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Rayna Miller:

It is not certain that our future will turn out exactly how we plan it. Besides, it is never as we plan. I always expected my life would be like an ordinary young human. School issues, grueling tests, not submitting my assignments on time, having no partner on the prom, etc. These were the problems I thought would appear in this stage of my life. Never in a nightmare had I thought about losing my mother to a fire accident and living on my own. My father is all I have related to blood in my life.

After my mother's death, I thought dad would grow closer to me, as we are the only ones left for each other. I hoped that he will take the place of both my parents. But guess what? I was wrong. It never happened. He grew more distant and cold towards me. He is never home, I barely see him once in two or three weeks. I am literally living alone, looking after myself. It's only Luke that I have as a friend, as a family, as a person who would care for me.

Like all the other things, tonight didn't turn out as assumed it would. I pictured tonight to be normal, Luke and I return home from the party and stuff our faces with pizza and ice-cream while watching some movie. Besides, that was not the scene at all. Here am sitting in the car of a stranger who just saved me from getting sexually abused. It is not near to what I thought of tonight.

Just a few minutes later, I felt a jerk, which lets me know that the car is stopped. I look outside to see my residence. Finally! I thought.

Alexander didn't say a word. I think he is just waiting for me to get out of his car. I undid the seatbelt and threw the door open. "Thank you, Mr. Scott," I said as I faced him after getting out.

"No problem,' he shrugged it off like it as nothing. He was still facing the road.

"No, I am really thankful for what you did today. I... I don't want to imagine wh... what could have hap-," I was stammering. The thought of what could happen overwhelmed me. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and took a deep breath. "Thank you. I owe you for this."

He looked up at me instantaneously, and his eyes reflected a strange emotion. I couldn't help but wonder if I said something wrong.

"Of course, you do," he looked straight into my eyes with the same emotion. I felt a slight shiver run through my body like it was telling me something. The engine roared, and I backed away from the car. In a flash, the vehicle raced away from me and I stood there with my mouth hung open. What just happened?

I came out of my daze and realized that I am still out in the street. Taking quick steps, I reached the front door and unlocked it. I stood by for a few minutes in the silence. No sound, no lights on. It means that father is not home today. I took a breath of relief and strode straight to my room.

After peeling off the clothes of my body, getting rid of my undergarments, and throwing them all into the hamper. After what happened tonight, I doubted I would ever wear these clothes again. I took a quick shower after thoroughly brushing my teeth, grimacing when I saw a bruise on my skin. A shiver shot through me as I remembered the way his hand had felt on my face, dirty dry skin against my own.

Finally, changing into my nightwear, I went to bed. Closing my eyes, I rested my head on the pillows and pulled up the comforter. After ten minutes, I didn't feel comfortable in the current position, so I turned and laid on my left side.

An hour went, and I kept twisting and shifting in the bed. The visions of the night flashed in front of my eyes. I cannot sleep like this. The event is haunting me and being alone in the house isn't helping right now. I miss my Mom so much. I wish she was here with me, patting my head as I lay it on her lap. I miss her touch. I miss the warmth of that motherly love.

"Why can't I sleep?" I screamed as my hands clutched my hair. I am exhausted. My body is weak and tired, it needs rest. But my mind isn't resting. It keeps replaying the incident and making me sleepless. I checked my phone. There was still no response from Luke. I hate him so much right now.

This won't work! I thought. I cannot sleep if I keep thinking. I exited my room and trudged downstairs.

After a few minutes, I arrived back into my room with a carton of ice cream and a spoon. Hopping back onto my bed, I opened the lid of my laptop and logged in onto Netflix. An episode of my favorite show may distract my mind. With this thought, I clicked the play button and undid the lid of the ice-cream carton.

One episode and half a carton of ice-cream later, I was more worried about the problems in the life of a fictional character. Forgetting my own, the character's life seemed more complicated. I wish someone would compel me to forget what happened tonight. With this thought, all the things I may have forgotten for the night rushed back in.

But this time I focused my attention on how anything bad didn't happen. I focused on the savior who rescued me and dropped me to my house safely. He may seem dangerous, but what matters to me that I am safe. I tried to smile on the thought of me being safe, but with a sudden realization, my smile faded off and was replaced by a frown.

Wait, how?

My brain wheels rolled fast as I recalled the conversation in the car. I think back to every word I said in the car and there was no answer. There is no way, I told him.

So, how the hell did he know my address?


Alexander Scott:

"I owe you for this." Her words are still ringing in my head.

Of course, you fucking do. Your father owes me.

I step harder on the gas and raced through the roads to my house. I was driving past the speed limit and all my anger was now bestowed upon the gas pedal. I pressed the brakes suddenly, and my body jerked forward. The car honked loud as I punched the steering wheel hard.

I need to calm myself down. This rage will cause me no good. Think smart Alexander.

I turned the radio on. Some music may calm my tensed nerves. I started driving again, but this time at a normal speed and with a calm demeanor. I was to drive to the penthouse, but I took a turn and navigated straight to my parent's house. A place where i go when I need space and right now, thats all I need.

Once I reached my house and parked the car in the driveway, I waited for a few minutes in the car to calm myself. I don't want to give in to my rage so easily.

I opened the front door and silence greeted me. I am used to it by now. Taking off my suit jacket, I made my way to the bedroom. I stepped into the shower when my bloody knuckles caught my eye. The blood was dry now and my knuckles were not that much harmed.
But that guy's face will surely be.

My thoughts traveled to the girl. That girl is bastard Miller's daughter. That man is never going to get off my life until I finish his own.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and walked to my kitchen. Taking out a bottle of chilled beer from the fridge, I entered the living room and switched on the TV. I switched channels and stopped on some random news channel. I took a gulp of beer, and the cold liquid instantly soothes my itchy throat. The cold sensation if the liquid calms my nerves a bit.

Sitting alone in this empty house always makes me anxious.

My eyes roam around the living room, and the silence was deafening in here. It surpassed the sound of the TV. The emptiness in this house is not the least bit close to the emptiness that I have been carrying inside me.

One day, even one night, I thought it would be normal. No planning, no revenge, no hatred, not even my friends. Just for one day, I thought the past would not haunt me.

That girl, when she mentioned her name, all the memories rushed back to me like a strong gush of wind.

The feeling of vengeance was intensified. My hands were shaking, but I steadied myself.
I have to be calm and patient.

No child deserved to lose a parent. Not like I did. It's not fair. And I will avenge. He will pay for this and he will pay with his life. But, I need to remain calm. All this planning will go to waste with one wrong step. Kevin Miller is a smart bastard. My steps should be very precise and calculated.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the loud music of the advertisement.

Feeling tired, I got up and went to bed.
I lied on the bed facing the ceiling. It was almost one in the morning, but there was no sign of sleep.

The uneasiness was preventing me from sleeping.

Sighing, I got up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand to make a call.

"Yes, Boss."

"You got any details, Terry?" my voice calm, but my mind is in the exact opposite state.

"Yes. Kevin Miller is holding a big drug deal in a few days. This is going to make him a big profit," he replied.

"Where is the deal being held?" I asked tilting my head. This should better be precise.

"The place is not decided yet. I will inform as I know the details." he spoke.

"Make sure you know it quick," I said and ended the call.

Now that's how I will make my first step. His business means everything to him and I intend to destroy everything that he holds dear.
A daughter is dear to a father.

I smirked at the thought. I need to get all the data on his daughter, Rayna Miller. And I know the perfect person for the job. She will be the target now.

I quickly entered some numbers on my phone and tapped the call button.

"Hey Man! What's up?" Sean said.

Sean is my technology expert and one of my closest friends. I met him at my university. He is a master in his field. Sean can hack any given system be it legal or illegal. He can get the information you need, in no matter of time.

"Sean, I want you to give me complete information on someone."

"Sure. Who's the person?" he inquired.

"Rayna Miller."

"Kevin Miller's daughter?" he sounded surprised.

"Yes. I want her complete information. Her daily activities, her friends, college, relationships, everything."

"That can be done. But....can I ask why?"

"She is Miller's daughter. What else reason do you need man?" I asked annoyed. I hate it when people start questioning me.

"I meant why now?"

"Let's just say I had a run-in with her tonight." A very interesting one.

"That's new. Okay. Let me see what I can do."

"Don't give me such answers Sean. I need all the information by tomorrow. Come to my office tomorrow morning with information." I barked through my phone.

"Okay. That'll be done. Now can I get the sleep you have deprived me of?" Sean asked.

"Get my work done and sleep your ass off as much as you want," I ordered.

"Okay", he said and I cut the call.

Now I can sleep and get some rest.

Kevin Miller, you better watch your back now.

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