Yuki's father......

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Alexa's POV: We were all flying above the town to avoid contact with people so no one would notice who yuki was. It took a while to get Kenshi and kaito up but eventually we got em. Kenshi and kaito keep falling though. Diana and yuki have to keep helping them up. Akemi is flying like she's been doing this for years. She's doing twirls in the air and drifting in the wind. "Akemi do you mind telling me why your so good at flying?" I asked with jealousy. "I don't know I just relax and go with the flow of the wind." She said as she demonstrated a perfected 360 spin in the air. "Show off." Kaito mumbled just loud enough for all of us to hear it. "What did you say!" Akemi yelled with infuriating anger in her voice.  "Nothing at all!" Kaito said nervously sweating still struggling to fly. Akemi was about to strike before she was interrupted by Diana's voice. "There's the castle let's dive down!" We all flew down onto the castle balcony. "You do know you'll have to talk to dad right." Diana said rubbing Yuki's arm in sympathy. Yuki let out a sigh. "I know.....Let's just make it quick." We walked to the front gate of the castle. "Welcome back Diana did you find who you were looking for." The guard asked excitedly. "Yes, and i would like to discuss the matter with my father please." Diana said so professionally it was hard to believe she was Yuki's YOUNGER sister. "Go right ahead." The guard said letting us pass. Yuki covered her face so the guards couldn't see it. We walked in to see a huge golden throne with 3 more right beside it one just a little more smaller than the other. Sitting in the biggest one was an elder fairy.

Somewhat like this:

"hello father I have come back from my quest to find the person I believe to be able to help stop this hooded villain along with some of her friends." Ah, yes and who is the one you believe can help." She shoved Yuki's arm and she came forward. "Why must you cover your face. Show yourself and prove to me your worthy!" Yuki gradually lifter her head and uncovered her face to reveal who she was. The man looked in disbelief. "Y-Yuki?" He was holding back his tears as well as he could. There was a momentary silent's before the man got up and hugged his long lost daughter. Yuki didn't show much emotion. 

When the hug was over Yuki glared at him before immediately turning around in disgust. "Yuki don't tell me your still mad!" The man said in disappointment. "Why shouldn't I be after what you did!" "I said I was sorry!" The man said as if pleading for forgiveness. "Well sorry doesn't cut it. I'm just here to help my sister and find my wand and then i'm out of here!" She said as she ran upstairs not even wanting to look at his face any longer. "I'll go up after her." Diana said running upstairs. The room was still and silent momentarily. "Forgive me for asking but were kind of new to Avalon so we don't really know what's going on. If you don't mind could you please explain it to us?" i asked nervously. The man sighed and then proceeded to talk. "Of course, I am King Fantasma I rule over Avalon with an iron fist! You may ask what I rule exactly. As you can see we are fairies and we can go through portals into different Universes we control time and space. We can see what the future has in store for all the dimension's. "Wait so if you can see the future then who am I gonna marry?" Kenshi asked excitedly. "I cannot reveal  who but I can give hints. You will all end up with people who are very close to you mentally and physically." Kenshi looked at me in surprise. I knew what he was thinking but I directed the conversation in a different direction. "So I believe we haven't introduced ourselves properly yet. I'm Alexa, This is Akemi, This is Kenshi, and this is kaito! We are all very close friends of yuki!" We all smiled and waved. "It is nice to meet you all. I am glad to see Yuki has had great friends looking after her the last few years."

3 years ago in Avalon.....

I flew out of my window that night and into the garden where I was meeting Ryuta. I saw are special meeting place and Ryuta sitting by the stream waiting patiently. "H-Hey, Ryuta!" I said nervously. He turned around surprised. "Oh hey what's up Yuki!" He said more awkward then usual. "So why are we out here?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Well I was wondering that maybe you would wanna be more then well.....you know....friends?" I hugged him without thinking and ultimately said yes. We sat out there all night talking are hearts away about how we've liked each other since we were both very young. I lost track of time and realized how long I had been gone from home. Before I could tell Ryuta I had to leave I heard the crinkling of the leaves behind me. I refused to turn around and see my fathers angry face. My wing's lowered as I awaited his response. Ryuta was sweating and petrified. My father was a strict man and seeing as Ryuta was an orphan he could do basically anything he wanted to him. That's how it worked here. We don't have orphanages or foster parents here so if your family gave you up you were on your own.  "Yuki, how many times have I told you to not hang out with this....PEASANT!" "Many times father!" I said fighting the urge to yell in his face. "This has happened to many times to count when will you learn!" He said, anger raging through his voice. He looked at my hand that rested on Ryuta's. In my universe if you held hand's with a man it meant you two were together and couldn't be just friends. Of course that's not very different from any other universe I guess. "No." He said before pulling me by the wing into the castle door. I looked out the window of the castle to see him walking over to Ryuta.  He grabbed him by the arm and started yelling in his face. I've never seen him so mad.

They took there time out there because my dad and Ryuta came in an hour later. My father took us in different rooms so he could talk to me one on one. My wings were down and so was my smile. He walked over to me with a sorrow face of disappointment. "Why him?" He said so confused on my choice of love. "Love works in mysterious ways." "Ugh, enough being cheesy why!" My father yelled. Its like he didn't understand what LOVE was. Though honestly I can understand he did get forced into a relationship with mom. "I just told you!" I said not knowing how else to explain it. This conversation went on for hours until my dad finally snapped. He walked out of the room with out a word. I followed him into the room where Ryuta was staying at. The way my father was moving his wand made me realise what he was about to do. Without explanation he said "Ryuta I now banish you from AVALON!" Ryuta pleaded for his mercy before disappearing from site.

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