Round Eight

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Masters POV

"Alright, so, there is now still, three players left, it is up to me to say who the next seeker is. And I say... Jennifer" I grow a weak smile. she makes a face. 

"Fuck it!" She says.

"We're all gonna die here anyways, so why not hurry it up!"

"That's a despondent way to look at it! I smile again. 

"Fuck this game, fuck you bitches! Are you really a Master  or are you some devil worshipper, who likes to drag young teens into devil worshipping rituals, in this cult-like, self-harming grand horizontale?" Jennifer asks in spite. 

"No I'm not a prostitute, I'm the gamemaster, who won this games eighty years ago." I say. 

"So how old are you supposed to be? Like 1,280?" She asks. 

"I did start this game when I was sixteen, but I cannot confirm my age." I say simply. She puckers her lips. 

"Okay. When I win this game, bitch, I'm reporting your ass." 

"Count, Jennifer, before I consider implementation." I say getting angry. Jennifer knows my power and starts counting. 

Sebastian's POV

I'm only up to Jayden, which means I can possibly win. I sigh as I hear Jennifer.

"I'm not saying ready or not, bitch you be lucky if I don't find you!" 

Jennifer talks really.... Informal to be exact, never uses right grammar, but it's not about her horrendous grammatical errors, it's about strategy, my strategy this whole game has been moving, so if someone is close, I usually sneak out and move, or I create a sound to distract them so I can get out safe. So I know for a fact I'm affirmative for this round.

Jayden's POV

I hear Jennifer rundown stairs, the gun rattles against her bracelets. I'm behind pipes as I walk back and bump into what almost feels like a body. I jump and gasp, I see Bradley's body tangles in wires, dry blood stays still on his head, further into the distance I see tombs. I breath deeply and I hear footsteps coming over. I cringe as I move forward and then something grabs me from behind and takes a gun to the side of my head.

"Please" I stutter.

"Aww. You want me to spare you, I might, but what's use? I already tagged you so.." She pulls the trigger. My heart drops. 

Pow! A bullet drives itself into my temple. I take my last breath as I spit out some blood. While blood sprays out my temple and soon I'm stranded in a pile of red water. My eyes roll back, as my vision becomes anything but colors. 

                                                                                    Note: PLEASE READ 

Sorry guys, this is one of the shorter chapters, but.... comment down below who you think will win? Jennifer or Sebastian. Comment, hashtag 'Team Sebastian' or 'Seb' for short. Or comment hashtag 'Team Jennifer' or 'Jenn' for short.... Ima make a BIG plot Twist!!!!!

                                                                             #TeamSeb or #TeamJenn

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