Why have we meet again

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¤when they were 15¤

Marcels P.O.V.

"San! Wait for me!" I yelled
"Well then run faster!" Screamed sanoishinio man, why were we here oh right we saw a light and needed eviden- WAIT is that who I think it is snowdrop! Why is she flouting! "S-S-SNOWDROP!" we both said she looked at us she had two different color eyes black and her normal blue her boots they had gray and tan her shorts they were red and yellow her shirt was glowing green, orange, and purple "run.... run as fast as you can now go now" She said "w-we can't leave you here snowdrop!" I yelled

Sanoishinios P.O.V.

I looked at snow wait weres snow there she is on the ground OH NO! I ran to snow with Marcel on my tail
"Snow are you ok!" Marcel said "uh....no....watch....out.....guys!" She said "mar, grab her and let's get out of here." I said I hope she's ok! They got back to Mar and sans house and put snow in there guest room.

Snowdrops P.O.V.

I woke up some were I didn't know were I was "WERE AM I!? WHO'S HERE!? LET ME OUT!?" I screamed as load as I could I heard foot steps I am going to die arnt I ugth get those thoughts out of you head snow! The door opened to revel San and Mar "w-why am I here?" I asked "you passed out in the forest when we saw a light!" Mar said "so, we followed it!" San pipped up "o-ok thank you guys!" I said "your welcome!" They both said


Sanoishinios P.O.V.

"San, I will be there soon just stay safe ok I will be there in 7 years I promise time me if you have to I will be there!" ??? Said "I trust you, I will see you soon!" I said "bye!" He said "bye!" I said my door opened "dude, you ok?" Mar said "yep! Just talking to my self!" I said man... I hope he believes this! "Ok... night san!" Mar said "night mar!" I said I can't wait for my cosin!

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