Who is he?

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Yuki's POV: I woke up. I was HOPING that I'd find myself in my dorm room and this all was just a bad dream. I looked around me to see pitch black darkness. I struggled to stand realizing there was immense pain coming from my arm. "Ow!" I looked down to see blood dripping from my clothes. I looked around confused hoping to find a way out. I couldn't see anything but darkness. "Alexa! Akemi! Kenshi! Kaito? Is anyone there!" .....No one answered my call. At this point I remembered what happened. "That's right that man came and kidnapped me!" I said more enthusiastic then I should have been. "I see you have regained conciseness. Are you feeling any better yet. Oh, and the wound is a new edition to the immense pain you already feel. I did it so you wouldn't attack me or try anything funny, don't worry it wont kill you......for now!" The man said coming into the dark room. "Well if were gonna be in here for a while could you at least tell me why your doing all this. Is it the typical take over the world trope or even the revenge trope. Come on spill it." I said holding my wound trying to stop the wound as I felt it's pulse beat. "Well you see I cant reveal ALL the details just yet BUT let's just say that your father did something unforgiving to the both of us and I think it's time we pay him back." He said in his ambient yet somewhat familiar voice." "We? Wh- What do you mean WE? I asked becoming nervous. He just looked at me and chuckled. "What the heck is wrong with you man! Look I didn't want to come here in the first place so how about you give me my wand back and we'll call it a day." I said trying to negotiate with the psychotic man. "I'm afraid you don't understand how this works. If I give you the wand my plan of regicide can't go forth." "Regicide? You mean your going to-" I said as he interrupted me. I realized his plan was even more merciless than I first let on!? "Yes I plan to kill your father and rule with an iron fist! He deserves it after what he did to me." "What exactly did my father do to you to make you want to kill him." I said almost in tears. "You should know........ you were there. He said before walking back into the abyss and opening the door. I tried to run over before he could close it but immediately collapsed from the pain of my wound. What did he mean by all that? I thought to myself as he closed the door leaving me alone in the darkness.

3rd person POV: (This is literally the first time in forever since I have done 3rd person view so spare me please.) We meet the team back in the castle. Alexa is pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do. "What just happened!" That is all Kaito could say at this time. Everyone was frozen from shock. "No, I just got her back I cant lose her again!" Yuki's father said as he neared tears. "C-calm down everyone it'll be okay." Alexa said trying to find hope in such an awful situation. "Well what else are we supposed to do. We don't know where he took her, We don't know who HE is, we don't when he'll strike again so how do you expect us to fix it!" Akemi said basically giving up all hope of ever finding her again. She cradled her face in her legs as she struggled not to cry. Everyone stared, it's not everyday you see Akemi worried about something. "We will..... I know it." Diana said. "My sister is strong so she can handle herself though we don't know how strong that man is so that's an issue. I know we can figure this out though! She is my sister I know her best she'll be fine."

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