Dragon of Sacrifice

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter which ended in a cliff hanger. Last chapter was all about Astoroth and his little game, you got back Asia and Lili to only lose Lili again.


POV: You

Part 1.

"Lily?LILY?!" I shouted after the light dissapered with no trace of Lily.

{(Y/n) stay calm, I don't want you to get out of control} I hear Raynare say in my mind with worry in her voice.

Then a man comes out of a green teleportation circle. The same color as mine.

"Hello dispicable sister of the fake devil king. I am Shalba Beelzebub, I am the one and only true decedent of the great devil beelzebub" The man says. He then looks over at Diadora and just blasts him with a shot of magic, making a light insinuate him "Pathetic, he wasn't even able do anything right"

"Hi there Uncle Shalba" I say with hatred in my voice.

"Uncle? Don't tell me your Colten's son also" He says with concern.

"What do you mean by also?" I growl.

"Did you think I would want a lowly human to have a powerful sacred gear such as the Chaos Gauntlets. I was going to take them from you and use them for myself to take over the current the devil kings" Shalba says as he looked down on me.

"So your the one who kidnapped me and my mother and tortured the both of us!!!" I yelled with anger.

I wanted to beat his face him, torture him like he did to me over and over, show no mercy as his scream ring out.

"Yes, though I didn't do it personally because I didn't want filthy blood on my" He says casually "Ohh and how's Raynare doing?"

"None of your god damn business!" I yell "I assume your the one who placed the curse on her and placed that control spell on her!!"

"Yes I did that, as I said before, I don't like getting my hands dirty"

"YOUR GOING TO DIE PAINFULLY!!!!" I yell and started running towards him.

{Calm down (Y/n), I don't want to lose you}

Shalba then shoots some sort of magic at my legs, freezing me in place. I couldn't move no matter how much power I had in me.

"Calm down boy or I'll execute you on the spot"


"Oh and that girl you call Lily, she's in the dimensional gap, probably dead by now" He says with no care in the world.

After hearing that there was no point in even doing anything. My mother died and now Lily died. Shalba released the magic on my legs and I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes.

"No, No, No, I promised to protect her and now......"

I then blacked out. The last thing I saw was a storm of green aura.

POV: Rias

All of us were devastated after Shalba told us that Lily was dead but (Y/n) was crying on the floor. I've never seen him like this before. Then a storm of green aura surrounds him.

"What's happening to him?" Asia asks with a scared tone.

"I don't have any idea" I say.

His aura was almost suffocating, it felt like if I step any closer to him his aura will burn me. (Y/n) then stands up and looks at Shalba. I looked at his eyes and they were glowing green.

[You shouldn't of messed with my partner from the beginning because your going to regret it now] We hear Rex says from the gems on (Y/n)'s gauntlets.

He balance breaks and more aura bursts out of him. He started to speak while other voices of men and women spoke also. His form also started to change into one of a monster.

"I, who shall awaken"

《It's starting》

《The time has finally arrived》

"I am the heavenly dragon who sacrificed himself for the life of everything"

《It has always been this way"

《That is right, always and forever》

"I take care of the "infinite" and I protect the "dream""

《What the world desires》

《What the world rejects》

"I, who creates chaos with nothing to protect something"

《That's what we do》

《For the ones we love》

"I shall become the Green Dragon of Sacrifice"

《It's always been power》

《It's always been love》

"and I shall banish you to the endless abyss of chaos!"

In front of us was a full on monster beyond comparable. A humanoid dragon is what (Y/n) has turned into.

"What's that?" I ask.

"His power and aura are incredible beyond belief" Kiba says as he he tried to protect Gasper from the aura.

"This is dangerous" Koneko states.

Akeno was with Xenovia and Issei was protecting Asia. (Y/n) then let's out a monstrous roar. But in roar you could hear the beast yelling.

Just imagine Issei's juggernaut drive but green.



"We need to get out of here" Kiba says then grabs me and we fly out of the building.

The building then explodes as the raw power emitted from (Y/n) turned the building to smithereens. We landed by one of the pillars and watched the carnage (Y/n) creates.

"Oh (Y/n)"

Where the temple once stood was a crater of rouble. Inside that crater was Shalba and (Y/n). Shalba stood up and when he did (Y/n) stepped on him with his foot before latching onto his shoulder. Shalba yelled and shot magic at (Y/n) with no effect on him. (Y/n) then cuts off Shalba's left arm with his claws before throwing him to the ground. A light then strikes down from the he sky and hits (Y/n) but the light was actually coming from him.

[Divide Divide Divide Divide Divide] The black gems turned white screamed.

When the light disipates a green laser shoots out of his mouth towards Shalba, taking his right arm. The laser shot around the area making us duck behind cover. It hit pillar after pillar destroying the pillars. The laser stops and (Y/n) faces Shalba. Shalba was about to move but his legs wouldn't move. I looked over at Gasper and his eyes were glowing.

"Your not stopping time right now are you?" Kiba asks him, noticing the same thing I did.

The black gems on (Y/n) started to say "Amplify" over and over while his chest started to open up.

"We need to take cover " Issei yells.

Me and Akeno together create a barrier around everyone.


A beam of energy, stronger than anything I've ever seen shoots out of (Y/n)'s chest  towards Shalba. It hits Shalba, anihilating  him and everything in the lights path. We put the barrier down and He then starts shooting lasers of of his mouth randomly.

"What's wrong?" Koneko asks.

"He took a out Shalba but he's not reverting back to his normal self" Kiba says.

"Ahh the Juggernaut Drive" We hear a voice say, we turned to the voice and saw Vali carrying someone "I sensed a change in (Y/n)'s power so I came here to check it out, and also found this girl"

"Lily!" We all say in surprise.

We then started running towards Vali and Lily. Behind Vali was Bikou and Aurthor.

"This girl is one of yours is she not?" Bikou says to me and I nod.

"We just happened to cross paths with her while we were traveling through the dimensional gap, this is one lucky girl" Aurthor says.

Xenovia was hugging Lily tightly while crying. I looked at (Y/n) and I didn't know what to do. Vali then walks to my side.

"Unfortunately, It looks like your servant had an incomplete transformation" He says.

"Do you know if there's any way to change him back?" I ask him.

"There is a chance, it might happen naturally, if not he will use up all of his life force and that will kill him" Vali tells me.

"What if we tell him that Lily's alright?" I suggest to him and he shakes his head.

"Pointless, he can't hear you. If you merely  approach him, you will die" He states "But far be it for me to stop you"

"Please Vali, with the power of the White Dragon Emperor there has to be something you can do" Akeno says frantically to Vali.

"The only thing I think will work is if we get deep within his psyche and shake things up a bit" Vali says.

"Get in his psyche?" Koneko questions.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Kiba asks.

"It's been said since ancient times that music has been known to calm the anger of a dragon, I'm not aware of what the right songs are" Vali says to us.


"I know the right song!" A familiar voice rang out from above.

We looked up and saw Irina flying down to us with her white angel wings spread out as she carried some sort of purple box.

"Irina? Why are you here!" I ask her.

She lands on the ground and places the box on the ground. She then looks at (Y/n) saddens at the state he was in.

"Goodness gracious it's worse then I expected" She says.

"We know, what are you doing here?" Akeno asks.

"You know the big wigs like to keep up to date on what's going on with you. Well things looked bad so Lucifer and Azazel sent me with this-" Irina says and motions to the box "special weapon. Look at this, can you believe lord Odin was able to transport something this big. The god of the north is amazing"

She then starts clicking buttons on the box and it starts to open up like a flower from the top.

"Everyone get ready" She says excitedly. Irina presses a play button on the machine which faced (Y/n) "here we go"

A light then comes out of the machine and creates a screen in the air. It counts down from three until a video starts playing, it was the video of the song (Y/n) recorded.


(Y/n) faced the screen and his aura started to disappear. Vali went into balance breaker and flew into the sky before he used Juggernaut Drive. He dove down to (Y/n) and bit in his neck and divided his power over and over. (Y/n) started to get smaller and smaller until he was almost normal size. He then turned back to his human form but when he did it wasn't just him, there was a girl laying next to him. She was wearing his shirt and blazer while he was in his pants and shoes while shirtless.

"What the hell?" I questioned.

We flew down to (Y/n) s his unconscious body laid next to the one of the girl. I got a better look of the girl and she had long, straight, black hair with red colored colored eyes. Akeno went over to (Y/n) and lifted his head off the ground while trying to wake him.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"It's that girl, the one from the day me and (Y/n) were turned into your pawns" I says as he looked at the girl.

"Why's Raynare here?" Akeno asks.

"I don't have a single clue"

POV: You

All I saw was black, floating a endless abyss of black. All I thought about was Lily, I let her down, I wasn't able to protect her. I then felt a body press against mine from behind while arms wrapped around me.

"It will be okay (Y/n)" I hear Raynare say from behind me.


"Please don't call me by that name...." She says in a sad and innocent tone "Please, just call me Yuuma. I don't want to be remembered of what I did to you" She says.

"Okay then, Yuuma it is" I say "Is this where you have been this whole time"

"Yes. Your voice is so comforting to listen to" She tells me as she continued to hug me from behind.

I looked down "Lily's dead, Shalba killed her"

"How?" She questioned in a sad voice.

"He sent her to the dimensional gap, whatever that is"

"I don't think she's dead" Yuuma tells me.

"Why do you say that?"

"The dimensional gap is weird on how things work there. The relativity of time and space don't exist there, but people die in seconds and get consumed into the nothingness after being exposed without magic protection. But, I think she's still alive because that piece you gave her to turn her into a devil, it naturally gave her enough magic protection to survive in the dimensional gap a little bit longer" She explained to me.

"That's reassuring"

I turn to look at Yuuma and I saw that she was naked. She put her slender body up against me while her cheeks were red as she faced away from me. I took my shirt and blazer off then put my shirt on Yuuma and gave her my blazer to put on.

"There, I can tell that you truly don't like showing much skin" I said with a small smile.

"Thank you, it's just, I wasn't ready for you see me naked yet" she says while she continued to look away from me with a blush.

"We will get out of this mess" I say.

[Partner] I here Rex say.

"Yeah" I replied to him.

[I'm separating the both of you into separate bodies]

"Okay then" I say the looked over at Yuuma "I'll see you soon"

My vision darkens and I got to open my eyes and they felt heavy. I saw everyone with blurry vision. I was in Akeno's lap as everyone stood over me. I wipped my eyes and I saw Lily alive and perfectly fine in Xenovia's arms. I smile to myself, knowing that she was alright.

"(Y/n) your awake" Rias says and hugs me tightly as if she hasn't seen me in centuries.

"(Y/n)" Koneko says and hugs me tightly also.

Next thing I knew everyone was hugging me, even Issei and Kiba. I see Lily awaken from her slumber and sees everyone hugging me.

"Did I miss something?" She asks while wobbling a bit while trying to stand up.

"I don't know what you missed" I said to her "But this ended up happening"

Everyone separated from and I went over to Lily, I hugged her tightly and she did the same. When we separated she kissed me before saying.

"I love you (Y/n)"

"I know you do" I replied.

I then remembered about Yuuma. I turned around and saw Yuuma on the ground m, wearing my shirt and blazer. I walked over to her side and tried to wake her up.

"Yuuma wake up, it's me (Y/n)"

"Why are you acting so friendly to her?" Rias asks me "She tortured you and your mother and you while also killing you and Issei"

"That wasn't her" I tell Rias "She was under a spell and was cursed. The curse was that who ever killed her would have her become apart of them"

"So she really didn't want to hurt you or your mother?"Akeno says.

"That's correct" I replied.

I then see Yuuma's eyes flutter open and looked into my eyes "(Y/n)!" She shouts before hugging me.

"It's okay Yuuma, everything's okay" I tell her while hugging her back.

I start feeling dizzy and I started to wobble as I was crouching down, holding Yuuma in my arms. I fell backwards into the ground. The last thing I saw as my vision blackened was everyone rushing to my side.

"Everything will be okay"

Hello everyone that's the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if some of you thought the chapter was rushed. Until next time bye

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