Why you?

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Yuki's POV: The dark room was becoming cold and the darkness was starting to settle into my eyes. I sat there waiting for someone to either come save me or to die. I was so scared. As much as I hated my father he wasn't ruthless enough to be killed. I was still trying to understand the hooded mans cryptic language but I couldn't put it together. What did he mean by WE! Hours passed by and he finally returned. The light from the door stung her eyes. As I adjusted to the light I took a second look. The man didn't have his hood on and was obviously not trying to hide it. As he neared closer I could see him as clear as day. My heart sank and I could feel tears welling up under my eyes.

(Back at the castle) 

"Alright so now that we are all calmed down lets think of a plan of action!" Alexa said fiercely as she paced back and forth around the room. "What about we just barge in and punch him out!" Kenshi said. "What about we sneak in and save yuki come back and then figure out a way to defeat him!" Kaito said. "We don't have that kind of time. I say we have a more negotiable approach, ya know try and talk to him." Akemi said. They were surprised by her idea considering she is the MOST aggressive out of all of us. "How about we do all of our plans! First we sneak in and grab Yuki after that we go find The hooded guy and after that we try and talk him out of his plans!" I said hoping we could all agree and finally save yuki. They all nodded in agreement. "I think we're forgetting the fact that we have no idea where they went." Diana said. "I think I have somewhat of an idea." Yuki's father said. "You see as long as they aren't in other universes I can track everyone in the families wands. It seems my daughter was taken over here." He said poin wall with a map on it." "Why didn't you think to tell us about this before!?" Alexa asked. "I didn't think of it till just now!" Alexa rolled my eyes before signalling the team, diana, and there father to fly off to find yuki

Yuki's POV: "So Diana's theory was right." I said. I still couldn't believe the man I once called my best friend and love was now evil. "I suppose so!" He said happily. "Why are you doing this Ryuta?" I said trying to hold back tears. "Well ever since your father banished me from this world. I've wanted revenge. He took away so much from me and now I want to take something valuable to him..... you!" He said maniacally. "I thought you loved me Ryuta."  "Oh, I do but if we really want to be together we have to take out what's keeping us apart." He said rubbing my arm. I quickly shoved him away.  "My father was just trying to help!" I said my words breaking. "Well his help wasn't good enough!" He said anger over flooding his already tempered voice. I froze in fear from what I saw.... He wasn't the same sweet forgiving man I knew him as......he was evil now. The door to my cell then opened up. It was my team. Oh no. "Look there's Yuki with.......wait who's that?" Kenshi said. Ryuta Flew at him and attempted to beat them up. Alexa blocked him with her forcefield. "I'm guessing this is the hooded guy." Alexa said as she continued to block the punches. Ryuta never wielded any magic so the only thing he can use is hand to hand combat. "Stop Ryuta someone is going to get hurt!" I screamed with anger. He didn't listen cause right after that Alexa's forcefield weakened and he quickly punched her in the face. "Alexa!" I screamed before anger over flooded my veins. "HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed. I looked down at my hands. They were now cover with pink streams and the open wound on my side was now gone. (Somethin like this)

Anger surged through me and I now had a new goal...... saving my friends

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