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Master POV

Hide and Seek is a childrens game we played for fun. Why not twist it around a little?

The usual game rules for this was, you count for thirty secconds and you seek for them, when you find them, they count and you hide, they cycle goes on...

But Why not change the rules, make it a bit more challlenging? so these are the rules for the game Hide and Seek in this old beat mansion that ten teenagers played eighty years ago, and now ten teenagers from Lowell High School will be selected to go on a feild trip, here, Casiodo Mansion. And they have no idea what they have gotton themselves into.

There are ten rounds in this game, there will be one seeker and the rest hide, who ever is found first dies, the rest choose a different seeker and they hide, who ever is the first one found gets killed. But you have to tag them first before you can killl them, the rounds will be incresingly harder as they go on, The master; me, will be the ruler and will keep eyes on everyone, who ever is the last one standing will become the new master, I will have to go home, and than eighty years from now, ten teenagers from a different school will be selected.

lets meet the ten contestints who will be playing.

1. Jessica Downs; sixteen year old junior, cheerleader.

2. Bradley Sepetys; sixteen year old junior, nerd.

3. Ruta Cooper; fifteen year old junior, basketball player.

4. Austin Bridge; sixten year old junior, Soccer player and musician.

5. Jennifer Edwards; sixteen year old junior, dweeb.

6. Will Baily; sixteen year old junior, football player.

7. Alli Batzel; sixteen year old junior, student council president.

8. Remi Woods; fifteen year old junior, drama club president.

9. Jayden Taylor; fifteen year old junior, jock.

10. Sebastian Freeman; sixteen year old junior, new kid.

Lets play!

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