Round One

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Jayden's POV
I look around as I see Austin again. My face starts blushing. Than the master says. 

"The game starts now." 

I take a deep breath as all of us get up while Remi starts counting. 

"Austin!" I whisper." 

"Jayden! The hell?" Austin asks. 

"I know we had history in the past but-but if we do die I wanna say I'm sorry, people kept making fun of me that I was gay. I-I-" Austin Cuts me off.

 As he closes his eyes as I closed mine. He leans closer to me, even though my eyes were closed I could sense his face close to mine. And without hesitation his lips locked with mine. His tongue swimming around in my mouth. As my lips damped his. We both were breathing heavy as he pushes me against a wall. My hand glides down his thigh as my other hand embarrasses his back, moving up and down. His lips unlocked with mine as his eyes moved to my eyes. 

"Jayden, man, I love you. But we can't do this. Or we will die." Austin says interrupting our kissing.

"I get it." I sigh as he runs to an unknown part of this petite mansion.

I look around scared. I then find a closet in a really dark corner. I carefully open the closet and I buried myself in the piles of clothes. Suddenly I hear a voice say.

"Ready or not, here I come!" 

I begin breath heavy as my heart feels like a lion trying to escape a cage. Footsteps knock against the hard-wood floor. I did not feel like getting killed today. The footsteps fade away from the kitchen to the bathroom. 

Remi's POV

I walk over to the bathrrom because I hear the shower-curtian rattle against the bathrrom sink. I open the door as I see the shower-curtian leaned against the sink. My hand shakes as the knife in my hand threatens to slip out. My eyes move as my legs wobble to the shower, I take a deep breath as I cautiously lift up the curitan rod. Heavy breathing leaks into the air, as I look in the corner. 

"Ruta!" I yell. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry." I say as a tear escapes my eye. 

"You have to catch me first bitch!" Ruta yells but trys to make it a whisper. 

Ruta pushes me out of the way as my feet stumble and I fall as my hands release the knife and my hands support me up from the shower. I shake my head and I pick up the knife and I'm able to pull myself up as I chase Ruta down the steps. Ruta's not the far behind as I pull her arm behind and throw her onto the ground. I throw myself onto Ruta as she uses her foot to kick me off her. She succseeds but I dont give up I grab her leg, tripping her as I harshley place my hand on her back. 

"Tag!' I say To Ruta as she try's to escape my grip. 

"Take this bitch!" Ruta says to me as she grabs a flower-pot and smashes it against my head. I cringe at the pain and I breath heavy, I use all my strength and I lift myself up and I yank Rutas hair pulling chunks of blood red hair out. Ruta moans as I throw her against the wall and I use the last bit of strength I have and I grip the knife hard in my hand. I slowly lift up the knife agaisnt Rutas chest, I sink the knife into Rutas chest as she moans again. I pull it out and I bury the knife into Rutas heart, blood comes gushing out and Rutas eyes sink into her eye socket only exposing the white part of her eye. She coughs up some blood, the blood runs down her chin onto her green sweat-shirt. More blood leaks out of her chest slowly as falls onto the ground slowly. her head tilts back and her mucles un-tense. her eyes are wide open, she dosn't blink at all as drool leaks out of her mouth. 

"Oh my fucking God! I-I killed her.' I whisper to myself. 

"You can come out guys. I found Ruta! She is now dead." I yell to everyone else as the come out of their hiding places. They see the knife in my hand carring blood on it. The master walks over me and grows a creepy smile.

"Tremendously well done Remi!" The master says to me taking the knife out of my hand.

I shake in fear as everyone else seems frightend. 

"We shall go onto the seccond round!"The master says to all of us in glee. Everyone shakes. 

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