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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you gave a bad boy acting high class devil a beating and made some advances on Ravel Phenex, bravo to you. Then as the night continued Koneko ran out of the room mysteriously for no reason.


POV: You

Part 1.

After I saw Koneko run out of the ballroom I ran after her. It made no sense for her to just run out of the room like that. I seems like she's chasing something. As I followed her I see her go in a elevator that was going down. I press the down button by the elevators and the other elevator opened up. I got in and pressed the first floor button.

"At least I know she's going down" I say to my self.

Then before the elevator door closes Rias runs into the elevator.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" She asks me.

"I saw Koneko bolt out of the ballroom and it seemed like she was chasing something" I replied to her.

"We can look for her together and leave the others here, I don't want to make a scene if we don't have too" Rias adds.

The elevator door closes and it went to the first floor. On the ground floor there was a path that lead around to the front of the hotel. The path was next to a large dense forest with a small clearing before going in with a small path going through.

"She probably went into the forest" I suggest.

"Probably, I'll send my familiar in to search for her" Rias says.

Rias summons her bat and her bat flies into the forest. After a few minutes her familiar comes back and lands on her finger then unsummons it.

"Okay I know where Koneko is and there's no time to lose" Rias tells me.

"Lead the way Rias" I say.

We then started running into the forest. I followed Rias as she ran, she could run suprisingly well in that dress of hers.

"So what's up with Koneko?" I asked as we ran.

"She has been really pushing her self lately and having to come to grips with some personal issues" Rias tell me.

Rias then tells me a small story about a conversation she had with Koneko. How Koneko thought she was pathetic and was going to hold me and Rias back because she says she's not strong enough, and that she was afraid to use her nekomata powers because she doesn't want to become like her sister.

"Damn it all, Does she not trust me being able to help her with her not going out of control?" I say.

Rias shakes her head "it's probably more of she doest trust her self in controlling her powers" Rias pauses before continuing "sadly this is a obstical she has to over come by her self, we all have struggles we have to face alone"

We then found Koneko and saw she was talking to someone so we quickly hid behind the nearest tree and watched the convorsation.

"What are you doing here Kuroka?" Koneko aresks the black hard, 2 tail nekomata that was laying in a tree.

I looked at the nekomata and she was wearing a black and red kimono and had long black hair, hazel eyes, and some pretty big boobs....

"Seriously, I came back for you shirone. When things went south I had to drop everything and run, I couldn't take you with me" The woman said in a calm and mature voice.

"Heyo kitty cat" I hear a familiar voice say.

I then see the guy with chinese armor walking towards the tree that the woman Kuroka was laying on who Rias told me was Koneko's sister.

"What is it Bikou?" Kuroka questions as she sits up on the branch she was on.

"2 rats are vailed in the shadows, you preserve them yes?" Bikou says "with our mastery of sage arts we can easily detect interlopers by the mere flow of their chi"

Me and Rias then walked out from behind the tree we were hiding behind. Koneko turned to see us behind her.

"Rias your here? And (Y/n)?" Koneko says.

"Kuroka, Koneko is a member of my house hold and we Gremory's always look out for own" Rias tell Kuroka.

"Your household, like that matters, she and I are sisters first and foremost. I'm not going to give her to you just because you dane it" Kuroka says.

"So Bikou, How's Vali been?" I say while cracking my neck.

Bikou chuckles a little "He's fine"

"Who's the brat?" Kuroka asks Bikou sinply.

"That createn is the Green Dragon Emperor" Bikou says.

"Ohh, so he's the overprotective boyfriend who made Vali run for the hills" Kuroka states.

"I'm not overprotective" I shout "okay maybe a little bit" I say.

"I still don't get what you want" Koneko says.

"I wanted to invite you to join Ophis, Vali, and me. After all cutie pie as my sister you have the same killer power in your blood" Kuroka says.

"I'm won't leave, I've found my place as a part of Rias' family" Koneko says.

I stepped foward while looking at Kuroka.

"You may be really hot but we're not just going to hand Koneko over to you, I vowed to protect her" I tell Kuroka.

"What did I just say?"

"Thanks for the complement boy, I'll say the same to you" Kuroka says while looking at me and licking her lips "but back to the point, I guess we will just have to take Shirone from you then"

"Personally I'm excited to intend to resist, I can't imagine a finer way to consume some time" Bikou says.

"Why would they want to take up time?" Rias questions.

We then hear a loud roar come from the hotel. It sounded like a huge dog.

"That does not sound good" I say.

"Something's gone wrong, the council is under attack" Rias states.

Kuroka smirks a little with her purple lips. I then feel and see a magic barrier formed around all of us.

"Great a barrier" I say sarcasticly.

"You're right, it's a little barrier I put on the forest  to keep us all trapped together for a bit" Kuroka says.

I smirk a bit then say "You know the Red Dragon Emperor is inside the hotel"

"But it's not like Issei will get far"

"Ha, that perverted boy won't be able to do anything without being able to balance break" Kuroka snickers.

"You know she's right" Koneko states

I sigh "I know she is"

Bikou then starts swinging his staff over his head "Okay Green Dragon Emperor" he says then slams his staff down and Me, Koneko, and Rias evade "Show me your power"

Rias shoots a bolt of destruction at Kuroka and Kuroka simply puts her hand up in front of her and create a small barrier to shield her from the bolt.

"Let's get this started then, Chaos Gauntlets" I say and my sacred gear formed on both of my arms.

"Would you mind if I come in" I hear a familiar voice say.

I look up and I see old man Tannin flying above us.

[He must of followed my powers energy signiture] Rex says.

"That's right, you emit enough power to make tracking simple" Tannin says.

"The previous dragon king, oh you've peaked my interest" Bikou says.

"Go ahead monkey, I know you wanna" Kuroka says to Bikou.

Bikou then forms a cloud under his feet and starts fighting Tannin. Tannin was using much more fire power then he was when me and Issei were training with him.

"The monkey king and a dragon, there going ro have a blast. Now then, are you going to hand over my baby sister or not?" Kuroka says and none of us reply "That a no? Fine, guess I gotta kill ya"

I stood in from of Rias and Koneko with my fists up then Tannin spoke.

"Kids I have a plan. While I slap this monkey around, you guys pound that pussy"

"Got it Tannin" I reply to Tannin.

Koneko then steps foward "Just stop, Look it's fine I will come with you" she says.

"Ohh no you don't Koneko" I say.

"You don't get to do that" Rias states.

"But first you have to let my friends go unharmed" Koneko says.

"No no no no no, that's not how this relationship works. I vowed to protect you so you don't get to just hand your self over" I exclaim.

"No ma'am, you are my servant, retainer of my house hold, and my friend, leaving me is not an option" Rias adds.

"My sister is too strong, I onoq what she can do better than anyone" Koneko says.

Rias then walks up behind Koneko and hugs her.

"Don't worry, to protect you I will fight her with everything I got" Rias tells her.

"Ohh please, I understand Shirone's true potential better than a birch like you ever good. No come here babe, I'll show you how to kick ass Senjutau style" Kuroka says angering me abit.

"No I don't need that power, not ever. I don't want my strength to come from other people's pain" Koneko cries.

"Kuroka, do you not understand how much you hurt you sister when you chose to drown in your own power and leave her behind. When you ran away after murdering your master this brave girl saw hell. When I first met her, having feelings was a luxury she couldn't afford. Koneko had been abandoned by you, betrayed by the only person she thought she could trust. And when the other devils despised her, tried with all their might to bully her into leaving she was completely alone. You have lost the right to demand anything from her" Rias tells Kuroka.

"Rias....thank you" Koneko says quietly.

"That's the reason I've always tried to show her the finest things life has to offer" Rias says then looks at me as she says the last part of her sentence.

"I'm going to stay, so leave Kuroka. I don't want to go with you alright. My name is Koneko Toujou, I'm choosing to live my life with my master. And that's final" Koneko tells Kuroka.

"It seems she's decided to stay on as my rook, where she's loved, because we treasure family in my house. I will never allow you to lay even even a finger on her" Rias tells Kuroka.

"That one reason why I love Rias, how she treasures family"

I then walked in front of them with my hands up.

"If you want to get to them your gonna have to go through me" I tell Kuroka.

"Even though you know there's no way you will win. What an idiot it's go time" Kuroka says then starts casting something.

Then purple fog forms around us at about waist level.

"What the fuck?" I say.

I turn around and I see Rias and Kuroka kneeling on the ground looking weak.

"My magic mist is wicked effective against devils and spirits and such. Shocking it doesn't work so well on dragons though" Kuroka.

"You bitch!" I shout.

"I watered down the poison so they won't be killed any time soon. Plus it's a lot more fun to watch them die slowly" Kuroka says as she sat on a branch.

We then hear something from the hotel that intrigued me.

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker Scail Mail]

"The hell, did Issei just balance break" Rias says.

"It seems so, how the fuck did he do it and why" I say.

"It seems the Red Dragon Emperor groped that blond bishop he's close to to fight the enemy inside the hotel" Tannin says from above.

"What the hell Issei" I say while face palming.

Kuroka then starts teleporting around in front of me before stopping and saying.

"Ohh the Green Dragon Emperor will die if he doesn't fight or activate his balance breaker, he doesn't have the balls to hurt a woman" She says the throws a ball of magic at me.

I put my hands in front of me blocking the magic from hitting my face.

"(Y/n)!" Rias shouts.

"I'm fine" I say to her then turned my attention to Kuroka "And for your information Kuroka, I do have the balls to hurt a woman, a woman like you. Balance Break"

My scail mail armor then forms around my body until I was completely covered.

"Let's see how you hold up against this pissed off so called 'overprotective' boyfriend" I say.

"This is getting interesting, now say hello to my mix of sage and demon magic, try some" Kuroka said as a purple magic octagon formed behind her and a light blue spinning circle shot at me.

I stood in place and the spinning circle of magic hit me making a explosion of light blue light and smoke. I could see the smirk on her face before it disappeared when she saw me until harmed.

"You may be hot Kuroka and also be Koneko's sister but you have mouth on you so I'm going to shut you up" I state.

I then charged at her as she shot more balls of light blue magic at me. I blocked them all and when I got in front of her I pulled back my right hand and went to punch her but I stopped my fist a few inches from Kuroka's face. Then a huge shockwave occurred behind Kuroka that destroyed most of the forest behind her. Kuroka had a shocked expression on her face while her cheeks were slightly pink for some odd reason.

"I don't care if you are a woman or Koneko's sister, if you come after her again you will become my enemy, and no one wants to be my enemy" I tell her.

Kuroka grits her teeth and jumps back and Bikou catches her. They then fly into a purple teleportation circle.

"Even though Kuroka tried to take me (Y/n), you didn't have to be such a dick about it" Koneko tells me.

"Didn't mean to go overboard" I said as I deactivated my sacred gear.

"We have to get back to my brother so I can report this incident to him" Rias states and me and Koneko nod.

Part 2.

Everyone was back at the Gremory castle after the long day it's been. I was walking after taking a bath. I was walking to my room and when I got to the door that I thought was my room I opened it to see a girl a few years older than me with long silver hair and had light blue eyes. She was about 5'8" and had a nice figure. She was changing out of a grey business suit and she was looking at me frozen.

"Ohh shit, I don't think this is my room"

I quickly close the door and looked at the sign on the front of the door and it had my name on it.  I then started to hear the girl inside crying.

"Great I made a girl cry, time resolve this" u say to my self before walking back into the room.

I see the girl on my bed in her business suit with her knees close to her chest crying. Her eyes were closed, not being able to see that I entered the room again.

"Great a boy just saw me while I was changing, I will never get married now" the girl cried.

"Umm excuse me miss" I say to the girl as I walked up to my bed.

The girl looks up at me with her light blue eyes that had tears in them.

"P-please don't tell anyone about what just occured" The girl says.

"Understood" I say.

Before the girl could reply my door opens up revealing Grafia.

"I'm sorry milady, it seems that I accidently put you in a already occupied room. Sorry for the misunderstanding" Grafia states.

And with that the girl nods and grabs her suit case she had and walked out of the room with Grafia.

"Who was that girl just now?" I thought to my self.

Hello everyone here's then end. I hoped you guys liked the chapter. Until next time good bye

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