Thinking of him...

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Still 3 years in the past....

"Father, how could you!" I said. When he realized I was standing right there he went into panic mode.  Obviously he didn't plan on telling me about it.  "Yuki you've gotta understa-" I interrupted his sentence. "I don't want to listen to your excuses anymore! You can break my heart, You can hurt me, you can make me cry, but if you dare hurt him you won't like what happens next." I said running almost in tears as I walked slowly to my room without another word. I couldn't take my father's rules and expectation's anymore. After I went to my room I went on to are advanced Technology system and searched through some interesting universes. They were all boring alternate universes with nothing interesting.....Except for one. It's name was Zulla. It had magic and beautiful scenery with amazing schools of magic! I packed my stuff and grabbed my wand and went straight to Zulla without a goodbye to anyone......... not even my sister.

Present day....

I was running down the hall of the demon place I once called my home....At least it's ruled by one. I was trying to find a place to hide but everywhere I turned was another door leading to another hallway. "How does someone navigate through here!" I said to myself. I came across a door that I could not forget. I opened it to see my old room. It hadn't changed one bit, there were stuffed animals and books from when I was younger and the same small pink bed. I looked out the window where I used to talk to Ryuta. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered all the good times we had and realized that I would never have those moments again with him.

Suddenly I heard the door open behind me. I turned around to see Diana. I sighed. "What do you want." I said turning back to look out the window. "You don't seem to happy to see me. Though I guess I can understand if you want your alone time." She walked over to me and looked out the window as well. There was a moment of silence before Diana broke it. "You know i'm always gonna be here for you." I just stared into the darkness as if what she said didn't phase me but it did. It meant a lot to know someone in my family did actually care for me. "You know dad feels the same way to. He loves you and just wants the best for you." I continued to be silent no matter what she said. "I know you thought I was the golden child but honestly I also had some bad experiences with dad. After you vanished he barely talked to me and when he did he was always angry or asking for something. I had to learn how to take care of myself from there. I made food for myself, washed my clothes for myself, did are dishes. I was basically a little house maid. "Where did all the butlers and waiters go?" I asked in curiosity. "They all left after father went mad trying to find you." "So, I caused that much damage huh." I said disappointed in myself. I didn't deserve to be called one of Zulla's greatest hero's. "Don't put yourself down yuki, you had every right to leave from home after what dad did to the man you once loved." It went silent for a minute then Diana started talking again. "If you don't mind me asking, what did he look like......Ryuki I mean?" I giggled as I remembered his face. "He had straight blue hair, perfect teeth, A cute raspy voice, And always wore this cute cat hoodie that I gave him for  Christmas. I blushed as I thought about him. "Wow you really did love him didn't you. What about his wings? Seeing as all wings are different depending on the kind of magic you have I'm just a little curious. That's all." I laughed. "Alright well let me think. They were big and blue with little sparkles every where. They had a significant detail that made them unique. They had purple hues of color at the tip of each wing." The minute I said that Diana's eyes went from curious to petrified in seconds. "What is it Diana?" I asked worried. "Come with me. Your not gonna believe this." She grabbed my hand and navigated me to the basement.

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