Meeting the Master

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Masters POV
I see all ten teenagers walk timidly to the front door of the mansion. They can't see me though, I can only see them, I'm in this tiny little attic with one window, as I see the teenagers knock on the door. I come to the front door. As I open the door, all ten teenagers stand clumped together.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" I say to the crowd of adolescents. A smile grows on the corner of my mouth.

Jessica's POV
I get out of the black limousine as I see the rest of the teenagers walk out timidly. We all walk to the door, and this girl with blond hair and blue eyes knocks on the door. At first we hear nothing but then the door rattles open.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" The master Lilly says.

I widen my eyes as I step into the house while the master leads us to the dining area.

Bradley's POV
I step out of the limousines and I see nine other teenagers, One of then has long dark brown hair with hazel green eyes. I think I'm crushing. One of the teenagers knock on the door, and then this woman comes greeting us, she had a black hood on, covering her face.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" Lilly the master says, I am confused What game is the master talking about.

We all walk into the house cautiously

Ruta's POV
I step out of the limousine and all these teenagers come crowding at the door, no one talks to each other, I try to lighten the mood.

"Hey everyone! Who's excited about this field trip?" I ask.

No one answers but they all turn their heads. I shrug and than this girl bangs her fist on the door. Than this unusual woman appears.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" This so called master says to all of us.

I make a face and raise my eyebrow. I cautiously walk into the house.

Austin's POV
I walk out of this black limo and I look around to see nine other teenagers crowding at the door. One of them knock and this woman appears at the door step.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" Lilly says to all of us.

I crack my neck and walk up the two stars leading to the dining room.

Jennifer's POV
I sigh as I make myself to the front door of this humongous mansion, I knock on the door loudly waiting for someone to come out.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" This woman answers the door to say.

I walk into the house, my eyes roll frighteningly.

Will's POV
I smile as I get out of the limo, admiring all the teenagers and all the fancy statues standing in a row leading to the door. This girl knocks on the door harshly. My eyes widen as a the door creeks open and this woman fades in to the light.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" She says to all of us.

It's hard to see her face through the big black hoodie though, I walk up, following the master to the dining room.

Alli's POV
I walk out the limo, picking at my fingernails. Everyone is standing there with an uncomfortable look written all over there faces. It's weird as this girl knocks on the door. Surprisingly a sweet old woman answers.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" She says to us adolescents.

I take a deep breath and hurry into the house.

Remi's POV
I look out the window of this old fashioned limousine. A cautiously step out and head towards the door. This girl knocks on the door without hesitation. My heart seems to sink as this creepy ass woman opened the door.

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" The master says.

My mouth drops as I follow her into the house.

Jayden's POV
I step out of the limo and I see so many teenagers, I see someone I recognize, Austin! I just play quite because even though we had history in the past, I did not feel like getting into another fight on our field trip. This girl with dirty blond hair; mainly blond. Knocked on the door. We did not hear anything until the sound of footsteps hitting the stairs. The door creeks open as this woman with a dark, no, green-ish black hoodie I guess you could say? she lifted her head up, only exposing the lower part of her face. Her eyes were not seen. 

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this game eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" This mystery woman hiding under a dark green hoodie says. 

I start to wonder what this is, what it means. Is it a cult? No, well I'm not sure, but I follow the master including everyone else. 

Sebastian's POV

I get out of the limousine and look around nervous. I start to shake and try to hide behind the crowd. All of a sudden I hear a knock, I jump. Then this weird girl in a black hoodie stands against us. Shivers run down my spine when I hear a horrifying raspy voice say. 

"Welcome! My name is Lilly, I played this eighty years ago, and now I'm the master. And you all will now play it, but first let's go into the dinning room to introduce each other first, I mean it's our first night so why not get to know each other?" 

My eyes widen while thought's are swimming in my mind. I gulp and I walk behind everyone else into this horror mansion. 

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