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Training was... tiring to say the least, but my year of it is finally over.

My first day of training was ridiculously hard.

My training started the week after school got out. I was resting up, still healing after the dreaded school year.

Resting is also known as sleeping. The earliest I would get up is 9:00 am.

It was Sunday night.
My parents were traveling that week, so I was lounging about on my bed watching Netflix and listening to music. Around 1:37 am I fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone buzzing.
Not really 'woke up'. I fell asleep immediately after.

A car kept honking. Ugh sooooooo annoying. I ignored it by wrapping myself in my comforters.

My alarm went off. Not my alarm clock, but the security alarm in my house. Or that's what I thought. The noise subsided after the second or third beep.

A soft voice woke me up, "Wake up sweetheart, sunshine, little bundle of joy and other names and things and stuff."

Gavin was peering down at me and didn't look to happy.

"You okay?" I asked.

"No!" He yelled furiously, "I've been waiting for you to get ready since 4:45 am. I thought, okay maybe she's taking a while, but I didn't know you were sleeping! You have to get to training..."

I got up slightly annoyed as he continued ranting.

"Sleeping is a waste of time especially when you are one of us. We have to get to work on time and-"

Okay now I was really annoyed. I grabbed my pillow and smacked him.
He looked stunned.

"I don't like early morning people," I concluded trudging over to my bathroom.

I ripped off my oversized t-shirt and sweatpants and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that was lying around.

As I grabbed phone and bag I call out, "Gavin! If you are raiding the fridge, get your face out of it before I come down!"

I started walking down the steps and yell, "Don't say I didn't warn ya!"

My jaw dropped, "I thought I told you-"

"No, you said the fridge, you said nothing about the pantry. Though I could go for some milk. But you said nothing about the pantry."

He took a bite of the donut.
Then another bite.
Another bite.
And another one.

I smacked the donut out of his hand.

"Geez, okay then," he grumbled grabbing his keys.

I grabbed my jacket and ID and we headed out.


"Training room is down that hallway, two lefts and a right. Wear your ID on the outside, so they know that you are here for training."

"Ugh, I'm gonna get lost. Can you please help me?" I pleaded.

Gavin shook his head,  "I can't. Things to do places to be."

"Yeah right. Where do you have to go?"

"I'm gonna go get some breakfast,  breakfast stealer," he said patting my head as I stared at him in disbelief.

Two lefts and a right. Shouldn't be too hard.

I head down the hallway and made two lefts. I look the right turn, but the training room wasn't there.
What did I do wrong now? I smack my forehead desperately lost. Great, now I'm gonna make a fool out of myself.

"Relax, you're new here right?"

I turn to see a girl who looked a year or two younger than me. 17 maybe?

"Hi, and yes I am. I'm trying to find the training room."

"C'mon I'm heading there now. I'm still training too. I've only been here for a few months," the girl said.

I read her badge. It said, 'Anita A.'

"What directions did you recieve?"

"Um," I stuttered, "Two lefts and a right."

"Gavin?" she asked.

I nodded, "How did you know?"

She laughed lightly, "Those are the directions he always gives. He always finds the right room and knows where he's going, but his sense of direction is very bad to say the least."

She opened a door and lead me inside, "It's actually right, left, left, right from the main hall."

"Thanks," I said.

"Sure anytime."

I examined the room. It was large and circular with doors everywhere. They were all labeled.

Physical Training
Weapons Training
Mental Training
Stealth Training
Disguise Training

"Hi, are you..." she looked at her clipboard, "Andrea Zagato?"

I nodded.

"I am your trainer, Valerie, but you can call me Val. How this works is that you are going to be spending an hour in each room. Since this is your first day, it's going to be more of an evaluation. Ready?"

I nodded again and she led me into the Physical Training room.

Anita was there and she waved to me before continuing her session. I saw her spin and kick a dummy's head which went flying across the room hitting a wall.

I gaped extremely impressed, but she looked disappointed. Her trainer marked her score down and told her that was her lowest score of the entire month.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

How do you think Andrea's going to do with her training?


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