Chapter Two

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I continued to sip my vanilla latte until it was finished. I tossed it in the trash and walked out of Starbucks, playing the scene that happened in Starbucks over and over again. I still couldn't get over how nice Blaze was to me when that other pervert tried to do whatever perverts do. I continued to walk to my next destination, and this time, I had a place in mind; the zoo. Blaze's last name (Wolfson) reminded me of wolves, and I knew the zoo here had wolves. I walked for about ten minutes until I reached the zoo. I didn't know the actual name for the zoo, nobody really did. We just called it the Valdez Zoo. I went through the gate and stood in the front of a booth, where a middle aged women stood. "How many people?" She asked. "One." I said. I've never understood why people ask how many people are with you. They can just look! I understand that about restaurants, since people come late, but people aren't gonna come late to the zoo or anything. "That will be five dollars, please." She said. I took my wallet out of my purse and gave her a five dollar bill. I put my wallet back. "Thank you," She said. "Hold out your hand, please." I held out my hand. I knew the procedure, I'd been here before. She stamped my hand so when I left they knew that I had paid for my trip here. If you didn't pay, I honestly didn't know what happened to you. I had always been kinda a goodie-two-shoes. I could be a rebel, but the time has to be right. The stamp was a blue wolf today. They change out the stamps every day. It was kind of perfect that the stamp was a wolf since I wanted to see the wolves. The lady also gave me a gold token. She then let me enter the zoo. As soon as I walked in, there was a big container that was hollowed out and there were gold tokens inside. Around the outside, there were pictures of four animals and token slots. Apparently, this was a new addition from last time I visited, about a week ago. So much can happen in a week! From what I read on the paper taped on the container, you drop your token in the slot below an animal that you want to be in the zoo. The animal with the most tokens will be added to the zoo whenever there is enough space and they have enough money. The four choices were hedgehogs, pandas and koalas, llamas, and cobras. I decided to vote for pandas and koalas. Then I walked on. The first animals were the elephants. They were pretty cool, but I didn't hang around them for long. I watched the other animals for about as long as I did with the elephants. The animal that I wanted to see the most were the wolves. They were close to the last animals you would see in the zoo. I went up to the cage. It was a medium to big enclosure with a glass wall separating us from them. I looked inside and then saw three wolves. There were the same wolves that I always saw, the alpha male and his mate, the luna. There was another female, and I think she's called the beta? I don't know. I'm not an expert on wolves. And then I saw a new wolf. He looked like a pretty strong wolf. He had brownish fur. He must have been moved to that zoo some time this week, because he definitely wasn't there last week when I visited. There was also another new wolf. A tiny pup that was laying down next to the luna. The pup looked very young, only a couple days old. I let out a small aw. The pup was so cute! I was the only one viewing the wolves at the moment, and the wolves didn't seem to be interested in anything I was doing. But then, the new wolf with the brownish fur seemed to notice me. He looked shocked for some reason. He probably wasn't used to all of these people coming to view him. But he then came closer to the glass, and I noticed that his eyes were a stunning blue color. The more I thought about it, the more he looked like Blaze would as a wolf. But that wouldn't be possible. Werewolves aren't real! The wolf came right up to the glass and got a good look at me. I then noticed that at the very tip of his fur there was the lightest red color. I rubbed my eyes to make sure they weren't playing tricks on me. The red color was still there. "Blaze?" I whispered. It couldn't have been a coincidence, but it couldn't be real either! Could it? I then made one of the most dangerous decisions that I could possibly make. I decided to stay over night at the zoo. I told you I could be a rebel when I wanted to! I needed to find some answers. I didn't know where I was gonna sleep for the night and how I was gonna get past the security cameras. I doubted there were cameras in the cages at this zoo. There were some cameras in the cages at other zoos, but this zoo is in Valdez. Not the most well known city. They probably didn't have enough money for security cameras in cages because they spend it all on food for the animals, which is good. But I wasn't about to hide in an animal cage. Unless....

WOOOOOOOOOOOOP ANOTHER ONE DONE! Stay tuned for the next one to see what Dawn does :P Peace out!

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