Round Seven

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Masters POV
"Okey-dokey! Jaden, you are, again, the killer."  I say as I see Sebastian shiver from across the room. He gulps.
"Okay, everyone go hide!" I say as everyone scatters away, as I just continue smiling.

Sebastian's POV
I run upstairs and hide where I always do, I've never got caught here so I mean, why not just stay in here.
"Ready, or not! Here I fucking come." I hear from downstairs.
I know it's only up to Jennifer and I. But I honestly just wanna get out of this hell hole. I sigh and sneak out the room, into the room where I killed Will, I lean against the shattered window, I hear a creek near the closet. I jump up, I tilt my head through the shattered pieces of glass, and I glance down to see Wills body disappeared from the ground. I shiver and step back, as a knife is threatened to slit my neck open, is leaned against my throat.
"Don't make any sound, obey what I tell you." Will says behind me, holding the knife to my neck.
I look back and it's Will.
"You surprised I'm here? Guess what bastard, I'm still alive, you'll need more than just throwing me out a window to get me killed." He says. His face is bloody along with his dented head, he leans the knife closer to my throat. I stutter.
He smiles. He throws me against a wall, making me bang my head against the wall. Hard. I groan, and will drags his knife along the air-conditioner, I try to get up, but he's so strong, I could barely get up from the force. He smiles again.
"You know Sebastian, I never really wanted to be the bag guy, but you encouraged me." 
I gulp as he lifts me up from the collar of my shirt. And pins me up against a wall. He takes his abnormally large hand and places it around my neck, I screech as his grip tightens on my neck. I try to to breath but air is stuck inside me. The only disadvantage I have is my breathing, but I still have teeth. I force my mouth open, exposing my white teeth, I lower my head an I grind my teeth on his hand, so hard it starts to bleed.
"Ahh!" He screams in pain. He releases his grip and applies pressure with his other hand, while dropping the knife. As I fall to the ground gasping for air, I spot the knife, I crawl on the floor and I quickly grab the knife. I swing it in the air.
"Don't let me do this." I say to Will.
"Like you, are gonna kill me." Will scoffs.
"All I have to do, is jump your cowardly ass and stab you with damn knife, easy or hard way, Sebastian , you got five seconds." He adds.
I don't answer and Will counts.
"Five, four, three, two, one!"
He comes lunging towards me as he instantly falls to the ground, blood comes spraying out his head. I gasp and leap back. I see Jayden behind him carrying a Glock. I sigh in relief.
"Are you sure he's dead, last time he didn't die." I say
"Oh! Look! The wimp didn't stutter." He says.
"Nah, he's dead, gave him a head shot." I gulp and Will doesn't move, then he twitches and he screams.
Jayden and I jump back, but I grab the gun and shoot him in the heart.
"Whooo! Damn Sebastian. Well I guess I already killed someone, right?" He asks.
"Yes, I think so." I say as the master comes in.
"Onto round eight!" The Master says.

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