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Guys , I just wanted to say that the idea of this story was Anika and her dealing with her own self. Her past , her fears , her way to survive and coming out strong. And in the process of not believing in love  to falling in it with Shivaay, unknowingly though!
She would have to fight her inner demons every now and then . So pls don't judge her.

Imagine  a girl who is afraid to love , afraid to share her feelings ,her thoughts because she don't wanna be vulnerable. She don't want to feel that hurt ,that pain all over again.
How difficult it must be for her to climb up the walls that she herself build around her heart?

Anishana Empire

Anika enters office wearing a white shirt paired with sharp edgy pencil skirt and gorgeous nude heels. She went straight away to her cabin and ordered Sarah her receptionist to make to her cabin

Sarah enters

Anika - As you know I fired Tia , I want her replacement fast .

Sarah nods and went from there.

Anika pov

Although I knew Tia is wicked but she was way too professional and perfect for the job of my PA. But why did she try to create a rift between me and Shivaay putting up her friendship with Shivaay and this job at sake . Nevertheless,she is not worth your time.

And Shivaay! Well he is expecting us to move a lil ahead in our relationship. (Guys samjh gye na 😜🙈,our romantic singh oberoi)). We have come a long way ,already. He is Perfect. Perfect to extend that any girl would describe the qualities that he possesses when they would be asked to describe their dream man.
Can I give him what he deserves. I am madly in love with him, well I guess so  and I want to give him all the happiness . After all he deserves it ,the best of all. Anikaaaa , you gotta fight your past . It's in past . Don't let it affect your relationship. He was a monster but Shivaay,he hee heee is a blessing in your life.

He has helped you to overcome everything and will always be there for you. He won't ever force himself on you . Be Confident Anika.

Anika pov ends

Oberoi Empire

Shivaay was busy in a meeting. As soon as the meeting end ,he came into cabin and started going through files.
Suddenly he receives call from his secret agents, Sir - Anika ma'am is planning to buy half of the shares of our company.
Shivaay- Are you out of your mind ? This is not possible. I pay you to spy on my competitors not on my wife.
Secret agent- But sir , she is also our competition only. Her game plan is pretty big . I gave you information, further action is your work.
Shivaay cuts up the call.

Shivaay couldn't believe what he just heard.

Shivaay pov.
Anika wants to takeover Oberoi Empire. How that can be even possible. Before our marriage ,we came on conclusion that we both are gonna continue with our job and won't interfere in each other business. We even canceled our deal . As far as I know Anika, for her ,her Empire is one of the most important things of her life but I am pretty sure not important then our trust,our bond,our relationship!
Anika was too sarcastic during our first meets and it clearly showed that she keeps her professional and personal life different! And this?
What's happening!?

Shivaay pov ends.

Anishana Empire

Swetlana come in.
Anika-As yk you are my PA. So get on your work from today.
Swetlana- Already started ma'am.
Anika - Whats about our latest deal . We are taking over that company and gonna finish our competition. Bring me the file.
Swetlana handed over the file.
Anika- I hope Mr.Chatur went through this file and there are no mistakes in it.
Swetlana- Yes ma'am. Here this is, his verification signature.
Anika signed the file and continued with her work .

Later at OM

Shivaay enters and as soon as he enter his room , his phone rings and their is a image text .
The image is of some legal documents which states that now ,Anika is owner of half of Oberoi Empire with her signature and company seal on it .

Shivaay was shocked. He had no problem with her as being owner of Oberoi Empire as she is already married to him and is owner but buying it under her company name was something else. He felt betrayed as she took such a big step without telling him or discussing it with him. Moreover , How could she? All his faith in her came crashing down now.

At that very moment Anika reached home,OM and saw Shivaays backside while moving towards their room.
Anika in her cheerful mood while holding his shoulder from behind- Shivaayyyyy! Can we go out today ? I cracked most awaited deal of my life.

Shivaay immediately got out of her hold and turned around. His eyes red with anger.
"How could you do this Anikaaa? How dare you ? How can you take such a drastic step on your own? Was that all fake? The deal and relationship ish? Are you the same Anika that I met at Award Function and not the one I married!? I never thought you could stoop so low breaking everything between us. We came so far , I never left your side ,I tried to did everything I could to make you believe in Love , to help you to learn how to trust again and You ? Well , you yourself broke that trust . I failed Anika. I lost . "

Anika was taken aback . She just stared him ,silently. Absorbing what all just happened.
Shivaay phone started to ring , he threw it away in typical SSO style! And went away from there ,got out of the mansion. Sat in his car and drove off .

Anika stood there frozen. Still trying to figure out what the hell happened just few seconds ago!

Breathe Anika ! Breathe. He can't left you . He can't!  He won't! He is your Shivaay. He is not like rest .---Her heart screamed while her mind was already preparing itself for worst .

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