist and pulled her closer, Astrid's hands wrapped and gripped Hiccup's hair creating a more passionate kiss between the two. Hiccup saw the bed behind Astrid and pushed the two onto it so that Hiccup was on top of Astrid. Unfortunately, the fall caused Astrid's lips to part from Hiccup's as she landed on the bed underneath Hiccup. The two laughed quietly, but soon engaged in their make-out session again, Hiccup had one hand on Astrid's waist and another on the bed beside Astrid's head.

Astrid began to travel her hands down Hiccup's waist and to the bottom of his shirt that he wore. She gripped it and began to slide it off his body, Hiccup realised what she was doing and decided to help her by taking it off himself. When he did, Astrid's eyes widened in lust. He had a six pack, who knew under all those baggy nerd clothes that he had that under there. Astrid smiled widely as she and Hiccup locked lips again.

Hiccup did the same to Astrid, and helped her take off her shirt that she was wearing, Astrid smiled as Hiccup slipped the shirt off her to reveal her undergarments beneath. Astrid blushed slightly as Hiccup looked at her half naked body and began kissing the rest of her body.

Neither of them realised how far they had gone, they'd both got so carried away. They never realised what they'd done until it was too late.


Astrid awoke the next morning and felt a hard, hot body beneath her head. She wanted to look at who it was who's chest her head was resting on, but she was so comfortable and warm beneath these sheets. But after a moment, Astrid began to recall the events from last night. She was all angry and upset about Eret's betrayal, and Hiccup began to comfort her and then one thing led to another.

"Oh gods..." Astrid whispered to herself. She pushed herself slowly up from the warm body beneath her and looked at the auburn mop of hair on his head. Astrid felt herself gasping for air as she realised what happened and noticed his bare chest, however she then realised that he was naked and soon looked down at her body beneath the sheets.

"Oh my gods..." Astrid whisper-yelled to herself as she saw that she was naked beneath the sheets. They had sex! Astrid and Hiccup had sex! She could believe she just slept with her best friend! She couldn't believe that she did that, she was almost as bad as Heather and Eret. Although she wasn't dating anyone after dumping Eret last night.

Astrid looked at Hiccup and noticed that he was still asleep, she smiled warmly as she looked closely at his face and began to see how cute he was when he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful, as he slept soundly and Astrid felt herself brush a little hair out of Hiccup's face. But she withdrew her hand instantly, what was she doing?!

In a flash Astrid jumped out of bed, careful enough not to wake up Hiccup, and grabbed some clothes. She entered the bathroom and got changed, it was only 7 am at that moment and she knew that Hiccup wouldn't wake up for another 2 hours which was good. So Astrid grabbed her phone and dorm keys and opened the door, but she looked back at Hiccup before leaving.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, but thanks for last night..." Astrid whispered and closed the door quietly.

As the door closed Hiccup awoke from the noise of the door latch catching and sighed in tiredness. He remembered what happened last night and smiled as he turned to face Astrid. But she wasn't there, he quickly turned to her bed on the other side of the room and couldn't see her there either. Hiccup then realised that the noise he'd woken up to was the sound of the door closing so he figured that she must've gone out.

"I bet she's totally embarrassed after what happened. Ugh! I'm such an idiot."Hiccup groaned as he slammed himself onto the bed after he'd sat up to check Astrid's bed. He couldn't believe that Astrid would just end up as his girlfriend after that, well, he hoped that she would. But he knew that she probably was embarrassed to have done that with him, but he wasn't. He was happy that he'd done it with her. She was his 3rd after all, and the one he won't ever forget.

Meanwhile, Astid walked down the hall to Ruffnut's dorm room. Luckily for her, Ruff didn't have a roommate after Ruff's brother dropped out of University a couple of months ago. Astrid knocked rapidly on the door as though there was something chasing her.

"Coming..." Astrid heard a muffled voice from behind the door to Ruff's dorm. Astrid hopped up and down waiting for her friend to open the door for her. "Astrid?" Ruffnut asked as she opened the door. She looked at her friend in confusion as she realised that it was early in the morning and it was the weekend as well. So why would she be here?

"Hey, can I come in?" Astrid asked politely although it looked as though she was about to barge in anyway.

"Sure, sure." Ruff replied by opening the door wider and allowing her friend in. Astrid obliged and entered throwing herself onto Ruffnut's bed in a big motion.

"Ugh! I am such an idiot, Ruff!" Astrid sighed, Ruff closed the door and sat beside Astrid's limp body that was laid out on her bed.

"What's up?" Ruffnut asked, Astrid turned around and sat up beside Ruffnut. She held her face in her hands, she couldn't say it without sounding completely ridiculous.

"I.... I-ugh, I can't say it!" Astrid huffed as she stood up from the bed in annoyance, she couldn't stand still, she was too fidgety.

"Just tell me!" Ruffnut argued.

"Fine. I-I slept with... Hiccup?" Astrid said slowly as she watched Ruffnut's face into a bright smile. But why was she happy for that.

"Jesus Christ, really?!" Ruffnut chuckled, not expecting that kind of statement. Astrid gave her a serious, dumb look. "Oh, you're-Oh!" Ruff said in shock, she knew Hiccup liked Astrid but... Wow.

"What am I gonna do?!" Astrid complained, pacing around her friends' room.

"Well, you know. You could just go out with him." Ruffnut joked. Astrid stopped in her tracks.

"Oh my gods... I can't believe I did that and we weren't even going out?!" Astrid said as she collapsed onto her friends spare bed. Ruff sighed and leaned her arms on her legs as she leaned towards the bed Astrid was on.

"Look, Astrid. You're not a bad person, and I mean, honestly, I didn't realise Hiccup liked you that much. I mean, I knew he liked you, but I didn't think he was the kind to go sleeping around." Ruffnut answered honestly. She felt a tinge of pity for her friend, she was angry with herself.

"He's not, neither of us planned it. It just happened and got out of hand..." Astrid replied. At that moment, Ruffnut realised something and widened her eyes at Astrid.

"Wait. You used... Protection, right?" Ruffnut asked, hoping Astrid will say yes. But when Ruffnut was met with a stunned silence, she sighed and slammed her hands to her mouth. "Oh my gods..." Astrid just sat bolt upright.

"It's okay, I mean... It's not like, errr, it's a bad thing. I mean, it might be nothing... Right?" Astrid panicked, her eyes were running wild around the room as she felt herself go dizzy and started to feel sick. Ruffnut stood and lay her friend down on the spare bed.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Just rest. Don't panic, everything is going to be fine." Ruffnut knew her friend was beginning to have a panic attack and so got some pillows to elevate her legs a little bit so that it would calm her down.

"Thanks Ruff..." Astrid said before taking a nap on her friends bed.


It's been a week since Astrid and Hiccup slept with each other, and things haven't ever been more awkward between them. Hiccup wanted to talk about their night together and even possibly ask her out but the time was never right and he always managed to talk himself out of it.

Astrid woke up that morning feeling off, not as though she was ill, but as though she wasn't right. That's when she felt an agonising churn in her stomach flip her insides around like she was on a roller-coaster. Her hands flew to her mouth and she ran to the toilet. Luckily Hiccup was out that morning as he had an exam coming up and so left early to go to the library. Astrid made it to the toilet and began spewing out her insides into the toilet bowl.

After a couple of minutes of on and off vomiting, Astrid sighed as she flushed the toilet and looked in the mirror at herself. She'd been feeling like this for days, but she thought nothing of it and so decided to ignore it.

"Ugh, this is awful... I'm sick but at least I'm not on my period!" Astrid said to her reflection, but that's when her eyes grew wide. "Wait, what?!" Astrid exclaimed to herself. She couldn't be...

Within a couple of minutes she got dressed and headed out to the nearest pharmacy where she could find the test she was looking for. This was unbelievable, she couldn't believe that she might be pregnant with Hiccup's child. It was an accident!

Astrid bought the pregnancy test, trying to avoid the odd stares she was receiving, and raced back to her dorm room. Hopefully Hiccup wasn't back by now. She quickly entered her dorm and headed to the toilet.

She couldn't believe what she was doing, she was actually peeing on a stick to see whether her mishap with Hiccup was even more serious than they had intended. She couldn't decide whether or not she was excited or scared about the pregnancy. There was no denying that she liked Hiccup, but a baby was a bit too far. She didn't think she could handle that! Astrid looked at her phone and saw it had been 2 minutes and so the pregnancy test should reveal her fate.

Astrid carefully picked up the test and looked nervously at the screen. Her eyes began to water as a smile appeared on her face when she read the result.

"Pregnant. I'm pregnant..." Astrid whispered to herself. She couldn't help feel a little bit excited and happy about the thought of having a baby, but that feeling of fear and rejection by Hiccup began to cloud her other feelings. She couldn't tell him, not yet, she needed her friendship with Hiccup even though it was only an occasional 'hello' from either of them now.

"I have to tell Ruff..." Astrid said and took the pregnancy test with her as she began to exit her dorm and head towards Ruff's room.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans as Hiccup opened the door and was immediately met Astrid on the other side of the door. The two crashed into each other due to neither of them looking where they were going, and causing the pregnancy test flying into the air and landing somewhere on the floor.

"Hi Astrid. Going somewhere?" Hiccup asked, surprised at the eagerness of Astrid trying to escape the room.

"Errrr..." Should she tell him? "Yes, I am going to Ruffnut's to talk to her, about.... Something. Don't wait up!" She replied at she strafed beside him and left the room.

Hiccup just shrugged to her action and closed the door, but as he did he noticed something odd and white on the floor. He recognised the shape of it from somewhere but he didn't know where, he leaned down and picked it up. When he looked at the screen he quickly searched for his bed and sat upon it before he fainted.

"She's... She's... Pregnant?" Hiccup asked himself as he stared at the pregnancy test screen. That's when the door opened quickly as Astrid burst back into the room as she looked at the ground before noticing Hiccup on the bed. He showed her the pregnancy test with a look of humour across his face.

"So... You know?" Astrid asked as she sat beside Hiccup. She could barely look at him.

"Yep. You're pregnant." Hiccup replied, unsure of what to say next. He tried to look at Astrid but only ended up looking back at the test in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen." Astrid said solemnly as she looked at the test in Hiccup's hands and then back to her own. Hiccup looked at Astrid and placed one of his hands in hers.

"Astrid, this is as much of my fault as it is yours. We both could've stopped that night, but we didn't. Whether we knew it or not, both of us wanted that to happen. But maybe not this..." He looked at the test and then back at her. "I don't care what you decide to do, just know that I'll be beside you. No matter what..." Hiccup comforted her, Astrid smiled and gave Hiccup a hug to show her appreciation. Hiccup hugged back reluctantly, but smiled when he wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you Hiccup. I love you so much..." Astrid admitted, Hiccup widened his eyes and pushed Astrid away from the hug slowly.

"What did you just say?" Hiccup asked.

"I love you." Astrid replied stoically. "Why? What's wrong with that? If it wasn't true then why would I be keeping the baby?" Astrid asked mockingly. She smiled at Hiccup's shocked expression, she loved how cute he looked when he had no idea what was going on. It was adorable.

"Does that mean..?" Hiccup could barely form a sentence he was so shocked by her confession. He never realised that she would say it first.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend. I want you to be part of my family. Of our family." She answered as she grabbed Hiccup's hand and placed it on her stomach where the baby was. Hiccup smiled and hugged her close.

It wasn't the way that they wanted their family to start, but it was the way they found themselves in and it was the one in which they found each other. Neither of them would have it any other way.

I'm sorry.

This is a really bad one shot and I felt like I just threw that pregnancy bit in in a really bad way. I'm not particularly proud of this one and if you guys don't like it either then please tell me because I really appreciate the honesty. If you would rather me make a separate one shot for the baby thing, then I will. I am currently working on that kind of one shot but i have to think of the story behind it.

Anyway, thanks for actually getting this far, that deserves a medal based on how bad this one shot was because it was so rushed and confusing. I'm really sorry!

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