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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you went into Juggernaut Drive after discovering of Lily's death. After turning back from Juggernaut Drive Rex put Yuuma into her own body.


POV:  Yuuma

I sat next to (Y/n)'s bed as he laid in it unconscious. His arms were still had his sacred gear activated, but it looked like his sacred gear was becoming apart of him. All of his friends were in the room looking at me (Y/n). I had tears in my eyes as I remembered everything that I've done to him. Those girls of his gave me some clothes to wear. The girl named Rias said that we were at her parents house.

"Why is she acting like this? She's done so many things to him" I hear the girl named Akeno say.

"She was placed under a powerful spell that in essence turned her into a different person which could be controlled" The girl named Rias tells Akeno.

"But she's still the one who tortured him and his mother before killing his mother in front of him" The girl with white hair named Koneko says.

"His mother isn't dead" I tell them as I continued to look at (Y/n).

"What do you mean by she's not dead? (Y/n) saw her die right in front of him" The girl with copper like hair named Lily says as she sat in the other side of the bed watching (Y/n).

"What he saw of his mother being tortured and killed was all an illusion. Shalba put a spell on him that would show that to him" I tell them.

"So where is his mother?" The girl with short blue hair named Xenovia asks me.

"In suspended animation. Every time (Y/n) got tortured, Shalba would make her watch from behind a one way mirror which was in her cell" I tells them "Right before Azazel found where we were, Shalba decided to give her to Loki"

"Why would he do that?" The girl with green hair named Emma asks.

"I don't know, he was a disgusting person to do such a thing. For the reason Shalba gave her to Loki, it was because he thought that no matter what, (Y/n) wouldn't be able to get her back from Loki"

"But since Loki is imprisoned, we could get his mother easily right?" The girl with long silver hair named Rossweisse says.

"It's not that simple. I don't know where Loki put her or what he did with her" I tell them.

"I'm sure Lord Micheal or Odin could find her" The girl with chestnut colored hair named Irina says.

I take his left hand and held it in my hands "This is all my fault. Everything's that has happened to him. The torture, his mother's disappearance, What's happening to him right now. It's all my fault"

[This happening to (Y/n) is not your fault] Rex says from the gauntlets which surprises everyone [It was the result of him having an incomplete transformation into Juggernaut Drive. Even though he is the descendent of a devil king, his life span has been cut down to 10,000 years due to how much power he had unleashed]

I started to cry "Why-why did this all have to happen. I'm such a horrible person"

My entire body felt warm as my tears fell onto (Y/n)'s hand. My tears dripped onto the gems before being absorbed into the gem. (Y/n)'s arms started to glow with a golden aura before his arms turned back to normal. Everyone in the room including Azazel was surprised by what happened as they looked at (Y/n). They then all looked at me, still keeping the surprise on their face.

"What's wrong?" I ask them as I wiped my face with one of my hands.

"You have earrings now" The boy with blond hair named Kiba tells me.

I feel my ears and feel something dangling from my ears. I have never worn ear rings before let alone had them pierced.

"Heaven's Maiden" Azazel states.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"That's the name of the sacred gear you have" Azazel tells me.

"How's that possible, she was born a pure fallen angel" Akeno says.

"Maybe since (Y/n) is half human, when Rex split her from his body, some of him was used to create her body, as if she was being born again"

"Holy hell my head" We hear (Y/n) say. We turned to him and he was sitting up in the bed, holding his head with one hand "Why does everyone look like they've seen a ghost?" He questions. He looks around before stopping at me "Those ear rings look great on you Yuuma"

I grab him and hug him tightly "Your okay, I'm so happy that your okay"

Everyone smiles before joining in on the hug, except Azazel because he's Azazel. He just stood there with a smile on his face.

"You kids have fun, I'm going to leave and tell Sirzechs the news" Azazel says before leaving the room.

Everyone then separates from the hug. (Y/n) looks at everyone with a smile.  "I'm happy that I didn't wake up to no one. My head hurt when I woke up but now I feel like I could take on anything"

"It's good that your feeling better. You should thank Yuuma, she's the one that healed you" Rias tells him.

(Y/n) looks at me "How?" He questions before looking at the earrings on my ears "You have a sacred gear"

"Azazel said it's called Heaven's Maiden" I tell him.

"Heaven's Maiden?" He questions to himself "I remember seeing that in one of my fathers books"  (Y/n) then looks at Rias "Rias, I think you should go through with the plan we discussed before the rating game"

"Okay, Rossweisse, can you come with me please" Rias says.

"Of course"

(Y/n) stands up and stretches before looking at me, Lily, and Emma "You three are coming with me. There's something important we need to do"

He creates a teleportation circle and Lily, Emma, and I stepped in it.

"We will see you guys later" (Y/n) says with a wave before we were teleported.

After the teleportation we ended up in his room. He goes and turns the light on before quickly walking out of the room and soon after entering the room again. In his hand was a servant piece. He walked over to me and stood in front of me.

"Your going to turn her into a devil? You said only a high class devil could use a servant piece" Lily says.

"I found out in the one of my father's journals that in order to use the servant piece you either need to be a high class devil or need to be a descendent of a devil king which I am"  He explains.

(Y/n) cuts his thumb before putting some of his blood on the servant piece. He places it on my chest before pushing it into my chest. As he did I felt my self turning into a devil and my wings sprout from my back. I look at (Y/n) and he was close to my face leaning close to me. We lock lips and he forces tongue into my mouth and the taste of blood entered my mouth as well. I then felt another set of wings grow out of my back.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?!" Emma shouts.

He stops and pulls away with a red stained string of saliva connects the both of us. "It was to make her mine" He says, making my cheeks become pink.

"What do you mean by that?! You already have 6 girlfriends" Emma tells me.

"Now it's up to 7" I say "and what I really meant was that no one would be able to take her from me. As in that no one will able to make her their servants" He turns to Emma and walks toward her "I'm going to do the same to you and your sister"

He then locks lips with Emma, also forcing his tongue into her mouth and 4 wings sprout of her back instead of 2. He did the same thing with Lily and 4 wings sprout of her back as well. Once he was finished with Lily he stood in front of us.

"Now the three of you will be mine till the bitter end. Not trying to sound creepy or anything like some sort of yandere" He says.

"But in essence you are a yandere to a degree" Lily says.

"Your like 10% yandere" Emma says.

"I'm not sure" I say.

"Well it doesn't matter. Everyone in the ORC is under my protection"

"I need to tell him about his mother"

"(Y/n), there's something I want to tell you" I tell him in a hesitant tone.

"What is it Yuuma?" He asks.

"Your mother is still alive, and I know who has her"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I know it was a little short but the next chapter will be normal length or longer than that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Until next time bye

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