Chapter Three

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I rushed home. I left the zoo in a hurry so I could go home and get supplies for the night. It wouldn't look suspicious for me to walk around the zoo with a backpack, a bunch of people did it, so that's a good thing. I put two bottles of water in my backpack and a thermos full of alfredo pasta with chicken. Pretty fancy for a night in the zoo! I heated up the thermos. It should stay warm so I can eat it warm tonight. I put a thin blanket inside the backpack so it wouldn't take up much room. I also packed earbuds and my phone, of course. I had to conserve the battery, though, because there probably wouldn't be any outlets in a zoo cage. I also decided to bring the Greek mythology book I got at the library and a flashlight. I hoped I wouldn't wake up any of the other animals. I then had a scary thought that maybe the wolves are just normal wolves so I end up going to the zoo for nothing. That was probably what was going to happen, knowing my luck. I washed off the zoo stamp from earlier so hopefully the staff wouldn't recognize me. I hoped that there was a different lady giving out the stamps so she didn't question why I was here again. I was pretty sure that I got everything I needed, so I quickly checked my phone battery before stuffing it in my backpack. It was eighty-three percent, not that bad. I slung my backpack on my back and walked out the door of my apartment, making sure to lock it behind me. I walked downstairs and out of the building and started towards the zoo. Once I got there, I looked at the stamp booth first. There was a different lady. That's good. I went up to her and acted normal. "How many?" She asked. "One." I said. "Five dollars, please." She told me. I got out my wallet (which I had also packed) and handed her five dollars. "Thank you. Your hand, please." I held out my hand and she stamped in with the wolf stamp in the same place that I had the other stamp earlier. She let me enter the zoo and I walked in it again. I knew exactly where I was going to sleep. When I was leaving the zoo, I had seen a cage that was being built for a new animal. They had the glass wall part all done, so it was a concealed cage, but they weren't done with the inside. They needed to decorate it. They had a little cave section that was hallowed into a hill where the animal would probably sleep or stay in when it was hot out. They didn't say what animal was going to be placed in the exhibit yet, but they must have known since they had adapted the cage to fit the environment the animal would live in in the wild. It was three thirty now. The zoo closed kind of early, five o' clock, so they could check on the animals again and put them up and all that. They might've even stopped to build a bit of the enclosure I was staying in, which would've been bad. The way to get inside the enclosure was super cool. Inside the employee building where they stored everything for the animals, there was a little trapdoor that had a ladder leading down to an underground tunnel system. When you found the cage you wanted, there was a ladder leading up to another trapdoor that you had to open to get inside the cage. You knew which cage you were at because there was a sign next to the ladder of the cage that said the animal name and an outline of the animal. The tunnel system would've been dark, but they put some lights up in the ceiling and some torches on the wall old-fashion style. The only reason I knew all this was because one day I had gone on a tour of the zoo, and they told you all of this. It was about five months ago, I don't know how I remembered it, but I did. I had to sneak inside the employee building somehow. At the moment, I don't know how I was gonna get inside there. I was just going to walk around the employee station trying not to look creepy or suspicious. I went around to a window on the side of the building and peeked in, trying not to look weird. Thankfully, I looked in the right window. Sure enough, there were security cameras inside the building and an employee guarding the trapdoor. I needed to find a way to get past the cameras and security guard. But that part would come later. I decided to see if I could get answers without spending the night, so I went back over to the wolf cage. Now, all the wolves were laying down on a huge rock. The one that looked like Blaze was the first to notice me again. He jumped off the rock and came to the glass wall. I put my hand up against the glass for no apparent reason, and then the wolf that looked like Blaze put his paw on his side of the glass in the exact same place. I was shocked, but I smiled. It was either a coincidence, or that wolf was somehow Blaze. "Are you Blaze?" I whispered to the wolf. He didn't answer. He might not have heard me, or he was a normal wolf. Even though it probably wasn't Blaze and it probably looked crazy, I whispered to the wolf that I was planning to sleep at the zoo. I didn't tell him that I planned to get answers about him. I told him that I needed to get into the employee building but I didn't know how too. Then, some other people started to come to the wolf enclosure. The zoo wasn't as crowded as it was earlier, and it wasn't even that crowded then. These were the first people that I had seen come to the wolf enclosure this time that I'd been here. I stopped talking and just acted like I was checking out the wolves. I then walked away because they'd think I was crazy for being there that long. I walked around back to the middle-ish part of the zoo. That's where the enclosure was that I was staying in tonight. Yep, it seemed like the best place to stay. I decided to check inside the employee building again, even though it had only been about fifteen minutes. I looked in the same window I did before. The guard then looked my way, and I ducked down. I walked back into the main part of the zoo by awkwardly squatting. I tried to blend into a crowd of people that looked like they were my age. Hopefully the guard wouldn't notice me if he had looked again. I decided to wait for a bit until I looked again, maybe at around four thirty. For now, I just had to walk around and act normal. I was a bit nervous for this, but I'd give it my best shot.

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