Chapter 5 - Little Secrets

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The door got closed by a loud thud which got both of us too startled which resulted into us dropping our phones accidentally. Just then...

Someone screamed...totally like a girl would if they saw cockroach.

"AhhHhhHhhHhHhahahhhhhh" it was a man's voice. Jisoo flinched and screamed the exact same way while it took me a while to process everything happening around.

Till the time i was done processing, the screaming session was over. I heard the man speak.

"Damn- w-who's there- i-is that a GHOST??! by a-any chance?" I think I have heard this voice somewhere sometimes. No actually quite a lot but still it's hard to recognize it in such a situation.

"Bitch there is no ghosts in here. Turn on a flashlight or something and let us see your face" I said with a sassy tone.

"Bruh- I think I've heard your voice somewhere- did I talk to a ghost before? Nevermind let me turn on my flashlight" that weird af dude said and turned on the flashlight and I saw who that mf was.




What tf is this dude doing here?

He must have lost his way back home.

Who do you think this great peice of art is?

Actually rotten art.

[Listen to "Baepsae" by BTS's instrumental while reading for the best experience]

I don't know what you have guessed but it's none other than great but not so great Park Jimin!

"Jisoo- Y/n- what are you both doing here?" He asks while flashing the light right on our eyes. *smiles with pain*

Jisoo while smiling sarcastically pushed away the phone from right infront of their faces and spoke to Jimin. "I have the same question. What are you doing here?"

"Me- I was here to read books but saw this open-" Jimin said.

"BOOKS?! YOU?!" Me and Jisoo exclaimed as I dramatically started checking his temperature.

"Oh noo oh nooo! How are you perfectly fine and yet doing such things! You need to visit a doc Jimin!" I said dramatically ofcourse.

"I have no problem in visiting a doctor if the doctor is you-" He was trying to flirt with me but Jisoo cut him off.

"Park Jimin and books is too surprising for me to believe. Jimin you are okay right? Are you sure you did not hit your head somewhere?" Jisoo asks.

"Bro- what do you all think about me- I like reading books too-" He got cut off again.

"SINCE WHENNNN?!" Me and Jisoo asked together.

Jimin was so done now but we cared less ofcourse. It was unusual to see Jimin in the Library so we are too surprised. Actually we are more suspicious than surprised. Never mind.

"Can you both stop? Let's look around the place instead" He said making me finally realise that we entered a strange secret room that too in Library.

"Oh yeah.." i said and asked him to show flashlight so me and Jisoo could pick up our phones. We turned on our flashlights too and Jisoo went closer to the door, trying to find a button or something to close it.

After searching for a while she finally found it and closed the door as soon as she could so no one gets to know about this secret room and us going through it.

Slowly climbing down the stairs, we looked around the whole place and it looked really strange.

There were tons of boxes everywhere in shelves and plastic around them. Some were open while some were sealed. I had a really bad feeling about those boxes.

Why? They could be the boxes in which books came too. But still I had a strange odd feeling about it yet ignored cause what can even go wrong about them?

[Listen to "Love to Hate me" instrumental by Blackpink while reading for the best experience]

"Hey what's that-" Jimin said and stopped in middle. When me and Jisoo turned towards the direction Jimin was pointing, we saw another box.. but an open one with jars inside.

Strange jars to be exact. They had a sort of green liquid in it?

"Eww thats looking so gross" Jisoo commented and I was still thinking what that could be.

"I know. What that could be though?" Jimin asked.

"Umm...I think.. it is acid" I said still looking at it while the rest two looked at me.

"What made you think that?" Jisoo asked.

"The jar. Acids are stored in jars and are green in colour too. I just think it is it but it might turn out to be something else too." I said.

"You are correct though. I think it makes sense why they stored acid here. Probably for chemical practices but away from students so nothing can go wrong." Jimin said.

"Still don't you think it is still odd? I mean why would they store so much acid?" Jisoo said.

"You are right but we can't do anything about it anyways so i think we should go ahead and see what else is here. We don't have so much time afterall." I suggested and the rest two agreed but something was up with Jisoo. I think she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Well same with me but let's come back to that later. Finally we came to an end of these never ending stairs. And then flashed light around to see what else is here. There were old broken tables and chairs everywhere.

Not gonna lie this basement sorta thing is huge. I mean Library is in the ground floor and if stairs go down from there we could consider this as a basement right?

Anyways although we could just see broken chairs and tables, we still decided to look around for a longer time. Three of us went into different directions with flashlight and started looking around. Just then I heard Jisoo call out.

"What the hell- what are skeletons doing here-" now all of our attention was on Jisoo as she flashed the light on the three skeletons which were lying in the ground.

"Damn that's creepy-" Said Jimin as he looked at the broken skeletons.

"They probably threw it because it was broken" said Jisoo. "Yeah looks like that.." I said and got back into trying to find stuffs. Just then something caught my eye's attention. Something which gave me the real bad feeling.

Red handprints on the table. This was what I saw. Now I started to get scared a little bit. The next moment Jimin called out.

"Hey did you both notice there are so many doors in this room? All of them are almost hiding behind these broken stuffs" I looked around and noticed it too.

Jimin is right. There are so many doors in here. "Guys...there is something really wrong with this place" I said as I pointed at those hand prints.

They came closer and got a look of it as Jisoo covered her mouth in gesture of horror as Jimin looked carefully at the prints.

"Hey.. I think this is paint.." Jimin said as he rubbed his hand on the table. "Why do you think so?" I asked.

"I don't think blood stain will be this thick. See it feels like paint." He said and I had to agree.

"But...." He continued.

"I'm not sure about this part." He said as he pointed towards another place the same red liquid smeared on it. "This doesn't feel like paint you know." He said.

"Guys...I don't want to stay in here. I'm not feeling good." Jisoo said. "Sure we will get out but I don't think this is the best time. Afterall we don't want anyone to know we were here right" I said.

"Well..." Jimin looked at his watch as he continued "we can get out of here after 20 minutes. This period will end and then the next period will be Boys Football Finals so all students will be there. It will be the perfect time to escape!"

"Woah since when did you become so smart Jimin?" I asked seeing how he was behaving for the past few minutes. "I always was bish-" He said but Jisoo interrupted him. "No Fights here!" She said strictly.

"Aye aye" Jimin saluted her and walked away towards one of the doors using tiny steps.

'Cute..' I thought and smiled.

WAIT! Before you take it wrong, let me tell you he was basically walking like a puppy- who won't think of it as cute? To be honest, other than that I don't find a single thing cute about this mf.

Just then I noticed he was trying to open one of the doors but it didn't open. "Damn this is stuck" He said still pulling the door.

"Why don't you try opening a different door?" Jisoo suggested. "All of them are locked other than this one." He said still pulling the door. Just then..

The door suddenly opened with a creak and two people appeared tripping and almost breaking their bones.

"SHIT! We are DOOMED!"


Hihi yes an update 💖 hope you liked reading ittt <3 do vote and comment~ they make my day !

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