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I gasped.

"Finally an upperclassmen!"
Daunte walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Alright, I'm in."

Daunte looked stunned.

"Wait what?" Gavin said perplexed, "You can't just make decision like that. This will become your life. This is your career. You need to put a bit more thought into it."

I saluted, "Yes Commander Buzzkill."

Gavin just glared at me.

I tried again, "General Buzzkill?"

Daunte shook his head amused, "As funny as this all is, this is a life changing decision. Think carefully."

"It's already made," I said stubborn as a mule.

The brothers looked at each other.

"Welcome Agent Zagato."


"Okay, let's get you checked in with Commander Lowery," said Daunte walking out of the room.

"Wait, so I'm an agent?"

"Yup," Gavin answered popping the 'p'.

"Just like that?"

Daunte smirked at me, "That's the beauty of it."

"This is the control room for our family. Each family gets one. If you are not recruited by family you share one with others."

I glanced at tag on the door.

It read, "Control Room- Cooper"

Once in the room, I looked at the screen as it crackled to life.

"Welcome Andrea Zagato. I am Commander Lowery."

"Er, hi..?" I stuttered.

She gave me a warm smile, "It's alright to be confused. I know these boys sure were when they first came."

Gavin turned a bright pink in remembrance of his past.

Daunte seemed... proud?

"I made a fool of myself," he stated matter-of-factly.

"You always do," the Commander chuckled. "Zagota, I am the head of the Cooper family unit. When Daunte and Gavin told me that you had the characteristics of a spy I kept a close eye on you. Recently, I gave Gavin the go ahead to bring you here. I am very glad you decided to join us."

"Uh, what exactly did I join?"

She looked startled, "Um, surely the boys told you." She looked at them. They threw their hands up in defense.

"She joined immediately!" Gavin cried.

"We told her to decide carefully!" Daunte wailed, "It's not our fault- I mean, GAVIN DID IT!"

She rolled her eyes, "Andrea, pay no attention to them. OOBA. You have joined OOBA."

"What does that stand for?" I asked curiosity taking over me.

Gavin smacked his forehead, "It's really stupid. The most embarrassing part about this place."

"I, on the other hand, like it," Daunte stated,  "OOBA, Organization of Bad Acronyms."

I snorted, "Is this some kind of joke? Seriously this is actually a good prank."

Lowery's face remained dead panned. Okay, this is not a joke.

"Moving on," she continued, "This is how your badge will look."

A picture of my new badge popped up on the screen.

"Gavin, please fetch it for her after it is done printing."

Something clicked in the machine. Gavin handed me a small plastic badge with a clip at the top.

"It is to be worn where no one can see it at all times. Preferably clipped inside your jacket."

I nodded, putting it there.

"You will be added to the Cooper database. This will also be your control room as you are close with the boys. Please go to the scanner. We will scan your eye. This is how you will be allowed to enter and exit rooms."

I looked into the camera trying to hold back a smile.

I failed- epically.

I looked like the freaking Cheshire cat.

"Don't smile," Lowery said sternly.

I wiped the smile off my face for a split second while I took the picture. Then it reappeared.

"I can't believe I'm actually a spy!" I cried overjoyed.

Lowery had to ruin everything, "Uh, you're not exactly a spy yet."

My eyes widened, "Huh?"

"You're a spy-in-training."

"Training?" I asked. "So I'm agent-ish?"

"Yup," she answered, "And it's gonna be harsh."

I groaned as the boys led me out of the room.

"Oh," Commander Lowery said and I paused, "Good luck Agent-In-Training Zagato."

Haven't updated in a while, so here it is! Starting to get into the interesting stuff, so I'm kinda excited!!!


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