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Rayna Miller:

The sky was inky blue with twinkling stars, it appears as if they are hung above with some invisible strings. The soft breeze grazed my skin, making me shiver a little. The cool night breeze felt like a surprise in these humid days. It's a relief from the itchy and sticky heat of the day. I wonder at the sight of this clear and beautiful sky. Walking alone in under this beautiful sight feels heavenly. While my mind is enjoying this all, my feet aren't exactly happy with the situation. They are already starting to pain.

Ignoring it, I scan the roads and see no sign of a cab or public transport. Well, it's already late for public transports. The heels aren't making it easy for me to walk fast, so I am stuck at taking slight steps.

Nearing an alleyway, I heard some voices or group of voices. We all know there lies the danger in the dark night, especially in the dark shady places. There were men at the corner talking and laughing out loud. Each one of them had a bottle in their hands. These are not the type of people I would like to come across right now when I am alone in this deserted street. I resumed walking with my head low when I heard footsteps behind me. All my senses came to an alert. Clutching my bag close to my chest, I took fast and quiet steps, making I am not being followed.

Walking or, should I say sprinting for about five minutes, I am panting. I see over my shoulder, there is no one following me. Thank God! Maybe I am overreacting, but that seems a fit idea right now. I am far enough from their line of sight. Checking my phone, I see it is still fifteen minutes' walk left. I have been walking for an hour and there's still only fifteen minutes! Stupid technology!

I am walking and restarting the GPS with my eyes glued on the screen when I bump into something, or I should say someone. My eyes widened on seeing the person standing in front of me. It was the creepy man from the party. He had a smirk on his face as he looked down at me. I turned to my side and tried escaping, but he blocked my path.

"Not so soon, hot stuff," he whispered near my ear. His action sent shivers of disgust through my body.

I started taking steps in the reverse direction, keeping an eye on him. He didn't move. After walking ten steps, I turned my back at him and started running. Suddenly, I felt an arm go round my waist, and large cold clammy hand clamps onto my face, preventing me from screaming. I struggled against the vile hands trying to get free, but the man held me tightly. I felt him tighten his grip, effectively cutting off my air supply causing me to struggle more.

"Stop struggling darling, we are going to have so much fun," his croaky voice whispered into my ear. I panicked, starting to feel light-headed.

The absolute disgust of being touched against my will makes my insides turn. It seemed some people couldn't get it through their thick skulls that it isn't right to touch anyone like this against their will. The way his hands gripped me tightly as if I were just an object for him to grab and possess, not a breathing, living person.

My panicked mental and physical state didn't allow me to do much, but the one thing that everyone had taught me was the only thing that struck in my mind, kick him between his legs. My leg raised on its own accord, and I kicked back only to have the awful luck of kicking his thigh instead, the heel of my shoe slightly pushing against his skin. His hand now seemed to envelop my complete face, constricting my breathing and causing my mind to get foggier nearly losing consciousness.

I struggled in his hold to get his hands off, unintentionally jabbing my elbow in his stomach. He groaned, loosening his hold for a minor second but tightening it again, solely to apply more pressure this time.
"You are going to regret that you little whore," he grunts into my ear pulling my body closer to his. My eyes start to water as oxygen fails to reach my lungs.

"I was going to go easy on you, but not anymore," he whispered in my ear. My struggles grew more fervent, and I kicked backward as hard as I could, wiggling in his grasp. I hear a slight groan of pain behind me, letting me know I did some damage, but h was too drunk to care for the pain.

His hold grew tighter and tighter until it felt like I couldn't breathe. His hand covered my nose and mouth, not allowing any space for the air to pass. If I passed out here, there will be no escaping. My lungs began to ache, begging for air, my body growing weak until it was difficult to move a little.

"That's it darling, just let go," he whispered. His words were disgusting me as I tried once more to revolt him, only for him to squeeze me even tighter, until it felt like I am going numb. My mom's face appeared in my mind in this state of helplessness.
I sorry Mom, I cannot fight anymore. I failed you.

Black dots begin to appear in my vision, and my body was giving up. Suddenly, the man holding me was ripped off of me and I dropped on the ground.

"That's not a way to treat a lady." I heard someone say. The voice belonged to a man dressed in a suit. He was holding my assailant by his collar as he towered over him. My savior was making him seem small and meek when just a moment ago he seemed to hold all the power. The man threw his fist into the face of the dirty goon, and I swayed slightly in my groggy state.

A loud crack resonated, echoing in my ears as I struggle to stay conscious, but even in my panicked state, I flinched. I took deep gasping breaths trying to get air back to my lungs. After a few seconds, I stabled myself and stood up. My legs are a little shaky, but I somehow managed to stand up without support. My attacker was now lying on the ground a few feet away from me. He was unconscious with blood coming from his nose. My eyes widened in horror when I looked at his state.

"Are you fine miss?" someone said. I turned around to see my savior standing there. I craned my head up to look at him. My eyes met his stormy grey ones, which are surrounded by thick lashes.

"I am talking to you. Are you okay? He asked again, this time a little louder. I didn't know how to respond. I stood there trying to compose myself.

"Huh?!" I look around and back at him. I was dumbfounded because of what happened minutes ago. "Yeah, I... I am fine," I managed to reply.

He stood there, his hands tucked in the pockets of his expensive suit, his eyes peering at me intently. I squirmed under his gaze. His eyes piercing making goosebumps erupt on my skin. It was like he was trying to read me. I dropped my head down to avoid his gaze, only to see my purse and my mobile both on the ground. I must have dropped them earlier. I bent down and collected my belongings. I turned my phone screen on, to see if it's working or not. Thankfully, it is still working. There were no calls or replies from Luke.

I stood up, but my legs started crumbling under me. I closed my eyes, waiting for my butt to meet the ground, but a strong arm wrapped around mine and stabled me. I opened my eyes to see him in front of me, gazing intensely into my eyes. I stood up and tugged my arm, and he loosened the grip on it.

"What is your name?" he asked, his voice deep and husky.

"Huh?!" I looked at him stupefied.

"Your. Name," he said focusing on each syllable like I was some five-year-old still learning how to speak.

"I am Rayna. Rayna Miller." He nodded slightly at my response.

"What are you doing here on this deserted street alone?" he asked in his deep voice.

"I... I was returning home and... I... had no ride and there was no cab so...," I trailed off. I feel embarrassed now. I looked down again and this time the dirt on my outfit caught my eye. I was dusting off my top and jeans when he spoke up, "Wait here."

He started walking away. I looked in his direction. He was built strong and tall. His suit perfectly fits his broad shoulders. His demeanor seems like he possesses some dominant power. This is not a good time to check him out, Ray!

He turned the corner of the street and I became a little nervous. Did he leave? But he told me to wait here. What am I supposed to wait for? I thought.

I did as told and waited for him. After a minute or so, a black sleek Mercedes roll in front of me. I stepped back so that the vehicle doesn't crush my foot. It halted in front of me and the driver slid down the window.

"I will drop you at your place," he nudged his head, motioning me to get in the car. I stood there unmoving. After what happened today, I wasn't very much sure about this.

"I... I will manage-"

"I do not mean any harm. And you don't want to repeat what happened, right?" he said with his eyes in on the road.

I have to agree with him on that. I am helpless right now with no cab or ride home. He is the sole option I have. After all, he won't hurt me just after saving me, right? With this thought, I stepped towards the passenger side of the car and opened the door. I slid inside the car and shut the door gently. It's an expensive car, I cannot treat it the way I do with Luke's. The engine came to life, and he started driving. I stared out of the window as the trees and buildings passed away. I am literally exhausted from what happened tonight. I really wish I would have never agreed with Luke to go to this party, or at least I have never left the party itself without Luke. I so badly want to change my clothes. I sniffed myself a little. Do I smell of alcohol?

I glanced at him, his hands clutching the steering wheel, with his gaze focused on the road. "Can I know your name?" I broke the silence. I need to know at least the name of the man who just saved me from an unfortunate event. He said nothing, and the silence was awkward. I think I have embarrassed myself enough. I moved my gaze back to the window and kept quiet.

"Alexander Scott," he answered after a few seconds. My head turned in his direction and I nodded in response. He was still focused on the road. I rested my head against the window and waited for the destination to arrive.

It has been a long night.

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