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Authors note: Before the story starts I just wanted to thank you all for 100 followers. It's hard to believe that 100 people like my stories. It just makes me so happy on so many levels. I'll probably state this in all my stories so my point gets across but I just wanted to say thx and enjoy reading!!

Yuki's POV: When I walked through the portal I was met with the bubbly glowing  faces of my friends. Trudging behind me from the portal was Ryuta. The minute they saw him everyone's faces dimmed. My father looked at him, shock overcoming his face. "You." He uttered before being thrown into a fit of rage. "YOUR THE ONE AREN'T YOU! JUST WHEN I WAS STARTING TO REGRET MY DECISION TO BANISH YOU! HOW COULD YOU!!!" My father said screaming right in his face. Ryuta stood there calmly awaiting him to finish. "Wait this is Ryuta!!" Akemi said obviously already recovered from the punch. "I thought he loved you." Kenshi said perplexed. Akemi began rolling up her sleeves and kaito was trying to calm her down. I sighed. "Guys shut up!!" The room went silent. "Ryuta is okay......he just has some things he needs to work out." I said calmly hoping everyone would be understanding, but as expected my father was not. "Okay? OKAY! YOU CALL ALMOST COMMITTING TREASON AND KIDNAPPING THE KINGS DAUGHTER OKAY!?!?!" My father yelled at the top of his lungs. "Will you just shut up for once dad! He is mentally unstable at the moment, after everything he's been through I can understand. He needs friends to stick by his side till he is recovered, and that is why I think instead of punishing him we should bring him with us to Dragon scale!" I say smiling! "WHAT!?!?!" They all screamed in unison. "I agree with that notion." I heard my mother say from behind me. "You do!" I replied. "Yes, when I first saw Ryuta in are garden with you I knew he had a beautiful future as a hero. Now enough of that, I would like to talk about the strong magical aura I felt coming from you yuki." I stared at her perplexed. "Oh, do you mean when she had all that pink going through her and electricity shot out of her hands!" Kenshi said oblivious to how to explain it. "Ah, you used the electricity blast. I always knew this day would come!" She walked closer to me and handed over her staff. (The one in her picture with the huge jewel on top.) "Why are you giving this to me?" I asked. "Because legend says the first one to wield this ability will be the true wielder of the staff of truth. (That's the name of the staff) My mom bowed along with Alexa, Akemi, kaito, Kenshi, Diana, Ryuta, and my dad. I hesitated to grab the staff but then graciously excepted. The minute I grabbed it a pink beam of light went through the sky and disappeared. I looked down at the staff. "Wow....... I feel.......... I different!" I said with disappointment. My mother giggled before hugging me. "Thank you mother, I will cherish this." I stated solemnly. "You better!" She chuckled. Ryuta then looked my father in the eyes and stated "When and if I return to Avalon, I promise I will be a changed man." My father abruptly nodded and mumbled under his breath. "You guys should get going!" Diana Interrupted, opening there portal to there way home. "Oh, right."  I hugged Diana, trying to hold back tears. As I was about to walk through the portal I realized there was one more person I needed to say goodbye to. I turned around and ran to hug my dad. In that moment I knew that we forgave each other. "I love you dad." I lovingly stated for the first time in what seemed like decades. "I love you to." My father stuttered. I could hear tears welling up under his eyes. The hug broke and we ran through the portal.

Alexa's POV: As I walked back into Zulla I felt a wave of comfort go over me. I took a deep breath and smiled. I missed the smell of newly bloomed cherry blossoms and was happy to be back. "Welcome to Zulla Ryuta!" Yuki said gesturing to all that was around her. "Wow! This is much better than Avalon!" He said already seeming like a happier person. We walked up to the front desk and introduced Ryuta. She was taking down notes and getting ready to send them to the office. "Yes, and what might your power be?" At that they both went silent. After a long pause yuki stated "He doesn't have one but is a very skilled sword fighter!" The lady looked with question. "Where do you find these people yuki!" She giggled. The lady told him to stay in the waiting seats till master Covalt is ready for him. "Ive gotta go to the bathroom, ill be back soon!" Yuki said. When yuki was gone Kenshi, kaito and Akemi gave Ryuta tons of dirty looks, He seemed uncomfortable. "Um, so how do you like it in Zulla so far Ryuta?" I uttered trying to break the silence. "You sure don't deserve it." Kenshi mumbled under his breath, I shrugged it off cause he had every right to be angry. Akemi was on guard the whole time and kaito gritted his teeth discreetly. This is gonna make for a long year

Authors note: And that marks the end of Yuki's arc! If you don't know what an arc is, to put it simply it is a character within the stories story or developing point. At least that's what I was always told. Even though her story is over doesn't mean that the character are done developing or wont get as much spotlight. If anything they'll get more spotlight. I hope you forgive me if this is a little amateur especially the fight scene, it was literally the first long fight i've ever written. Anyway i'm babbling, I just wanted to tell you about the end of her story arc. BYE!

Also here's a  song that I think matches this arc quite well

I know it was supposed to be based on the hunger games but i still think it fits my story well!


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