Chapter 7

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I saw my sister and James walk out the door. Ugh. Why couldn't I help hunt for ONCE!? Was it to much to ask? I was smart, strong, and completely capable of hunting a deer or other prey animal. But Emily was like, 'No Jake, not until you're 14, you are to young.' Well guess what!? James wont be here forever! I know this makes me sound like a rude brat but trust me, if you were in my shoes, you would do the same. Usually I am quite happy and helpful. Until James showed up. I'm not saying he is a bad person, because he isn't, in fact, he helped us fend off the bear when Emily was down.

One thing I have noticed though is his effect on Emily. She says she doesn't like him but I know better, I can tell, she is my sister!

I heard footsteps and craned my neck to see Sarah come walking down the stairs to put the medicine back in the cabinet. She looked around the dead silent room until her eyes landed on me. I was lying on the couch staring at the ceiling, questioning how my life had lead up to this moment.

"Where's Emily?" Sarah asked as she sat at the table and turned her chair to face me.

I internally sighed, "Teaching her boyfriend the ways of the forest."

"So she's teaching James to hunt", Sarah said and gave me an 'are you serious' look.

"You could also put it that way", I said with a bit of edge.

Sarah sighed and looked out the window, "You have to stop saying that James is Emily's boyfriend, he obviously isn't! They are friends! Plus, I don't think Emily would be to happy if she heard you."

"Oh don't worry, she isn't," I said through a yawn.

I saw Sarah roll her eyes and stand up. She walked over and stood before me with her arms crossed.

"How would you like it if Emily was doing this to you", Sarah said with annoyance.

I rolled my eyes, "We live in the middle of the woods! There are no people for miles!"

Sarah simply shook her head and walked to the door, "I'm going to go dig up some Burdock and Chervil root out in the forest. Stay out of trouble while i'm gone, Sophie is sick."

I nodded and sat up straight. Sarah grabbed her coat and walked out the door. I stared out the window and watched Emily teach James how to hold a bow before they went into the forest. Even I knew how to hold a hunting bow, it wasn't that hard.

When James finally got the position right a minute later, Emily smiled and laughed with him and then beckoned him into the woods.

Since I was bored out of my mind, I decided a little walk in the forest couldn't hurt. I put on my shoes and a sweatshirt and opened the door. I breathed in the fresh, cool air and exhaled slowly.

My shoes crunched the light layer of snow that dusted the ground. It had snowed a tiny bit last night, winter was finally here. I heard voices from the woods, a bit farther in. A little spying on my sister's hunting lesson could do no harm, right? I crept closer and stood behind a large pine tree.

"Thank you so much for everything," James said with appreciation.

"Oh! Of course! It's nothing, really," I heard Emily speak with a bit of embarrassment.

I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I shifted a foot and accidentally stepped on a branch. I held in my breath as I heard Emily quickly snap her head in my direction and raise her bow. I could barely hear the string pull back. I could hear Emily and Jame's breath as they listened.

I felt like my lungs were going to die when James finally said, "It was probably just a squirrel."

I heard Emily lower her bow and turn to James, "Probably."

I then decided this was a really bad idea, which I should have known since the beginning. But me being me, decided to go with the probably, more of definitely, the worse option. I decided to stay just a bit longer to see if I could actually learn anything out of this lesson.

One of the problems was, I couldn't see anything. I quietly and slowly climbed up the tree, careful not to knock off or break any branches or needles. I settled on a thick branch towards the middle of the tree and got comfortable.

"One rule of hunting, is to always be aware of your surroundings," Emily informed James, "You never know if there is prey hiding, or if a predator is hunting you. Also, keep light footsteps. Avoid any brittle twigs or branches and dry leaves that litter the ground."

James nodded and watched Emily.

"Try to blend into your surroundings, animals have great senses and one wrong move could ruin the hunt", Emily said softly and leaned against a tree, "Keep your voice down and look behind that tree."

I saw she was pointing at a deer about twenty five feet away by a large maple tree. James nodded and got his bow in position.

"Now don't rush it, take your time", I could barely hear Emily's soft yet strict whisper.

James lifted his bow and aimed at the deer.

"Now", Emily whispered and the arrow shot through the air.

I saw it strike the deer. The deer stumbled forward.

James and Emily ran to it and James pulled out a knife. Emily must have already told him what to do when you strike the animal.

When the deer was completely dead, I saw Jame's face light up with excitement.

He was lucky, that was it. I would make a catch on my first day too, probably. I am a natural hunter and pretty independent if i do say so myself.

"Nice job!" Emily said with pride.

She usually used that voice when Sophie made a catch, when Sarah found a jackpot of herbs or berries, or when I did well turning the animal pelt and bones into something useful.

"How'd I do?" James asked and stood up with the deer over his shoulders.

"Not bad", Emily smiled and nudged his elbow lightly, "For your first time anyways."

James smiled and laughed quietly for a second. I saw Emily turn back to the trail as they walked back. Once they were out of sight, I climbed down. I followed the trail back and went to the store to get one of the other back up bows. I looked at it longingly but then instinct kicked in, or the feeling you get when you are about to do something wrong but you suddenly change your mind when you think of the consequences.

I watched my step so I wouldn't accidentally get a arrow to the heart, or anywhere for that matter. I kept walking closer to the cabin until I could see the brown lump of wood we called home.  

I  silently walked around the back of the cabin and looked around on the ground for a thin and long stick. I finally found one on the side of the store and picked it up off the ground. I bent it slightly back and forth to make sure it wasn't to brittle. 

I quickly sat on the bench behind the store and pulled out one of my knives. I started to carve the wood. I wanted to make it seem like this is what i have been doing the whole time while Emily and James were gone. 

I had practiced a lot when I was younger and was pretty quick now. I watched the bark peelings drift to the ground. I could probably make a tooth pick out of it. I heard footsteps and lifted my head in it's direction.

I saw Emily turn around the edge of the cabin and I stopped to wave to her.

"What have you been up to?" She asked as she walked over.

"Oh, you know, carving some wood," I replied and looked back to my stick.

"I'd expect you to be quicker," Emily said with suspicion.

"I had made another one but the stick was too thin and it snapped when I tried to use it," I lied and Emily seemed to relax.

"Ok", Emily nodded and looked out into the woods.

"How was hunting with James?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Good! He's a quicker learner then I thought he would be," I could tell she was trying not to smile, as was I too.

Because I didn't want to get on her bad side, I didn't make any of the comments my brain was telling me to make, it physically killed me.

I noticed that , my tooth pick was done. I snapped it in half and walked into the cabin. 

I saw James sitting at the table, Emily on the other hand, was probably upstairs.

"Jake", James whispered to me as I sat down on the couch.

I looked up at him and nodded. He beckoned me over and I stood up and stood before him.

"I saw you in the woods today," James said.

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