~Chapter 8. Just your normal friday~

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Warning!! Sexual harassment/assault ahead.

Your pov.

Aloha really knows how to throw these parties. It's now 9:37 and the party is going stronger then ever. I'm chilling upstairs in my room. I have the door locked, I'm just trying to get away from everyone. Everywhere I go there are inklings. Aloha scurried off after inklings came in with alcohol. So I'm alone.
"Hey, anyone in there?"
I hear some inkling speak.
"Yes. Go away."
"Please let me in. I'm tired of these people."
I walk over and open the door. In steps a tall, handsome, fit, smexy, and just straight up boyfriend material. His tentacles toted up in a ponytail, and the bright red colour is beautiful. His deep crimson eyes lure me in. He has a black inky rider on, punk cherries, and fake contacts.

"I'm Punk."
He reaches his hand out for me to shake. I hesitate to take it, but I do. He shakes it before kicking the door close with his foot.
"What is a little octo like you doing in here all alone?"
He says in a slightly sexual tone. I back up a little.
"You haven't even told me your name babe~"
He takes two steps forward. I take one step back. This continues. I hit the wall. He leans in a little and cups my head in his one hand. I close my eyes and hope that nothing bad happens.
"Relax octo."
His one hand moves up my (f/g). I squirm. What is he doing?!

He kisses me harshly as he pins me against the wall. I squirm, hoping he will let me go. But I'm a skimpy octoling. I don't really fight much. He bits my neck as he moves down. I try to keep it in. But end up letting out a soft moan. I hate this. Tears of (I/c) roll down my face. I hear the door open. But I'm too busy trying not to get rap*d (I swear and say cuss words. But even I have standards okay?) to look up and see who it is. I hear footsteps rapidly approaching and then a yell of pain from the inkling pervert in front of me.

He falls to the ground. And the large uncomfortably placed hands are replaced with soft smooth ones, cupping my face in a comfortable fashion. I peer down. Not looking at the inkling in front of me. And see the pervert laying on the ground in pain. His legs crossed. I look up a little and see the familiar crazy arrows with little stains of sun yellow and dark blue. I then see the Aloha shirt I know and love. And finally, lock eyes with the concerned looking aloha.
"Are you okay??"
"Y-yeah..:. I'm fine now...."
I hug him tightly.
"I can't bear to think of what he might've done if you haven't of..."
I pause thinking of what he may have done.
"Kicked him where it hurts."
Aloha piped up and took my hands.


I'm standing on the balcony. Aloha outside with me. His one arm around my waist. He's holding me very close, like he's protecting me from other perverts.
"Did he touch you in any bad ways? (Y/n)?"
"Aloha, I already told you I'm fine. You can stop worrying about me so much!"
"I'm sorry! I just don't any bad things happening to you. I've only known you for a few days sure. But I do really care for you!"
I fall silent.
"Just. I got the rest of the S4 to kick him out. He won't bug you anymore. Why don't we go inside?"
I think for a bit.
"Sure. Let's go. Just, please don't leave me alone."
"Got it."

We walk inside and see mask trying to pull someone's pants down. Octoglasses flirting with girls. She's clearly drunk. Apparently the guys spiked the punch and Octoglasses just happened to drink 3 glasses of it. Army yelling something about the great Cod. Personally I don't believe in Cod. But I also think Army is drunk. A few others just doing random stuff. And snorkel looking very sick.
"Woah. Uh okay."
"Just your normal Friday."
I chuckle with aloha. He takes off his visor and fixes his tentacles. Then pulls out his inkphone and holds it up.
I hold up a peace sign. But I feel aloha kiss my cheek. I turn (I/c) and feel the camera go off.

Aloha dances his fingers across the keys and posts the photo on inkstagram,  I feel a vibration in my pocket and take out my inkphone. I didn't even hear the notification noice that's how loud people were now blasting "Into the Light" by Off The Hook. I know. Not a big party song. But people love it.  I read what his post says.

Just doing nothing but chilling with my favourite girl at my favourite party!! 🎶🎶🐙🐙

I smile and aloha takes my hands.
"Care to dance?"
"Why of corse aloha!!"
I smile and take his hand. He drags me to the dance floor where I see bamboo dancing.
She says happily.
"Hey bamboo!!"
"Cool part isn't it?? Aloha throws great ones!"
"It's crowded and I almost got rap*d by some pervert, but aloha saved me and other then That it's been AWESOME."
I say. Her expression suddenly changes. But I give her a 'Less-Talk-More-Dance' look and she brushes it off.


It's around 12:47 PM and inklings have started to leave. But it's still a strong party. I felt tired so me and bamboo went up to my room to have a sleepover. After locking the doors and promising not to open them to ANYONE, we started chatting and got snacks from downstairs.
"Soooooo? How is it with aloha??"
"It's good I guess, he kissed my cheek!"
I showed her the inkstagram picture.
"Oh mi gosh! You didn't even friend me on inkstagram! Wow. Hashtag betrayed!"
He jokes and send me a friend request.

@Bamboo_MiniSplat wants to be friends!!

I accept her and we continue chatting.
"Do you play turf wars at all?"
"No. Not really. I don't have a team or anything. But I can use the (f/w)!"
"Really? I suck at the (f/w). I'm only good at the splatling and mini splatling!!"
She complains.
"Well maybe tomorrow we can go weapon shopping and I'll get one! Then I can show you how to use it and you can show me how to play turf war!!"
"I'm down. You just gotta invite Aloha!!"
"Trust me. This is the perfect opportunity to set you two up. And tomorrow, in Octoglasses isn't completely hungover. She can work her magic and set you up more then before!!"
I giggle.

A few minutes of chatting later, and bamboo is passed out asleep. I walk outside and run smack dab into aloha.
"Oops! I'm so sorry aloha!"
"Hey. It's fine babe. Also I see that Bamboo is staying over. She snores loud. So do you maybe wanna stay in my room with me tonight?"
"U-uhhh I don't see why not!"
"Great. You look tired. Just sleep in your gear. Head in my room. I'll be in in about 2 hours after this party has died down to just a drunk Army and Octoglasses on the floor. And everyone gone and everyone else in their rooms. Kay?"
I smile at him and make my way over to his room. Flopping on his bed. I fall asleep instantly.

Just your normal Friday night in inkopolis.
Am I right?

Eep opp!
Beep boop!
You go sleepy in alohas room!
Lol this was fun to write and hard to wrap up. I hope you liked it tho.
That's all!

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