Saving Princess Yasaka

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter the 2nd years of the ORC and student council start to face off with the Hero Faction.


POV: Lily

Part 1.

Me, Yuuma, Asia, and Kunou watched as (Y/n) faced Cao-Cao and his 3 friends after taking out the rest of the group. (Y/n) started to chant for his Juggernaut Drive.

"I,who shall awaken"

[So we're really going to go through with this plan?,let's do it] Rex says.

"So your going to go Juggernaut Drive?, your going to kill everyone here including your friends you know" Cao-Cao tells him.

"Yuuma, why is he going Juggernaut Drive?" I asked her.

"He isn't, he's just giving himself a little power up" Yuuma says before getting onto her knees.

"How do you know that?" Kunou asks her.

"He isn't stupid enough to do something like that while we're in a space like this" Yuuma states then clasps her hands together as if she was going to pray.

"Yuuma, if you pray you will hurt yourself" Asia says, a little worried.

"I'm not praying God, I'm praying to him" Yuuma says "As I was cursed with our souls intertwined, I've found that (Y/n) often doesn't have someone when he doesn't know he needs it"

(Y/n) almost finishes his chant for Juggernaut drive but Cao-Cao stops him by elongating his spear to attack him. (Y/n) grabs the staff of the spear before it could stab him in the chest. Cao-Cao yanks his spear back after (Y/n) stopped it. (Y/n)'s duel swords started to float into the air on their own with a black aura surrounding them. They floated infront of him, pointing at Cao-Cao. A black power started to flow through the swords and started to create a black ball of power in between them as they floated. Then, fiery green storm of power burst from inside of (Y/n) and surrounds him.

"This is your true power (Y/n)" A women says from the gems.

"Prepare for Death" He tells Cao-Cao with anger.

[ARMAGEDDON CANNON] His gems yelled as he did the same.

A massive black beam shoots out from between the swords and at Cao-Cao. Cao-Cao and his friends jumped out of the way before the black beam could hit them. The beam destroyed the ground like nothing before hitting a barrier behind them.

"No way, I didn't know big brother was that powerful" Kunou says.

"I didn't either" I replied.

POV: You

After the black beam of power finished doing its destruction, the swords of chaos stopped floating and stuck them selves into the ground. Then as if I knew what I was doing, I shoot Echo into the ground before picking it up to wield it. Then two green dragon like hands appear out of black smoke and pick up the swords of chaos like they were nothing.

{Three blades are better then two, don't you agree partner?} Rex asks me.

"Yeah, way better" I said, still not feeling like myself.

I charged at Cao-Cao with Echo in hand, the two floating dragon hands disappeared with the swords of chaos. Cao-Cao tried to block my sword and he does, but cut in the back by the swords of chaos. At this time he realized that he had to block three blades attacking him from three different directions simultaneously. I borage him with fast attacks, while he's only able to block two of the three blades each time. Then when the moment was right, I go for a under swing and caught it on his spear, Launching Cao-Cao into the air. I jumped high into the air, the swing my sword over my head and making contact with Cao-Cao's spear and so did the other two blades, shoving Cao-Cao back to the ground with so much power that he broke the ground underneath him. I then landed back on the ground, The swords of chaos were desummoned and the dragon hands disappeared into black smoke.

"Damn.., What the fuck was that Rex?" I question Rex as I stood up straight.

{That, was your true potential, a force to be reckoned with} Rex tells me.

I then see Cao-Cao climb out of the crater he made with his spear in hand. He was cut up all over from my attach though. He dusts himself off before speaking.

"Well, you certainly pulled that trick out your hat at the last second, I probably would of died if it weren't for this spear" Cao-Cao says "However, those moves looked illegal"

"Does this look like a game of chess to you?" I question him.

"So you know that all your moves deviate from the evil piece system?" Cao-Cao says.

{Yes, Armageddon Cannon and The Hands of the Abyss. Tapping into the power of the evil pieces to focus our destruction} Rex says.

"Sounds good to me" I state.

"Congratulations, Though you look like your running low on juice" Cao-Cao says.

"How about you come and test your assumption?" I tell him as I held Echo up to fight.

"I would, besides it looks like your out of time" Cao-Cao says as he looks at the fake sky. A large golden slit appears in sky above us. Then a long blue scaled dragon flies through the slit "Wait, this isn't right, this chi. It's the mischievous dragon, Yu-Long"


I hear some one shout before a guy with a long beard, smoking a pipe and holding a red staff lands next to me. The guy was hairy beyond belief and he had a black visor type of thing over his eyes.

"Well if it isn't the young spear wielding wiper snapper" the guys says.

"Ohh, and if it isn't the victorious fighting Buddha. Prey tell, to what do I say owe this pleasure" Cao-Cao says to the guy.

"Ohh don't play dumb, you know why I'm here you little shit stain. This prank has gone too far, while some hero's rise up to become deities, others end up becoming the poising that gives everyone else a bad name. Did that answer your question or should I use smaller words?, well sunny" The guy says.

"I see, if your the one labeling me as poison then I think I'll take that as a complement" Cao-Cao says.

"Hmm, leave the rest to me, I am the first generation Sun WuKong" The guy says.

"Sweet" I state.

"You did real good kiddo, I'll handle things from here" Sun WuKong says before looking up at Yu-Long "Yu-Long, take care of the fox brad"

"Got it" Yu-Long says before turning to the direction where the fight between Yasaka and Saji is going down "Hey, not to rain on your parade but it looks like Vritra beat us to the punch"

"Not yet he hasn't, go lend him a claw. After this you can gorge yourself with the best Kyoto cuisine around" Sun WuKong tells Yu-Long

"No take backsease" Yu-Long says before going to join the fight between Yasaka and Saji.

"Well then, back to these turd sandwiches" Sun WuKong says.

"Fool!" Seigfried shouts before jumping towards us.

Sun WuKong says something and his staff extends at a rapid speed and hits Seigfried right in the gut. Seigfried goes flying and falls to the found.

"Your back wasn't even in it, maybe you need some more training" Sun WuKong says then a purple fog surrounds him "Oh heavenly path, hear me and come down with a clap of thunder through the jaws of the dragon, prey apon the land"

Then the fog disappears and Sun WuKong looks towards the fight with Yasaka "Well would you look at that, the dragons are almost done over there. Without that four eye's spell, the fox is running down empty"

"Cao-Cao, We should retreat!" Seigfried tells Cao-Cao.

"Yes I suppose" Cao-Cao says before jumping backward to his poorly group of friends "Sorry to leave the party so early"

Gaorg starts to use his sacred gear to let them escape. "I won't let you leave just yet" I say and my swords of chaos appear infront of me with a black ball of energy in between them.

"Technically, I'm supposed to be dealing out the punishments but give it a shot" Sun WuKong says before tapping his spear against the sword nearest to him.

When he did that the swords stopped charging power and just fell to the ground "What the fuck?"

"Oh dear, that wasn't supposed to happen" Sun WuKong says.

"What was supposed to happen?" I ask him.

"You tell me sunny?, you were the one that was about to attack" Sun WuKong tells me after taking a puff from his pipe

I then see gold portal like things surround Cao-Cao and company while Gaorg tries to get them out to retreat. Out of the gold portals, gold chains fly out of the portals, surrounding them almost like a cage. Two chains wrap around Cao-Cao as he still had his spear in hand. One chain got his upper body while the other got his legs. His company tried to take the chains off of Cao-Cao but there was nothing they could do.

Sun WuKong chuckles a bit "Looks like your in a bind there you little shit"

A portal appears infront of Cao-Cao and a gold chain with a spike in the end appears out of it and slowly approaches Cao-Cao's head like a snake.

"These chains...Such a pure holy presence" Cao-Cao says as he tried to get out of the chain.

"This is for you (Y/n)" I hear Yuuma say in my mind.

Then the chain that slowly approached Cao-Cao, went to strike at his head and he move his head so the chain got his eye before going past his head.

Gaorg finishes and they disappeared. The gold chains were still there but no sign of anyone. The chains then went back into the portals they came from.

"I didn't know you could do that kid" Sun WuKong says.

"I didn't do that" I state.

"(Y/n)!, we need you up here!" Lily shouts from outside the crater.

"I'm coming" I shout back before getting out of my balance breaker. I get out of the massive crater and I find Yuuma on her knees with her eyes close, looking like she was praying and her sacred gear was activated. I go up to her and laid my hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She immediately jolts and open her eyes, she sees me then smiles and hugs me tightly.

"I did it!" She says excitedly.

"Did what?" I questioned.

"I was able to use the chains" She says.

Sun WuKong takes a puff from his pipe "You gave that little shit a nice scar to remember kid" He tells Yuuma.

"Mother!" I hear Kunou shout as she runs up the stairs onto a massive alter in which Yasaka's head laid as she was still in her fox form.


All of us run up the stairs to the alter, up to where Kunou is and Sun WuKong follows us but doesn't run. At the top we see Kunou hugging her mother's head as Yasaka's eyes were closed.

"Mother please wake up. I'm begging you" Kunou said as she started crying.

"Hey, girly, the one with the flashy earrings" Sun WuKong says, talking about Yuuma.

"Me?" Yuuma says as she points at her self.

"Go use your sacred gear on the fox, it might wake her up" Sun WuKong replied.

"O-okay" Yuuma says.

She walks up to Yasaka's head and activated her sacred gear. Yuuma laid her hands on Yasaka's fox head and got down to it. A golden aura surrounded Yasaka, Yasaka opens her eyes and in a bright golden light Yasaka transformed back into her human form. Yasaka was kneeing on the ground, holding her head.

"Your back!" Kunou shouts while crying and running towards her mother. Kunou grabbed ahold of her mother and hugged her tightly while crying into her shoulder.

"Mother'a here now, you know a princess shouldn't cry so much" Yasaka tells Kunou as she hugged her back.

Kunou whipped her eyes before pulling away from Yasaka "Mother, look who I found, it's big brother" Kunou says and motions to me.

"Hello" I said with a wave.

"Thank you for keeping my daughter safe" Yasaka says with a bow "You'll become a great husband for her I'm sure of it"

"It's all apart of being a big brother" I said.

Kunou runs up to me and hugs me "Thank you for helping me save mother (Y/n)"

"No problem Kunou" I replied as I pat her head. Her 9 tails twitched with excitement and happiness and her ears did as well then kissed me on my cheek before snuggling her head into my chest.

"(Y/n), would you like a reward for your efforts?, Anything that is within my power" Yasaka says "Perhaps my body is what you would like?, you are your fathers son after all"


"What the fuck have you done Colten?!"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. If you have any comments about the new things feel free to tell me. Until next time bye.

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