Chapter 4: One, Two, Beware

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'Knock knock!' A voice whispered.

'Who's there?' Another voice spoke from inside the room.

'The devil who you thought was dead'


Lmao did I scare you? I'm just kidding XD. There is no devil or any kind of shits here. I was bored as usual since I'm back to HELL.

At this point I wish all my teachers are absent today. I am in no mood to listen to their lectures. Who would be anyways? Whatever.. I don't want to think about shits and annoy myself even more. Let's just head to Classroom.

While I was on my way to the cLaSsRoOm, I saw an alien wink and walk past me. Eww- What's wrong with Tae?

I rolled my eyes and continued walking but suddenly that little alie- I mean Tae came out of no where while moon walking and stood right infront of me.

"What's with your mood today, babe?" He asked while i almost puked at 'babe'. What's wrong with this Bipolar bitch today?

"Are you really blind or are just pretending to be? This is my daily mood" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Maybe...both~ How do I make your mood better?" He asks.

"By shutting that little mouth of yours" I smiled sarcastically and walked away.

Tae being Tae fake cried while putting his hand on his heart. This bi-

"I am deeply hurt princess" He said and continued his drama. And forget princess I'm the Queen here. To be honest, he is kinda cringing me with his words like bAbE and pRiNcEsS.

I don't get why everyone comes to flirt w/ me. I get that I'm really Beautiful and Attractive but that doesn't mean you are gonna flirt- it's annoying to be honest. And these two bitches Jimin and Taehyung flirt with me the most. No wonder why I feel like either puking on them or throwing a punch right on their face whenever they try to flirt.

Anyways I ignored this Alien which came from some sort of planet about which God only knows. But he is Kim Taehyung the moody bitch so he followed me to annoy me a little more. I don't really care though but as he followed me, he said something which made me choke on my saliva.

"Jagiya, why are you ignoring me?" He said with a pout whereas I'm still resisting myself from throwing a punch on this dudes face. Guess who's extremely moody today? Kim Taehyung is! He for sure is acting like those annoying dudes in kdramas. we are the center of the attention in the hallway when I heard a laugh very familiar to me.

"All the best handling him Eonnie. Today is your turn BWAHAHAHAHAHA" That's Lisa well nevermind I can handle him anyways.

"You wanna know why I'm ignoring you?, honey..?" I said with an unexpected smirk to Tae and he smirked back and replied me.

"Ofcourse" but as soon as he said that, he made an innocent face.

I pulled him closer by his collar and whispered something in his ears which made his eyes go wide. Everyone was staring at us cuz of the position but I care the least.

I left the hold of his collar and pretended as if nothing happened and walked away as he stared at my body with his cold eyes.

Curious? Aren't you? About what I said to Tae earlier that resulted to this? You'll know sooner or later about that or maybe never too. You never know but as of now let's go to class before I'm dead.

Here I am- woah woah woah- did I come early? No way. Right then I noticed the notice on the board saying today's class stands canceled. DAMN that's a good thing!

Finally some peace- ah oh maybe no. Just the moment I thought I'd get some peace, Namjoon entered the room and the first thing he did was break the flower pot "accidentally".

"Oh- hihi- sorry" Namjoon said as he looked at the broken flower pot and went to pick up the broken pieces but ended up hurting his finger. "AuUuuuChhhHhh" he yelped out of pain.

To be honest- I wanted to sprinkle a good amount of iodised salt on his wound cause of what he did to my ears but I decided to do nothing because i realised he will end up breaking the whole classroom if I did so.

"Hey Namjoon! Let's go to the nurse and don't worry about this shit. Ima get it fixed by someone" I said and dragged him to the nurse's office.

- After a While -

"I can't belived this is the 10th time you are coming to my office this week!" The nurse exclaimed as I laughed my ass off. Namjoon sat there pouting as Ms. Nurse was busy applying medicine to his wound.

"It was an accident. I can't help with it" Namjoon said while I laughed.

~ Time Skips ~

Today is totally unbelievable! It's recess right now and from morning out of 4 classes, only 1 was held. Rest all were suspended for some meeting. Same goes after reccess. Other than library rest all classes stand suspended.

What's this important thing that teachers are discussing for hours and can't time to teaching today. Well I just hope this shit continues cause I won't have to attend the classes. 

So here I am in the Cafeteria cause I got nothing to do. Nor I really see any of Royals around.

I sat on one of the seats and sipped my drink while scrolling through my insta account when I saw someone sit infront of me.

It was none other than my Jichu turtle rabbit Kim. Sometimes she is really strict while sometimes so cute and adorable- i don't know what to say next- hihi you get what I want to say right?

"Hey babes, you look free and got nothing to do just like me so wanna go around and read something with me? No study related books" She said with a cute smile. Too cute to resist her request so I gave in cause I might really find something to interesting to read instead of scrolling insta which is dry asf right now.

~ Time Skips ~


ere we are!

Belive me this library is so huge that you might even get lost if you are new here. You will find the newest books here aswell.

You will find students studying here or reading here or maybe just simply sleeping here cause why not? It's the most peaceful place in the whole school.

"Girl let's go that part of library" said Jisoo and started walking towards a not well known section of library. People rarely went there I don't know why. Although it was mystery / thriller section, still people preferred the other thriller section.

Both of us started checking out books. There were many books. Silent Patient, The Bermuda Triangle, Black Desert etc.

I tried reaching out a book from a higher shelf but accidentally pushed the book inside when suddenly a door beside me opened. I flinched while Jisoo turned around and saw the whole thing.

"Wait- what? How?" Jisoo looked at the dark room. "Since when did school even have such a thing in library" I said as I stared at the door.

"It's weird isn't it? I think we should go and check" Jisoo said and the next moment both of us entered the room. We turned on the flashlight and saw stairs so we started going downstairs when suddenly the door closed and we accidentally dropped our phones.

"What is happening?"

I know I know. An update after a long time. Hope you enjoyed reading 🌿

See ya again!

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