Breaking the News

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Jessica's POV

I wait anxiously as the teacher points at me.

"Come up to my desk Jessica Downs." Mrs. Smith Calls to me

I look up and squint my eyes, I pull my chair backwards and I consciously get up. I walk in the middle of the aisle separating rows of desks squished together. Eyes move from their text books to me. As I make myself to Mrs. Smiths desk I hear whispers.

"Yes, Mrs. Smith?" I ask nervously.

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting such as, antiques, interesting facts about the mansion, etcetera." Mrs. Smith says while moving her hands.

"Once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there, okay?" Mrs. Smith says to me as a weak unconfident smile grows from the corner of my mouth.

Bradley's POV

I walk out with my books as Mr. John pulls me aside.

"Hello Mr. John, yes? I ask with confusion.

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mr. John says to me.

My slight smile increases into a big smile.

"Thank you!" I say to Mr. John as I jog to my locker.

Ruta's POV

"Mrs. Ruta!" I hear Mrs. Colin yell.

"Yes?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mrs. Colin says to me as she starts to ruffled her books.

I smile. "Thank you, have a nice weekend!" 

Austin's POV

I rush into the boys locker room after a tiring game of soccer. Sweat seeps into my arm pits. but I get interrupted by Coach Samual.

"You're not going to be able to play in the soccer game on Saturday Austin, You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Coach Samual tells me as I lower my head.

I bang my head agains the locker.

"Shit!" I whisper.

Jennifer's POV

Principal Menninger grabs me as I start walk out.

"What!" I say rudely in a rush.

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Principal Menninger says to me.

"Okay bye." I say as I rush out the door.

Will's  POV

I close my locker when a familiar voice behind me makes me jump.

"Oh, hello Mr. Weatherbee."

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mr. Weatherbee tells me.

"Uh okay, Thank you for letting me know.

Alli's POV

I am so stressed out right now about next weeks test. I take a deep breath as my teacher Mrs. Hellen confronts me in the middle of the class.

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mrs. Hellen says to me.

My mouth drops.

"Thank you, you, you!" I say as my heart rises back into the right place.

Remi's POV

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mrs. Fisher says to me as I put my books in my backpack.

"Thank you!" I say as a smile grew on my face.

Jayden's POV

"You have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Mr. Adams says to me randomly as I was about to finish my test.

"Okay, thanks." I say in a relieved voice.

Sebastian's POV

I walk with my head down, hoping no one recognizes me. I keep walking when I hear a voice that makes me jump. I use the tip of my pointer finger to lift my glasses up.

"He-hello, uh, umm, y-yes." I say as uncontrollable words stutter out of my mouth.

"Your new here, right?" The woman says to me.

I shake my head "Yes mam." 

"Well I'm Ms. Garner and  you have been selected to go on a field trip, to Casiodo Mansion. Your assignment you will have to complete will be trying to find something interesting, once you get back you will have to write an essay on what you learned there." Ms. Garner says to me with a bright smile painted on her face.

"Uh-uh, okay, thank you." I say as I widen my eyes in fear.

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