Gathering of Young Devils

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter, last chapter was you and the rest of the ORC got training in hell. During that your swords became a shield as a new skill, will any new skills appear during your trip in hell?


POV: You

Part 1.

The ORC was all at the party that was taking place at night. It was being held at a premium hotel in the underworld. We were in a large ballroom with many devils of all classes. We were all wearing our school uniforms except Rias who was wearing a dress that hugged her body and Akeno who was wearing a black and white yukata.

"I've never seen this many Satan class devils, at least not all in one place any way" Kiba says as he looked around.

"It is pretty incredible" Xenovia says.

"What's incredible is that Gasper isn't freaking out about all the people" I say then went over to Gasper and ruffled his hair "Good job with your training little buddy"

"T-thank you (Y/n)" Gasper says.

Rias turns to us and says.

"Please be careful not to offend anyone tonight, especially you Issei"

"Wait why am I being singled out?" Issei says.

"Nice to see you again" Sona says as she walks up to us with Tsubaki and Saji following her.

Sona and Tsubaki were wearing formal dresses, Sona was wearing a light blue dress and Tsubaki was wearing a green dress. Saji was wearing our school uniform. We all then heard everyone's favorite childish voice coming towards us.

"There you are Sona" Serafall says while waving and running towards us.

Serafall was wearing green and black dress with boots.

"It's been a long time lady Serafall" Rias says to Serafall.

"Oh hi Rias, I see you brought the green dragon and everyone else too" She says with a smile.

"Such a cute smile and childish personality with such a hot figure. I really want to bang Serafall. Wait what the fuck did I just think of? Who the hell is in my head? Ohh it's the readers no wonder. They probably want me to get with Sona also"

{Time Skip}

The ORC, Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji were walking down a outdoor hallway on our way to the waiting room.

"Were almost to the waiting room now, let's hope we won't be in there long" Sona says.

"A bunch of young hormonal devils stuffed into one room together, we will be lucky if we get out alive" Rias says.

"True that" Sona replies.

When we got to the door to the waiting room I went up to the door so I could open it up for everyone. Then the door blown off its hinges by an explosion and I punch the wooden door I was going to grab shattering it into pieces so it didn't hit any of us. Now I was pissed at who ever did that because that could of seriously hurt us. After the dust cleared from the explosion I saw a girl who looked in her late teens with light blond hair and pink eyes wearing a uniform like outfit and a guy who looked in his late teens also with blue hair and green eyes who was trying to go for a bad boy look that failed miserably. I looked around to see if there was anyone who got hurt in the explosion and I saw Ravel Phenex on the ground to my left coughing from the dust which pissed me off even more.

"If you've got a death wish I'm willing to full it Zephyrdor" the girl say.

"Filling is my job, as I said before if you want a virgin pergin I'd volunteer" The guy named Zephyrdor says.

"This guy disgusts me and is getting on my nerves" I say to my self "Okay who the fuck caused that explosion because who ever they are is going to my version of hell" I shouted.

"It was me, you got a problem with that" Zephyrdor tells me.

I walk into the room and cracked my knuckles by pressing them together and I cracked my neck. I then look at Zephyrdor with a sadistic smile on my face and said.

"Welcome to my hell"

I quickly ran up to him before he could react and punched him in the chest stopping his heart for a few seconds allowing me to continue my attack. I uppercut him with my right arm then kicked as hard as I could in the balls. A crowd formed around Me, Zephyrdor, and the girl. The crowd watched as I attacked Zephyrdor, I started rapidly punching Zephyrdor in the stomach before backing up as Zephyrdor hunched over and spit out blood and saliva. I then ran up to him and jumped up then winded up my fist up all the way before punching him in the face with great force taking out a few teeth. I then was about to uppercut him in the face but Rias stopped me before my fist could collide with his face.

"(Y/n) that's enough, stand down" Rias tells me sternly as she and the others stand a bit behind me shocked at what I just did.

"As you wish Rias" I say then walked back to her side.

"You-You son of a bitch" Zephyrdor says then spits out more blood and wipes the blood from the side of his mouth "who do you think you are doing this to a high class devil such as my self"

"Well if you didn't know you puss boy idiot, that's The Green Dragon Emperor, (Y/n) (L/n), A pawn of Rias Gremory" The girl with light blond hair says.

"I don't care who he is, no one embarrasses me and gets away with it" Zephyrdor says while holding his left hand up charging magic power in his hand "I will kill you an-"

Zephyrdor then gets cut off by a guy with black hair wearing a black outfit and a white vest punching the in the side shooting him into the wall by Asia and Lily. Asia and Lily were caught my a mysterious guy with black hair.

"That was nuts" Saji said as he looked at Zephyrdor and the big dent in the stone wall.

"A fine showing my the next Bael family head. No shock though Sairaorg is my cousin after all" Rias says "Sairaorg is also ranked number 1 among young devils.

The guy Rias called Sairaorg walked up to me with his hand out "Hello green dragon emperor, my name is Sairaorg Bael. Thanks for dealing with Zephyrdor before I got here"

I take his hand and shake it "No problem, the guy pissed me off. Also my name is (Y/n) (L/n)" I say.

"I know, I hope I get to fight you some day. Now I need to go deal with some stuff. I'll talk to you later" Sairaorg says before walking off.

"Don't cause any more trouble okay (Y/n)" Rias tells me.

"Yes Rias" I reply.

I then walked over to Ravel who was still sitting on the ground coughing a bit. Ravel was wearing her usual lavender color dress with feathers on the back.

"Do you need help Lady Ravel?" I ask Ravel with my hand out

She looks up at me and blushes a bit "O-oh hey (Y/n), it's nice to see you again" she says while taking my hand and I pull her off the ground. She dusts her self off then realized what I called her making her face go red "W-wait d-d-did you j-just call me L-L-Lady R-Ravel" She stutters out.

"Of course I did, even though you are younger me you are still part of royalty so it's reasonable to treat you like one am I not correct?" I say.

Ravel starts poking her index fingers together "O-of course it's reasonable, I-it's just that I want you to just call me Ravel with no formal stuff..." Ravel says with pink cheeks.

"As you wish, I'll call you Ravel" I state "so Ravel, how is your brother doing?" I ask her.

"Not well, he has been depressed since the fight, but I guess maybe he shouldn't of acted like he was hot stuff to begin with or whatever, you know what they say about pride and falls" Ravel says acting normal now.

"Gezz your awfully hard on him, especially for someone who is serving as his bishop" I say.

"When he lost I was removed from serving my brother and placed in my mom's house, since she never enters into games I can do whatever I want because I'm a free bishop now" Ravel tells me. She then pulls out a black capsule with the Phenex family symbol on it "I would like to offer you this as a token of umm uhh..." Ravel says trying to get out her sentence.

"Token of what?" I ask.

"What kind of relationship so we have?" Ravel asks me.

"Let's go with a close relationship" I reply.

"Then I would like to offer you this as a token of our close relationship" Ravel states.

I take the capsule from her "Thank you for the gift Ravel"

Ravel then looks at me confidently with her hands behind her back and a small blusj on her face "Now that that's out of the way let me make you a offer that you can't refuse, how about the next time we meet I will give you a mouth full of my tease" Ravel says.

"I don't think that statement came out the way she wanted it too. Well it's not like i wouldn't mind that option also once we got to know eachother more."

She notices what she said and started acting embarrassed while putting her fingers together and tapping then against one another "What I meant was....lately I've been making my own cakes and they go great with tea. Maybe next time you can try them but right now, uhh I need to greet the other guests so I got to go bye" Ravel says and turns around and starts walking away.

"I'm sure Ravel won't mind if I do something before she leaves me since I can tell that she likes me and all"

Before Ravel could walk away from me I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug and she looks up at me with a blush, speechless. I then leaned in and kissed her for a few seconds before parting from her lips. She was looking at me wide eyed and her face was all red.

"T-t-t-t-t-that w-w-w-was m-m-m-my f-f-f-first k-k-k-kiss" Ravel stuttered not being able to get out one word without stuttering.

"I know, and I know you wanted it" I say to her " I can tell that you like me, but I guess this isn't the time for anything personal. I'll talk to you later Ravel"

I let Ravel out of my grasp and she trys to collect her self before talking.

"I-I will see you later (Y/n), I-I will make sure my cakes and tea are great for you" Ravel says then runs of with a blush on her face.

"Well I guess that's one way to say I accept her non verbal confession" I say to her.

I look at the capsule that Ravel gave me and opened it. Inside was a bottle of phenex tears and a piece of paper. I unravel the piece of paper and looked at what it read.

Hello (Y/n), I wanted to say that I really really like you a lot and that I hope you feel the same way about me (Y/n). I also wanted to say that I personally made this bottle of phenex tears for you and only you.

~ Love Ravel Phenex

I looked at the bottom of the paper and there was a red lipstick kiss mark on it.

"She can really have courage when she wants to have it"

I roll up the paper and put it in my pocket then put the put the bottle of phenex tears back in the capsule. As I finished putting away the phenex tears I saw Koneko run out of the room so I ran after her.

"Where in the fuck is Koneko going?" I ask my self as I ran after her.

Hello everyone here's the end. If you guys didn't know this but Ravel is one of my favorite girls from Highschool DxD. And I got nothing else to say so until next time goodbye.

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