Round Two

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Masters POV

"Now we go onto round two everyone! choose a new seeker!" 

Everyone looks around at each other as Jessica says.

"I think Will should be the seeker."

"Well than we are done here. Will you are the seeker."

"Hell no! I did not agree to this! This is a cult and I am calling the fucking cops!" Will says. 

"I'm afraid you can't do that Will. You're phone is in the limo, and I think everyone agrees to this." I firmly say to will as he looks around. The word fear is written all over his face as everyone nods in agreement. 

"I refuse to murder anyone!" Will screams with the utmost pity. 

"You  have to, or execution from me might be for you. And you won't be able to hide." I respond to Will. 

"Fine! I will. But if I go to jail don't be pointing fingers at me, because I won't be there to save you all ass!" Will yells back. 

"Nobody fucking asked you to!" Jennifer wails back. 

"Everyone go hide while Will counts." I say tensely. 

Everyone besides Will run to hide. They all felt apprehensive about this game, the killing. Will stood their blank on his face. He turned around with a suspenseful look on his face. The precariousness of his feet wobbled on the hard wood floor. He placed his exquisite hands on his eyes and started to count to thirty. His unyielding faith has caused me to feel utterly vertiginous. My face formed into a menacing smile as I faded into the crepuscular dim dark. 

Bradley's POV

I wonder around the astronomical palazzo, with the daunting thought, that I might be annihilated. This experience is beyond any conceptualization. I think to myself as I find a hiding spot. It was indefectible. It is a catacomb, this is an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses tombs! No one would perceive me here! A meteoric smile materialize on my face as I unassertively dogtrot to the catacomb. There are a bunch of wires and pimps and galvanic predicaments. 

"These schlemiels won't perceive me here! Hell they won't even anticipate to contemplate here!" I say in a soft, indistinct murmur that not even a rat can hear. 

"Ready or not, here I come!" I hear Will caterwaul In an acrimonious tone that makes me feel precarious. 

Footsteps come racing down the steps as my breathing becomes ponderous. I change orientations by leisurely move each foot to the next monumental pipe. I camouflage myself behind the abnormally huge pipe. Instantaneously a light shines bright in an intermittent way that almost makes me visionless. As the footsteps grow louder Will placed his hand on the other end of the pipe with a shaking hand and his breathing almost tickled my neck. 

"Gotchya!" Will snarled. The resonance in his of his voice makes shivers sprint down my vertebral column.  

I cringed at the rasp of his voice as he peeks hid head out from the pipe. 

"This is where your hiding? A basement! juvenile." Will scoffs. 

"No! It's a catacomb!" I say correcting him, but he dose not look contented. 

"Who gives a fuck? Okay, let's just keep this quick and easy!" Will says to me scaring me. 

"Wait. Fuck! I forgot to tag you!" Will continues growing a creepy smile. 

With that, I release my grip off the pipe and start bolting. I sprint as Will chases after me. I push past the wires and pipes. Right and left they are as the wind smacks me across the face as I run faster, I accelerate past the darkness running a farther distance as footsteps chase behind me. Will almost got a grip of my sweatshirt but he failed, and he tripped. I kept running as Will got up, I leap over tombs that stay still on the ground while Will is catching up. My heart begins to hurt and my ribcage stings as I use my very last effort to push through the pipes as Will chases behind me I fall to the ground. I push my hands out as my palms push harshly on the concrete floor. 

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? The little nerd ass! Why the hell would you hide in a damn basement?" Will scoffs. "That's a pretty dumb ass idea coming from a nerd!" Will chuckles. 

Will comes lunging his body at me as I try to force my body backwards, He clings his body onto mine, as he hold my shoulders to the ground! He uses his hands and he firmly places them around my neck as his grip gets stronger onto my neck. Air try's coming up, but nothing will come up, my face turns pale while I try to use my hands to force off Wills grip on my neck. I start to screech as my eyes start to roll back. I use my last bit of strength as I extend my arm across from me trying to grab a hold of this medal stick. I reach as my arm aches and my legs start to shake, I start to loose hope as I remember that I could kill him, I could win this round if I kill him. I cringe as Will squeezes the last bit of air out of me, as my heart pumps second by second. I grab onto the medal stick and I drag it across the floor, I lift it up shaking and I swing it at Wills head so hard he starts to bleed from his head a little, he releases his grip off my neck. I grasp for air as I start to hyperventilate, my lungs ache as my heart gets increasingly faster. I pull myself up as I start to run away but Will gets up and he starts to chase after me again. I slowly run but Will caught up to me and swung the medal stick at me like a baseball bat. My head swings to the left side as Will picks me up and almost seems to crack my neck. I try using my legs to kick but I can't his force is too strong. He smiles as he twists my neck around and throws me against the wall. I screech for help but my voice can hardly work, Will grabs me from the neck hard as I feel my end coming while he chucks me into all the broken wires. The wires start to flash and flicker, I try to get up but I am too weak as one of the wires circulate around my neck making it sting, I shake uncontrollably from the electrocution. blood starts leaking out my head onto my check rolling down my chin to my neck, as I fall to the ground and my vision turns pitch black.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry this one is a bit long, there will be some ones like that. Tell me if you liked it, Yes I know it was maybe a bit too violent, if it disturbs you by any mean please contact me immediately! This one is mostly more mature than my other chapters, Remember The age limit is R because of the concept, more chapters like this will be coming, more gruesome, bloody, violent, profanity, sex, drug use etc. So if this Is too mature for you please discontinue reading this book and message me if there is a problem. You're concerns are meaningful to me and will be put into action if serious. Some sensitive topics also are going to be in this book, it might upset you just a warning. Again I put my time into these books and if you have a problem please contact me as soon as possible. Again Thank You!   .Maksim John.

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