Round Six

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Master's POV

I break the news to Sebastian as he starts to breath heavy.

"O-okay." Sebastian gulps. 

"Everyone! Round six will begin now!" 

Sebastian's POV

I lean over into the corner of the wall and start counting. 

Jennifer's POV

As I try to find a hiding spot, I see a gun laying in the middle of the hallway. I glance to both sides of my shoulders. I pick up the gun by the handle. I grip in my palms and walk to a storage bin, as I open the lid and place myself into the bin, closing the lid I still keep the gun restrained in my palms, so if Sebastian try's to murder me, I'll blow his damn head off. 

Will's POV

I stand behind a curtain near a window as I hear Sebastian yell, well, stutter. 

"Ready or not here I come!" 

I cringe and I here him walk up the stairs quietly. I'll be dammed if he finds me, just a little wimp. I laugh at the sudden thought, plus I'm heavier, and stronger so, I'd like to see him at least try with his little muscles. 

Jayden's POV

I'm hiding downstairs because I know everyone usually hides upstairs or in the basement, so I decided to hide in a corner behind a bunch of boxes, I breath heavy as I accidently bump on of the boxes over, making a loud glass shatter sound, I cringe and quickly get up and go hide behind the old-fashioned TV in the living room. 

Sebastian's POV

I hear a shatter from upstairs and I quickly walk and glance down the stairs, I see nothing so I continue walking. As I'm walking I glance over at a bedroom, and I see a body figure behind a blue curtain. I silently tiptoe so whoever is hiding there doesn't know I'm here. I grip the medal hanger in my fists. 

Will's POV

As I close my eyes I don't sense anyone near until a sudden moving hand sways the curtain sideways exposing my body. Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck! I say inside my head as Sebastian's body is hovering over mine. I try to run but he swings this medal hanger against my head, causing it to leak blood out my scalp. He swings it against my other side as he uses his big foot and presses it hard on my stomach, making me unsteady he kicks me again harder and it causes me to fall over onto the thin glass behind me. The glass shatters, driving tiny pieces of glass into my open womb in my head, it stings and my vision becomes blurry. I fall out the window as glass falls along with me, the wind hits my face hard as I fall. Thump! I hit something really hard as I quickly black out.

Sebastian's POV

"Everyone!" I shout.

"Will is dead! I-I-I..." I hesitate.  I gulp. 

"Killed him!" Everyone comes gathering around including the Master. 

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sebastian!" The Master declares 

"To be honest with you, I didn't think you had in you." The Master grows a transmittable smile, so do I. 

"Sebastian you have to choose a new seeker, round seven will begin." the master says. 

"Damn, what time is it?"Jennifer yawns. she looks up at the clock and reads. 

"12:46 pm, wow, how long have we've been here?" Jennifer asks. 

"Well, you arrived here at four, so it's been nine hours since you've gotten here." The Master explains. 

"I choose, Jayden." I cut off out of spite as the Master looks at me disrespected. 

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