Can I please stay?

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¤when they were 19¤

Marcels P.O.V.

"Hey snow, um..... I have a question for you!" I said nervously "yea what is it marcel!" She said ok ok you can do this Mar you can do this just tell her already "I saw you use a power of yours and I want you to follow me to the basement I have something for you can you please come with me?" I asked "oh! O-ok marcel" She said man, I hope she knows she is ok here!

Snowdrops P.O.V.

ok, he said basement I am scared of basements why is he taking me here "um.... here we are snow drop I hope you like it!" Marcel said he opened the door and he guessed my powers and there colors wow! He got them right so if remember red is fire blue is water black is death purple is hipnotize yellow is metal gray is sleep and tan is heal/life "th-thank you Marcel I-i love it!" I said gleefully I huged him I felt at home here

Sanoishinios P.O.V.

I saw Marcel showing snow the basement and she huged him and her fist turned to FIRE she changed her fist back and I ran to my room to try to find my amulet I had to talk to Seto I had to tell him that there was another person like us! I heard my door open and Janet was there and she had her katana out "who's the new girl here san!" She said "s-s-snowdrop her name is snowdrop, Janet please don't kick her out the last two times we saw her she was in the forest!"I said "fine... she can stay but if she messes with me that's final!" She said "AH!!!!" ??? Screamed "what the!" Janet said we ran to were we heard the scream of course the basement!

Janets P.O.V.

FUCK! who the hell is that screaming at the top of there notch dam lungs! "Snow! Mar! Are you guys ok!" San Screamed "yea! We're fine just that snow burt herself!" Mar replied we walked down the stairs "WHO IN THE HEROBRONE IS THAT" I yelled at the top of my lungs putting my sword to her neck "I-i am snowdrop w-w-who are y-you" She said struggling to breathe "none of your business missy" I snapped "janet, she is our new roommate be. Nice.!" Mar said really! A girl why in the bloody notch is there a girl here, I swerve I am going to kill those two! "Um.... are you ok janet" Snow asked "yea! And mind your own business" I snapped again



Seto! Were are you I have to know weres ty, jason, tyler, adam, quinten, and ian! Were are you guys? "Hey! You up I have been wanting to talk to you san!" Seto said "yea, how many more years seto! How many more!" I said
"Three more years brother three more!" He said my door opened "sorry dude got to go Mar is here" I whispered "hey, dude I was wondering if you can help me with something!" Mar said "sure what is it mar!" I spoke "um..... I need to go mining and I want you to go with becuse I need more iron and gold" butter "so can you help me san?" Mar asked me "sure Mar I would love to!" I said

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