Round Nine (last Chapter)

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Masters POV 

"Alright guys! Assemble to the foyer!" I yell while Jennifer and Sebastian come to the foyer from different parts of the house.

"What is it now!" Jennifer wails. "Oh is it some get out of jail free card?" She says with a hint of sarcasm. 

"You know what Jennifer! You're voice might get you killed! I'll have to automatically pick a winner!" I say.

"Fine! What?" She asks.

"I just wanted to congratulate you guys." I say as a tear almost slips out my eye. 

"I am sorry, but Sebastian, you are the seeker." I say handing him a rifle. 

Sebastian's POV

"All I have to do is kill her, and I will survive! I can go back to my family, but what will happen after I go back, the only thing is, the school will find out about this." I think to myself as I start to count. In my head.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10..." My voice fades. 

"Ready or not! Here I come!" I yell from down stairs.

Jennifer's POV

"I can kill him, and I'll show that cult-bitch wrong! A girl will win this, just like the 'Master' won, who is a girl." I whisper as I hide in the garage behind a big-ass car. 

"Dumbass won't find me here." I say as I smirk lingers my face. 

Sebastian's POV

"I have to use my smarts for this round. Where is the one place no one hid before, the garage! No one ever hid there because they thought it was breaking the rules, but really it's not, they are not outside the house. So Jennifer was smart to hide in there, because she would think I would look anywhere else, and then kill me. But no, I have to quietly sneak in there so she doesn't run away!" I tiptoe towards the garage and I see no one there, she's probably hiding behind that big black car. I swing open the door fast, because if you do it slowly its creeks, and Jennifer will probably notice.

Jennifer's POV

As I'm hiding I hear wind come from the door. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I slide my way towards the garage door, I breath deeply while tiptoes grow louder. I gulp and I hear a gunshot.

"Ahh!" I scream. Sebastian shot me in the thigh, blood leaks out as Sebastian calmly walks towards me. I strive to get out there, as I'm crawling I see a way out of here. it's a cat door, for cats to climb out through, I think I could slip through there. I look back and Sebastian is gone. I sigh in relief, as I struggle my way to the garage door. My hands pull me up as my thigh is aching. I reach for the garage door, as I finally make it, I slip my head through and try to get my shoulders out, I manage to get my shoulders out while I hear a click, I hesitate, I use all my strength to try to pull myself out, but I can't, I feel myself lift up, he's going to crush me by the garage door, I cringe as I try to pull myself down, but I hear static, and I hear electricity, as I get electrocuted, wires surround my neck as my nerves jump, as that's happing that garage door slams to the ground. As I try to breath, I feel my death coming, but for some reason I'm still alive, no breath comes out, and I fade into my death bed.

Sebastian's POV

I se Jennifer stay still for a long time. I breath heavy. 

"I killed her." I say as my voice shakes, and I tremble. I look back and I open the door and I run to get the hell out of here. As I run to the foyer, to get my backpack, I run into a body as I jump back.

"Out-fucking-standing, Sebastian. Congratulations! You are the new master! For reward, you have ownership to this house, and you also win $20,000,000" The Master says handing me a thick white envelope. I sigh.

"No, I don't want you're blood money." I say as I try to walk past her. 

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure?" She asks. 

"Yes." I say shaking. 

"Alright then, you can grab your stuff. There is a limo out there for you." He finally says heading out. 

This Master, and this house freaks me out. I speed-walk and grab my backpack. I head out the door, and see a limo, I scoff. I open the back seat car door, and then the driver looks at me. He raises an eyebrow. 

"You okay? There is blood all over you." 

"I'm fine" I respond as he drives off into the distance. I lean my head against the window, and I see the Master standing on the porch, with a creepy smile she waves with her fingers, one by one. I shiver and I look back, I'm finally going home.

                                                                                                                      The End!


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