The confession

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As the light began to adjust I found myself behind the school at night. I looked at my watch. It was 8:30, I'm exactly where I was when yuki took me to Zulla, when my whole life got turned upside down! And it's all thanks to her. I was sad trying to hold back tears. I wish I could have stayed but if I did I would have deprived the whole world from there life. I walked home in my dark alley Street until I saw my house. The ladder that I used to sneak out was still there. I quietly went up it and flung myself through the window. I realised I was still in the dress that yuki gave me. It was freezing cold out so I put my pajamas on and closed the window. "Knock knock" I heard at my door as the wind pounded against my window. I grabbed the dress and hid it behind my bed. Come in! I yelled to the person behind the door. I heard the door creaked open as I saw my mom's face. "Hey, sweety!" She said in a calm sweet voice. "Hey mom." I said casually sitting on my bed. "So tell me.....what were you doing tonight." I sat up shocked feeling anxious and guilty. "How did you know!" I asked. "I'm your mother I know I saw you sneak out." I let out a sigh. Okay give me my punishment. Oh I will, but first I want to know what you were doing! She said disappointedly. How was I supposed to do! How am I supposed to explain that I snuck out to meet a fairy who would take me to another universe only for me to learn I was a legend that had powers. I realised that she had to find out sooner or later so I told her.

Master Covalts POV: "What she left!" "Sadly master yes." Kenshi said. "Why!?" I asked frantically. She said she didn't want to stop everyone else's lives so she could live in a magic universe. Yuki said. "What, oh she doesn't need to worry about that she can get the school tattoo." "Thats right I forgot all about the tattoo that makes us Zulla citizens!" Akemi said looking at her tattoo on her arm. "So all she needs to do is get the tattoo and her world will continue to move because she's a citizen of Zulla!" Yuki said with glee. "Exactly!" I said. "This is great yuki open the portal let's go tell her the good news!" Kenshi said with a smile. "Alrightio!" Yuki said. "Thats not a word." Kaito said. What ever. Yuki said opening the portal walking through it.

Alexa's POV: haha! My mom laughed hysterically. So your telling me that you have magic and a fairy came to bring you to a place called Zulla and become a legend. I simply nodded yes. Ha! You have some creative mind, I thought you could've at least made up something believable. She said not believing. She's telling the truth I heard someone say from the door. Yuki? I said shocked. Hi Alexa, we have great news! Kenshi said. Who are you people? My mom said with her phone out ready to call the police. Mom calm down there my friends. What kind of friends barge into your house at night! The kind that aren't from this world. What, okay if all you are from this Zulla world show me your "powers". She said making air quotes in the air. At that yuki transformed into a fairy, Kaito put a raincloud over mom's head, Kenshi created fire in his hand, Akemi broke my window with sound waves and I created a forcefield over the room. Do you believe us now. I asked as she looked at me speechless.

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