Chapter Four

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It was four fifteen. I had been walking around the zoo looking at the same animals. Now it was time to put my plan into action. Yea, it was a bit early from when I told myself I'd do it before, but I just couldn't wait. I went over to the window and looking inside. To my surprise, the guard was asleep! Now I just had to get in the building without everyone in the zoo noticing me. I walked around to the front of the building where the door was. It was probably locked. I looked around and I didn't see anyone. I went up to the door and turned the knob. It was unlocked! The door creaked open. I looked around again before slipping inside. I almost walked farther into the room until I saw the security cameras. I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a random black bag on the floor. I picked it up, being very careful to not let the cameras see my face. I put the bag over my face. I was actually able to see out of it, surprisingly. I walked over to the doorway which led me into the room where the guard was in. I tiptoed past him, trying not to wake him. There was the trapdoor. I lifted it up and looked at the ladder. I took a deep breath and started to climb down the ladder, closing the trapdoor behind me. I climbed all the way down the ladder and looked around when I reached the bottom. The passageway was just how I had imagined it would be. The tour guide described it really well. I walked along the passageway and looked at all the signs and the ladders to the enclosures. I decided to sleep in the wolf enclosure instead of the new enclosure that was being built so they didn't continue to build it and catch me. So far, I didn't see the wolf enclosure sign and ladder. I took off my backpack and took out my phone. It was only four twenty-five. I had to wait another thirty-five minutes. I sighed and sat down against the passageway wall. I'd find the wolves when the zoo closed and the employees left, so they wouldn't catch me in the enclosure. An idea then struck me. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of this before! I should text Blaze! I pulled out my phone, but I couldn't seem to find him in my contacts. Then I remembered that I gave my phone number to him. Well, so much for that idea. I played Color Switch for a while before checking the time again. Five o'clock, on the dot. The zoo must've just closed. They're probably letting everyone get out right now. About five minutes later, I heard a noise, like a door closing. Or a trapdoor closing. I stuffed my phone in my backpack and jumped up. I hadn't thought this through. If someone came down here, they'd see me since I was sitting out in the open. Instead of going to the wolf enclosure after the employees left, I'd have to go now. I ran through the tunnel, looking at all the signs. The employee would most likely start from the first animal enclosure in the tunnel and then make their way to the wolves and it might take them a while, but I was pretty sure there was more than one employee, so either they'd be able to put the animals away and feed them in at least two enclosures at the same time or they'd get done faster with every enclosure. Neither of those were good. I finally saw the wolf sign. I quickly climbed up the ladder. I opened the trapdoor and entered the enclosure. I shut the door behind me. I was in the back corner of the cage, and there was a tree directly in front of me. The trapdoor was hidden so the public didn't see it, smart. The cave thing was on the opposite side of the enclosure. I slowly started to make my way over there. I didn't see the wolves yet. I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing. I was almost to the cave when I heard a growl. I slowly turned around and saw the biggest wolf standing right in front of me, teeth bared. The alpha. I stood still. He came a bit closer and I closed my eyes and braced myself for death. After a couple seconds of not feeling teeth ripping into my skin, I opened my eyes. There was another wolf in front of me, protecting me from the alpha. Yep, you guessed it. It's the wolf that looks like Blaze. The Blaze wolf growled at the alpha and then just stared at him. They seemed to be communicating. The alpha backed away and so did the Blaze wolf. The alpha howled and the other wolves came to him. They all went into the cave except for the Blaze wolf. He started to nudge me into the cave with the other wolves. I reluctantly went in. I looked at the other wolves that were giving me a dirty look. I made my way into a corner of the cave and sat down. The wolves stopped paying attention to me and just laid down. Soon, the worker came into the enclosure. My eyes widened. What if he saw me? I would get in so much trouble...the Blaze wolf then jumped in front of me to hide me from the worker. The worker came closer to the cave until the alpha growled. The worker jumped back. He threw the meat on the floor without coming closer to the cave and went back down the ladder, closing the trapdoor behind him. The Blaze wolf backed away from me and looked at the rest of the pack. They all gathered around me. I was terrified. A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead as the alpha came closer to me until his hot breath hit my face. "Oh crap..." I thought.

I KNOW I HAVE EXPLAINING TO DO, I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING BUT THERE'S THIS SCREEN TIME LIMIT THAT MY DAD PUT ON MY PHONE AND I CAN ONLY UPDATE IF I'M ON MY COMPUTER. I hope that explained it for you guys! I'll try to post more often and I hope you like this chapter! You guys can probably see where this is going since it's under the 'werewolf' genre but I hope you're excited anyways! Until next chapter! Bye!

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