~Chapter 7. Party at my place squiddos!~

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Your pov

~timeskip to the next day~

The day was boring so far. Nothing but waiting around the house and tryna find my way around it. At around 2:00 bamboo texted me and told me to watch one of her turf wars. So I left the house with aloha cause gloves was still asleep. The turf war was something else. Her and her team worked amazingly together and it only reminded me about my dreams to play turf wars. They ended up winning against team red and it was cool to watch.

I'm now currently chilling at a cafe. Playing squidjump on my phone.
"My god this is hard... how are people so good at this?!"
I sigh and power off my inkphone.
"I wish I knew what to do right around now...."
"Do me babe~!"
I look up and see aloha slide into the seat across from me with that stupid yet irresistible smirk on his face. I turn (I/c) and chuckle awkwardly.
"H-hey aloha! Shouldn't you be prepping for the party today? Heh heh..."
"Oh that's all done. Me and snorkel finished when we went back home after riders turf war!"
"The leader of the team that Bamboo is on, god I need to introduce you to so many inklings. I'm starting to loose track!!"

I rub my eyes in boredom as aloha scrolls through inkstagram. Awkward tension fills the air between us. Eventually he stands up and looks at me.
"Yes aloha?"
I chuckle.
"The party is at 5:00. And it will go all night. Be prepared mentally."
He swishes past me.
"And physically~"
He says, lowering his voice to a faint whisper in my ear. The way he said that reeked of sexual potential, but I brushed it off and ordered a squid cola to keep me up for a bit longer. Thanks to the wonder invention of caffeine I barely use sleep. (If you got that reference then I congratulate you. Phil)


After 17 minutes of chugging 3 squid colas. And a bathroom break. I was all hoped up on caffeine and ready to take on Alohas party. I leave the cafe and the square is awfully empty. A few loose napkins tumble around, and a few vibrant neon flyers of alohas rager follow. The sun is just starting to set. Thanks for the wonderful fucked up time schedule of inkopolis. I've never seen the plaza so empty. Even at night there are turf wars always going on.

I just get near his house and already I can hear Tide Goes Out being blasted through speakers.
"Must suck to be his neighbours..."
Rave lights beam through the windows as it gets in my view. And I see many inklings. One even hanging from a balcony. And I don't know if I should be entertained or be concerned. Actually, I'm a little bit of both already.

Seeing alohas party so blown up in so little time is insane. It's been 20 minutes since the doors have opened. And it's already going strong, and shows no sign of stopping until next Tuesday. I approach the doors and see mask standing there. Like a security guard or something idk.
"Take a deep breath while you cannn~"
He slurs out from behind his gas mask before opening those doors.
Should've listened to him.
Instantly my breathing becomes thick with smoke. The music blasts through the speakers. Now switching to bomb rush blush. I look for anyone I know but all I see are multicoloured inklings all dancing, talking, standing around, or making out.

I shimmy to the living room and see Octoglasses. But she's busy chatting with two boys and doesn't even notice the poor octoling standing there, hopeless, and begging her to notice her. I turn the other way and the doors swing open. JUST missing my face. In comes a group of blue inklings. One with a big smile turns my way. She opens her eyes and her smile fades away for a second. She stars at me with a weird yet calming face on.
She turns away and springs in the opposite direction.

I hear a familiar voice on a microphone. And walk into the living room to see about everyone standing around aloha as he stands on a dresser with a mic in hand. The music dies down and we can actually hear him.
The inklings go wild.
He locks eyes with me.
"Also. If you guys see a particular octoling here in this crowd....  take a moment to say thanks to her for helping me prep this party. LETS GIVE IT UP FOR (Y/N)!!"
Everyone claps as they look at me.
Everyone claps and the music is cranked back up and the Spicy calamari inkantation is blasted for everyone to hear.

I start looking for aloha.
Is heard from the kitchen. Walking in I see snorkel chugging a bottle of milk, and aloha getting a shoulder massage from a blue inkling with pilot goggles on.
"1:26 SECONDS!"
Straw yells and aloha goes in the circle. I walk up to Octoglasses who is dry heaving.
"Hwy Octoglasses are you okay? Also what's going on?"
"Hey (y/n)! Yeah I'm fine. I just don't like seeing snorkel chug a litre of expired milk to win a stupid milk chugging competition."
"At the last party, snorkel chugged a litre of milk as a bet he made with aloha. But he lost, and aloha said he could easily chug two litres of milk and that he was being a sissy. So snorkel told him to prove it at the next party, and now this is what they're doing."

I stare at aloha as he positioned himself of the floor. Snorkel hands him the bottle and straw starts her stopwatch.
He starts drinking. Everyone chanting CHUG.
"Did I also say they wanted to see who was faster and are timing it now? Yeah. I'll never understand boys."
She says and I agree. I glance back at aloha who now just finished chugging the milk. And now looks like he's gonna throw up. (That's what you get for being a cannibal to the milk kind, Aloha!)
"He will feel those 2L later."
I say and watch as straw calls out his time. 1:17 seconds. I have the feeling he's been training for this but whatever.

Instantly, aloha stands up, holding his stomach, and sprints over in the defection of the bathrooms. I go over and grab the milk.
I laugh out and snorkel stands up. Looking less sick then aloha, bust still sick.
"It was cheaper."
He laughs a little and I drop the glass and rush to the bathrooms.

I knock on a bathroom door.
".... (y/n)?"
A groggy sounding aloha moans out form the bathroom. Instantly followed by sounds of vomit. Then air freshener. I open the door, concerned for alohas health, and mental health.
"Are you okay?"
He turns his head to face me. His visor on the ground beside him.
He turns and throws up again.
He wipes his mouth. I drop down beside him, only after closing the bathroom door.
"Why did you chug sour milk aloha? Do you have any sense that maybe that would get you sick?"
"Not really."
He laughs

He leans on his hand, his arm resting on the toilet. His pink orbs stare into my (E/c) ones.
"Thanks for coming to check up on me. If you don't mind could you grab me some water?"
He gives a smile and points to a glass on the sink. I grab the glass cup and fill it up with cold water. I then hand it to aloha and he takes it and starts drinking.
"I won't be sick for long. A part animal like myself never sleeps from sickness. Or at all really. We just party through it!"
He stands up. Instantly regretting it and throwing up again. I wait for him To finish before flushing the toilet.

I stand up. Wiping his mouth, aloha stands up as well and we exit after I'm sure he's probably thrown up everything he has in him. We walk down stairs and faces snorkel.
"Well you won aloha."
"I also won some sickness. But it's so worth it."
He laughs with snorkel and takes me by the hand.
"Let's crank this party up to another level guys!!"
Everyone cheers and claps as aloha cranks up the music. And more inklings arrive.
And the next level it is indeed.

~to be continued in chapter 8~

By golly that was so long. I have to spit it into 2 chapters XD.
Also yeah. Surprise I'm updating on Monday.
Just my parents had a little argument and I'm back at my moms house. And I'm tryna drown my problems in animal crossing, writing, YouTube, and more things.
I'm still doing good!!
Gotta admit. These times have been rough for me.
But I'm just happy that I have you guys.
You guys are one of my reasons I'm alive today. :)
I just don't want to disappear. And I think as long as I'm alive and like these fandoms, I will be doing wattpad.
So thanks guys.
For being one of my reasons to wake up every morning.
Yeet yeet out fools
Milkyfan ~<3
And as a shoutout for someone keeping me running. And for helping talk me out of  suicide once....
She is an amazing, wonderful human being. And I don't care if you don't read what she is writing. Just go follow her to support her and everything she does. Cause she is an amazing person. One of the best I've known. And deserves great things to happen to her.
Thank you again.

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