The Ring

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Alexa's POV: It's only been an hour since ryuta has been here and he's already getting into a fight with someone. Were in the lunchroom where all the fights happen anymore and carter (guy from the chapter lunch brawl) was telling him how unfair it is that he gets to go to Dragon scale without any magic. "Listen I'm just saying that it's a little dumb for a mortal to come to a MAGIC school!" Carter yelled, he's not usually like this. "Listen technically I am not a mortal, I have wings and don't come from the human world." Ryuta argued. The whole lunch room was looking at us now. "I agree with carter and considering what happened back in Avalon I don't think you DESERVE to be here in the first place." Kenshi interfered. "I agree with that notion." Kaito said as blatant as always. "I don't even know why covalt allowed you in this school in the first place!" Akemi said confused. "Alright guys that's enough!!" Yuki screeched. "Why are you sticking up for this dude yuki you know what he did?" Kenshi questioned. "Because he has potential now will you all just leave him alone!! He wasn't excepted by my father and I'm not gonna let him be left out here!!" She said anger flooding through her face. "It's fine yuki I can take care of myself I'm used to this really!" Ryuta said trying to calm yuki down. "NO IT ISN'T THEY KNOW WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH AND YET STILL BELIEVE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE SOME POTENTIAL!!!" Yuki grabbed her wand, opening a portal. She pulled out the wand her mother gave her and decided to use it for the first time "Oh no" I said before yuki waved it and a burst of electricity surged out of it, and everything went white.

I woke up in front of the little garden where I saw the same blonde girl from my other dreams. She walked up to me, I couldn't move. "You now have 2 but you need 3 more." I looked at the lady in question. "What the heck does that mean. She smiled brightly then pointed to the necklace she gave me. "That is your ultimate, it holds all of the newfound power you have obtained. You and your friend will need those one day, but you aren't ready yet." She held out a sparkling ring with a pink jewel in the middle. Sort of magical.

"Give this to that pink haired friend of yours, she's earned it! Make sure she never takes it off, it is just like yours. The minute she puts it on they are connected as one and if she loses it she loses a part of herself." I grabbed it quickly from her hand in shock. "Who are you???" I yelled in confusion. "You'll find out in due time, I must go time is running short." Then everything went white again and I was back in the cafeteria. I arose from my slumber only to find yuki looking around her guiltily. Everyone was getting up from the now crumbled floor and sitting in shock. I was scared for yuki, everyone seemed angry at her. Then I heard carter start laughing. "Wow, where'd you get that little doodad!" He said in wonder. Soon everyone was screaming with joy and curiosity at Yuki's new weapon. They all crowded her wanting to touch it. "It was a gift from my mother." She said smiling. I chuckled. That's just how dragon scale is I guess, you do something terrible and they forget it In an instant. Though Kenshi, kaito, and Akemi aren't taking to lightly to the situation at hand. They had there arms folded and we're still scolding at ryuta and everyone else just forgot about the situation completely. It wasn't like them to just be angry like this.

That night yuki and akemi fought for a while. "Why couldn't we send him to bloom academy, they specialize in villains turned good." Akemi asked calmly. "Cause he needed friends with him and honestly I don't think your doing a very good job at it!" Yuki said with anger. "Well, maybe if he didn't hurt my friends I would actually accept him......I'm going to bed, goodnight." She then headed to bed along with yuki. Once everyone fell asleep I decided to finally wake up yuki. "Yuki, yuki wake up!" Yuki sighed and rubbed her eyes. "What do you want alexa?" She mumbled under her breath. I pulled out the ring and I caught her interest. "What's that?" She asked in wonder. "I saw the blonde girl again, she gave me this ring and told me to give it to you and to never take it off." Yuki looked at me in disbelief. "Alexa, this isn't funny just go back to sleep " Yuki said. "No, I'm telling the truth. Remember my necklace and how she gave it to me, I felt different after I put it on and you will to just trust me." I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Fine I'll put it on but if I don't feel different I'm taking it right off." She grabbed the ring and put it on. When she did a surge of electricity ran through her eyes. Yuki looked at me with disbelief. "I felt it.....only for a second I felt like I had that power I had when I fought ryuta, what is this." She said looking at the ring. "I.......I don't know but, I feel like we need to find out.....

Authors Note: happy thanks giving everyone. Obviously I'm not going to be able to get out a special thx giving chapter like I planned. Sorry but look forward to a Christmas chapter on Christmas, and bye!!!

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