My Moms Secret

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She was dead silent just staring at me as her mouth was dropped. Little mumbles came out until we all stopped using magic. "Guys what are you doing here!' I asked surprised. "We came to take you back to Zulla." Yuki said with joy. "Guys I already told you if the whole world stops here when I leave then no body will be able to live there lives." I said trying to reason with them. "We have a way of letting you live with us and letting this world keep moving, if you come with us we can show you!" Kenshi said with cheer. "Really!?" I said with hope. I turned around and looked at my mom who was still in shock. "But what about my mom." I said with sadness overflowing my voice. My mom looked at me with the same sad look. "I'll let you go!" She said. I looked at her with surprise. "What!" I said in shock. "You don't belong here, there's something I never told you something I was never going to tell you. Your adopted......" She said with sadness. I'm adopted. I thought to myself as I looked at her in shock. I felt a tear running down my face. Silents filled the room. "I'm adopted?" I said again hoping I missheard her. "Yes, I found you at my doorstep you had a letter on top of you that read:"

"please take care of Alexa for me she means the world to me. I am from a different universe and don't want her involved in my crazy life in Zulla. I'm putting my trust in you. Thank you."

"When I read it I thought the woman was insane or Zulla was some part town I've never heard of, But apparently she litterally lived in another universe. I decided to take care of you and I never saw sign of magic!" "That means I really am from Zulla and my real mom lives there!" So I could have anyone as my mom. So many thing were going through my head I couldn't think.

Probably what Alexa looked like as a baby:

"So I really am from Zulla!" I said in surprise. "Yes, wich is why I want you to go with them." I walked over to my mom and gave her a huge hug, tears we're flowing from my eyes. "Thank you." I said. I could here my mom crying too as she hugged me tighter. When the hug released I looked at my friends. Yuki had tears running down her face and I could actually see Akemi tearing up a little. I went straight to packing my things. I'm so excited to start a new life. I always knew I wanted more in life and now I can make it happen!

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