I'm Going back Home....

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I was walking up the school stairs from combat class as I was thinking about home. I can't live in two worlds at once. It's either here or there I can't go through all the hard pressure of being here in Zulla and at home all the time. I don't even care about my education! I was supposed to leave school a long time ago but mom wanted to keep me in so technically I don't need to go to school anymore! I also don't want to deprive my mom of her time because if time stops there then a lot of her life she'll be frozen in time. I know what I have to do! I have to go home.

I walked to my dorm ready to tell yuki and Akemi the bad news. I opened the door to see yuki, Akemi, Kenshi, and Kaito inside. Why are the boys in here? I thought to myself. Whatever. Hey, yuki this is hard to say but........I'm moving back home. The room filled with silence. Your moving? Kenshi said breaking the silence. I simply nodded. Why, do you not like us or is it the school? Akemi asked with worry. No, I love all of you guys it's just I'm not ready for the stress of two lives.

If that's the case then why don't you just live here your not gonna miss anything there times stopped remember. Kaito said. I wish I could but I don't want everyone to miss out on life while I'm living it. I said trying not to cry. You can't leave! Kenshi said. I....I have to. No, no you don't! He yelled again. It's not like your gonna miss me I've only been here for a day! You can be emotionally attached to someone or something after a day! Kenshi said. I went wide eyed. Looks like someones got a crush! Kaito said trying to lighten the mood. Kenshi blushed as a tear came from his eye.

Okay. Yuki said. What? I asked. Okay, I understand where you're coming from this is your decision and I have your full support. I do to. Akemi said. If there in I'm in. Kaito said. I looked at Kenshi he turned around not even able to look at me. I sighed. Okay, can you open the portal yuki. Sure. She grabbed her wand from her bed and swiped it down. As the portal opened I hesitated to go in. I turned around and gave yuki a big hug. Thank you. I said. I gave a hug to everyone, but Kenshi who wouldn't let me give him one. Kenshi you gave me motivation to go up in front of everyone and speak. You helped me learn how to use my powers and I thank you for that. He still looked away trying to hold back tears. I turned to the portal and walked in as a bright light went through my eyes.

Kenshi's POV: I couldn't say goodbye without tearing up I only knew her for half a day and shes gone. Whats wrong with you Kenshi? I turned around to see Akemi. Oh, nothing. I said drying my tears. That was some breakdown you had over there you acted like you've known her for a year! Kaito said with a giggle. I think he has a crush. Yuki said with a smile. Ooh! They all said teasingly as they broke into laughter. Its not that it's just....nevermind, let's just go tell master covalt about her leaving. I said walking out of the dorm room up to the Masters room followed by Akemi, Kaito, and yuki.

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